4 research outputs found

    The icosahedron is clique divergent

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    AbstractA clique of a graph G is a maximal complete subgraph. The clique graph k(G) is the intersection graph of the set of all cliques of G. The iterated clique graphs are defined recursively by k0(G)=G and kn+1(G)=k(kn(G)). A graph G is said to be clique divergent (or k-divergent) if limn→∞|V(kn(G))|=∞. The problem of deciding whether the icosahedron is clique divergent or not was (implicitly) stated Neumann-Lara in 1981 and then cited by Neumann-Lara in 1991 and Larrión and Neumann-Lara in 2000. This paper proves the clique divergence of the icosahedron among other results of general interest in clique divergence theory

    Clique graphs and Helly graphs

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    AbstractAmong the graphs for which the system of cliques has the Helly property those are characterized which are clique-convergent to the one-vertex graph. These graphs, also known as the so-called absolute retracts of reflexive graphs, are the line graphs of conformal Helly hypergraphs possessing a certain elimination scheme. From particular classes of such hypergraphs one can readily construct various classes G of graphs such that each member of G has its clique graph in G and is itself the clique graph of some other member of G. Examples include the classes of strongly chordal graphs and Ptolemaic graphs, respectively