187 research outputs found

    On Invariant Notions of Segre Varieties in Binary Projective Spaces

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    Invariant notions of a class of Segre varieties \Segrem(2) of PG(2^m - 1, 2) that are direct products of mm copies of PG(1, 2), mm being any positive integer, are established and studied. We first demonstrate that there exists a hyperbolic quadric that contains \Segrem(2) and is invariant under its projective stabiliser group \Stab{m}{2}. By embedding PG(2^m - 1, 2) into \PG(2^m - 1, 4), a basis of the latter space is constructed that is invariant under \Stab{m}{2} as well. Such a basis can be split into two subsets whose spans are either real or complex-conjugate subspaces according as mm is even or odd. In the latter case, these spans can, in addition, be viewed as indicator sets of a \Stab{m}{2}-invariant geometric spread of lines of PG(2^m - 1, 2). This spread is also related with a \Stab{m}{2}-invariant non-singular Hermitian variety. The case m=3m=3 is examined in detail to illustrate the theory. Here, the lines of the invariant spread are found to fall into four distinct orbits under \Stab{3}{2}, while the points of PG(7, 2) form five orbits.Comment: 18 pages, 1 figure; v2 - version accepted in Designs, Codes and Cryptograph

    Veldkamp-Space Aspects of a Sequence of Nested Binary Segre Varieties

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    Let S(N)PG(1,2)×PG(1,2)××PG(1,2)S_{(N)} \equiv PG(1,\,2) \times PG(1,\,2) \times \cdots \times PG(1,\,2) be a Segre variety that is NN-fold direct product of projective lines of size three. Given two geometric hyperplanes HH' and HH'' of S(N)S_{(N)}, let us call the triple {H,H,HΔH}\{H', H'', \overline{H' \Delta H''}\} the Veldkamp line of S(N)S_{(N)}. We shall demonstrate, for the sequence 2N42 \leq N \leq 4, that the properties of geometric hyperplanes of S(N)S_{(N)} are fully encoded in the properties of Veldkamp {\it lines} of S(N1)S_{(N-1)}. Using this property, a complete classification of all types of geometric hyperplanes of S(4)S_{(4)} is provided. Employing the fact that, for 2N42 \leq N \leq 4, the (ordinary part of) Veldkamp space of S(N)S_{(N)} is PG(2N1,2)PG(2^N-1,2), we shall further describe which types of geometric hyperplanes of S(N)S_{(N)} lie on a certain hyperbolic quadric Q0+(2N1,2)PG(2N1,2)\mathcal{Q}_0^+(2^N-1,2) \subset PG(2^N-1,2) that contains the S(N)S_{(N)} and is invariant under its stabilizer group; in the N=4N=4 case we shall also single out those of them that correspond, via the Lagrangian Grassmannian of type LG(4,8)LG(4,8), to the set of 2295 maximal subspaces of the symplectic polar space W(7,2)\mathcal{W}(7,2).Comment: 16 pages, 8 figures and 7 table

    Aspects of the Segre variety S_{1,1,1}(2)

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    We consider various aspects of the Segre variety S := S_{1,1,1}(2) in PG(7,2), whose stabilizer group G_S < GL(8, 2) has the structure N {\rtimes} Sym(3), where N := GL(2,2)\times GL(2,2)\times GL(2,2). In particular we prove that S determines a distinguished Z_3-subgroup Z < GL(8, 2) such that AZA^{-1} = Z, for all A in G_S, and in consequence S determines a G_S-invariant spread of 85 lines in PG(7,2). Furthermore we see that Segre varieties S_{1,1,1}(2) in PG(7,2) come along in triplets {S,S',S"} which share the same distinguished Z_3-subgroup Z < GL(8,2). We conclude by determining all fifteen G_S-invariant polynomial functions on PG(7,2) which have degree < 8, and their relation to the five G_S-orbits of points in PG(7,2)

    On the dimension of contact loci and the identifiability of tensors

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    Let XPrX\subset \mathbb{P}^r be an integral and non-degenerate variety. Set n:=dim(X)n:= \dim (X). We prove that if the (k+n1)(k+n-1)-secant variety of XX has (the expected) dimension (k+n1)(n+1)1<r(k+n-1)(n+1)-1<r and XX is not uniruled by lines, then XX is not kk-weakly defective and hence the kk-secant variety satisfies identifiability, i.e. a general element of it is in the linear span of a unique SXS\subset X with (S)=k\sharp (S) =k. We apply this result to many Segre-Veronese varieties and to the identifiability of Gaussian mixtures G1,dG_{1,d}. If XX is the Segre embedding of a multiprojective space we prove identifiability for the kk-secant variety (assuming that the (k+n1)(k+n-1)-secant variety has dimension (k+n1)(n+1)1<r(k+n-1)(n+1)-1<r, this is a known result in many cases), beating several bounds on the identifiability of tensors.Comment: 12 page

    Four lectures on secant varieties

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    This paper is based on the first author's lectures at the 2012 University of Regina Workshop "Connections Between Algebra and Geometry". Its aim is to provide an introduction to the theory of higher secant varieties and their applications. Several references and solved exercises are also included.Comment: Lectures notes to appear in PROMS (Springer Proceedings in Mathematics & Statistics), Springer/Birkhause

    Algebraic varieties representing group-based Markov processes on trees

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    In this paper we complete the results of Sullivant and Sturmfels proving that many of the algebraic group-based models for Markov processes on trees are pseudo-toric. We also show in which cases these varieties are normal. This is done by the generalization of the discrete Fourier transform approach. In the next step, following Sullivant and Sturmfels, we describe a fast algorithm finding a polytope associated to these algebraic models. However in our case we apply the notions of sockets and networks extending the work of Buczynska and Wisniewski who introduced it for the binary case

    Tetrads of lines spanning PG(7,2)

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    Our starting point is a very simple one, namely that of a set L_4 of four mutually skew lines in PG(7,2): Under the natural action of the stabilizer group G(L_4) < GL(8,2) the 255 points of PG(7,2) fall into four orbits omega_1, omega_2, omega_3 omega_4; of respective lengths 12, 54, 108, 81: We show that the 135 points in omega_2 \cup omega_4 are the internal points of a hyperbolic quadric H_7 determined by L_4; and that the 81-set omega_4 (which is shown to have a sextic equation) is an orbit of a normal subgroup G_81 isomorphic to (Z_3)^4 of G(L_4): There are 40 subgroups (isomorphic to (Z_3)^3) of G_81; and each such subgroup H < G_81 gives rise to a decomposition of omega_4 into a triplet of 27-sets. We show in particular that the constituents of precisely 8 of these 40 triplets are Segre varieties S_3(2) in PG(7,2): This ties in with the recent finding that each Segre S = S_3(2) in PG(7,2) determines a distinguished Z_3 subgroup of GL(8,2) which generates two sibling copies S'; S" of S.Comment: Some typos correcte