1 research outputs found

    On learning linear functions from subset and its applications in quantum computing

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    Let Fq\mathbb{F}_q be the finite field of size qq and let :FqnFq\ell: \mathbb{F}_q^n \to \mathbb{F}_q be a linear function. We introduce the {\em Learning From Subset} problem LFS(q,n,d)(q,n,d) of learning \ell, given samples uFqnu \in \mathbb{F}_q^n from a special distribution depending on \ell: the probability of sampling uu is a function of (u)\ell(u) and is non zero for at most dd values of (u)\ell(u). We provide a randomized algorithm for LFS(q,n,d)(q,n,d) with sample complexity (n+d)O(d)(n+d)^{O(d)} and running time polynomial in logq\log q and (n+d)O(d)(n+d)^{O(d)}. Our algorithm generalizes and improves upon previous results \cite{Friedl, Ivanyos} that had provided algorithms for LFS(q,n,q1)(q,n,q-1) with running time (n+q)O(q)(n+q)^{O(q)}. We further present applications of our result to the {\em Hidden Multiple Shift} problem HMS(q,n,r)(q,n,r) in quantum computation where the goal is to determine the hidden shift ss given oracle access to rr shifted copies of an injective function f:Zqn{0,1}lf: \mathbb{Z}_q^n \to \{0, 1\}^l, that is we can make queries of the form fs(x,h)=f(xhs)f_s(x,h) = f(x-hs) where hh can assume rr possible values. We reduce HMS(q,n,r)(q,n,r) to LFS(q,n,qr+1)(q,n, q-r+1) to obtain a polynomial time algorithm for HMS(q,n,r)(q,n,r) when q=nO(1)q=n^{O(1)} is prime and qr=O(1)q-r=O(1). The best known algorithms \cite{CD07, Friedl} for HMS(q,n,r)(q,n,r) with these parameters require exponential time.Comment: 20 pages, short version to appear in proceedings of ESA 201