7,389 research outputs found

    Mixed-signal CNN array chips for image processing

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    Due to their local connectivity and wide functional capabilities, cellular nonlinear networks (CNN) are excellent candidates for the implementation of image processing algorithms using VLSI analog parallel arrays. However, the design of general purpose, programmable CNN chips with dimensions required for practical applications raises many challenging problems to analog designers. This is basically due to the fact that large silicon area means large development cost, large spatial deviations of design parameters and low production yield. CNN designers must face different issues to keep reasonable enough accuracy level and production yield together with reasonably low development cost in their design of large CNN chips. This paper outlines some of these major issues and their solutions

    Molecular motors robustly drive active gels to a critically connected state

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    Living systems often exhibit internal driving: active, molecular processes drive nonequilibrium phenomena such as metabolism or migration. Active gels constitute a fascinating class of internally driven matter, where molecular motors exert localized stresses inside polymer networks. There is evidence that network crosslinking is required to allow motors to induce macroscopic contraction. Yet a quantitative understanding of how network connectivity enables contraction is lacking. Here we show experimentally that myosin motors contract crosslinked actin polymer networks to clusters with a scale-free size distribution. This critical behavior occurs over an unexpectedly broad range of crosslink concentrations. To understand this robustness, we develop a quantitative model of contractile networks that takes into account network restructuring: motors reduce connectivity by forcing crosslinks to unbind. Paradoxically, to coordinate global contractions, motor activity should be low. Otherwise, motors drive initially well-connected networks to a critical state where ruptures form across the entire network.Comment: Main text: 21 pages, 5 figures. Supplementary Information: 13 pages, 8 figure

    An experimental route to spatiotemporal chaos in an extended 1D oscillators array

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    We report experimental evidence of the route to spatiotemporal chaos in a large 1D-array of hotspots in a thermoconvective system. Increasing the driving force, a stationary cellular pattern becomes unstable towards a mixed pattern of irregular clusters which consist of time-dependent localized patterns of variable spatiotemporal coherence. These irregular clusters coexist with the basic cellular pattern. The Fourier spectra corresponding to this synchronization transition reveals the weak coupling of a resonant triad. This pattern saturates with the formation of a unique domain of great spatiotemporal coherence. As we further increase the driving force, a supercritical bifurcation to a spatiotemporal beating regime takes place. The new pattern is characterized by the presence of two stationary clusters with a characteristic zig-zag geometry. The Fourier analysis reveals a stronger coupling and enables to find out that this beating phenomena is produced by the splitting of the fundamental spatiotemporal frequencies in a narrow band. Both secondary instabilities are phase-like synchronization transitions with global and absolute character. Far beyond this threshold, a new instability takes place when the system is not able to sustain the spatial frequency splitting, although the temporal beating remains inside these domains. These experimental results may support the understanding of other systems in nature undergoing similar clustering processes.Comment: 12 pages, 13 figure

    Disordered proteins and network disorder in network descriptions of protein structure, dynamics and function. Hypotheses and a comprehensive review

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    During the last decade, network approaches became a powerful tool to describe protein structure and dynamics. Here we review the links between disordered proteins and the associated networks, and describe the consequences of local, mesoscopic and global network disorder on changes in protein structure and dynamics. We introduce a new classification of protein networks into ‘cumulus-type’, i.e., those similar to puffy (white) clouds, and ‘stratus-type’, i.e., those similar to flat, dense (dark) low-lying clouds, and relate these network types to protein disorder dynamics and to differences in energy transmission processes. In the first class, there is limited overlap between the modules, which implies higher rigidity of the individual units; there the conformational changes can be described by an ‘energy transfer’ mechanism. In the second class, the topology presents a compact structure with significant overlap between the modules; there the conformational changes can be described by ‘multi-trajectories’; that is, multiple highly populated pathways. We further propose that disordered protein regions evolved to help other protein segments reach ‘rarely visited’ but functionally-related states. We also show the role of disorder in ‘spatial games’ of amino acids; highlight the effects of intrinsically disordered proteins (IDPs) on cellular networks and list some possible studies linking protein disorder and protein structure networks

    Nonlinear Markov Processes in Big Networks

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    Big networks express various large-scale networks in many practical areas such as computer networks, internet of things, cloud computation, manufacturing systems, transportation networks, and healthcare systems. This paper analyzes such big networks, and applies the mean-field theory and the nonlinear Markov processes to set up a broad class of nonlinear continuous-time block-structured Markov processes, which can be applied to deal with many practical stochastic systems. Firstly, a nonlinear Markov process is derived from a large number of interacting big networks with symmetric interactions, each of which is described as a continuous-time block-structured Markov process. Secondly, some effective algorithms are given for computing the fixed points of the nonlinear Markov process by means of the UL-type RG-factorization. Finally, the Birkhoff center, the Lyapunov functions and the relative entropy are used to analyze stability or metastability of the big network, and several interesting open problems are proposed with detailed interpretation. We believe that the results given in this paper can be useful and effective in the study of big networks.Comment: 28 pages in Special Matrices; 201

    Multiscale Computations on Neural Networks: From the Individual Neuron Interactions to the Macroscopic-Level Analysis

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    We show how the Equation-Free approach for multi-scale computations can be exploited to systematically study the dynamics of neural interactions on a random regular connected graph under a pairwise representation perspective. Using an individual-based microscopic simulator as a black box coarse-grained timestepper and with the aid of simulated annealing we compute the coarse-grained equilibrium bifurcation diagram and analyze the stability of the stationary states sidestepping the necessity of obtaining explicit closures at the macroscopic level. We also exploit the scheme to perform a rare-events analysis by estimating an effective Fokker-Planck describing the evolving probability density function of the corresponding coarse-grained observables

    Network analysis of chaotic dynamics in fixed-precision digital domain

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    When implemented in the digital domain with time, space and value discretized in the binary form, many good dynamical properties of chaotic systems in continuous domain may be degraded or even diminish. To measure the dynamic complexity of a digital chaotic system, the dynamics can be transformed to the form of a state-mapping network. Then, the parameters of the network are verified by some typical dynamical metrics of the original chaotic system in infinite precision, such as Lyapunov exponent and entropy. This article reviews some representative works on the network-based analysis of digital chaotic dynamics and presents a general framework for such analysis, unveiling some intrinsic relationships between digital chaos and complex networks. As an example for discussion, the dynamics of a state-mapping network of the Logistic map in a fixed-precision computer is analyzed and discussed.Comment: 5 pages, 9 figure