13 research outputs found

    Precautionary Measures for Credit Risk Management in Jump Models

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    Sustaining efficiency and stability by properly controlling the equity to asset ratio is one of the most important and difficult challenges in bank management. Due to unexpected and abrupt decline of asset values, a bank must closely monitor its net worth as well as market conditions, and one of its important concerns is when to raise more capital so as not to violate capital adequacy requirements. In this paper, we model the tradeoff between avoiding costs of delay and premature capital raising, and solve the corresponding optimal stopping problem. In order to model defaults in a bank's loan/credit business portfolios, we represent its net worth by Levy processes, and solve explicitly for the double exponential jump diffusion process and for a general spectrally negative Levy process.Comment: 31 pages, 4 figure

    On the Wiener-Hopf factorization for Levy processes with bounded positive jumps

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    We study the Wiener-Hopf factorization for Levy processes with bounded positive jumps and arbitrary negative jumps. Using the results from the theory of entire functions of Cartwright class we prove that the positive Wiener-Hopf factor can be expressed as an infinite product in terms of the solutions to the equation ψ(z)=q\psi(z)=q, where ψ\psi is the Laplace exponent of the process. Under some additional regularity assumptions on the Levy measure we obtain an asymptotic expression for these solutions, which is important for numerical computations. In the case when the process is spectrally negative with bounded jumps, we derive a series representation for the scale function in terms of the solutions to the equation ψ(z)=q\psi(z)=q. To illustrate possible applications we discuss the implementation of numerical algorithms and present the results of several numerical experiments.Comment: 29 pages, 4 figure

    A Note on First Passage Functionals for Lévy Processes with Jumps of Rational Laplace Transforms

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    This paper investigates the two-sided first exit problem for a jump process having jumps with rational Laplace transform. The corresponding boundary value problem is solved to obtain an explicit formula for the first passage functional. Also, we derive the distribution of the first passage time to two-sided barriers and the value at the first passage time

    Distributional properties of exponential functionals of Levy processes

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    We study the distribution of the exponential functional I(\xi,\eta)=\int_0^{\infty} \exp(\xi_{t-}) \d \eta_t, where ξ\xi and η\eta are independent L\'evy processes. In the general setting using the theories of Markov processes and Schwartz distributions we prove that the law of this exponential functional satisfies an integral equation, which generalizes Proposition 2.1 in Carmona et al "On the distribution and asymptotic results for exponential functionals of Levy processes". In the special case when η\eta is a Brownian motion with drift we show that this integral equation leads to an important functional equation for the Mellin transform of I(ξ,η)I(\xi,\eta), which proves to be a very useful tool for studying the distributional properties of this random variable. For general L\'evy process ξ\xi (η\eta being Brownian motion with drift) we prove that the exponential functional has a smooth density on ∖˚{0}\r \setminus \{0\}, but surprisingly the second derivative at zero may fail to exist. Under the additional assumption that ξ\xi has some positive exponential moments we establish an asymptotic behaviour of \p(I(\xi,\eta)>x) as x→+∞x\to +\infty, and under similar assumptions on the negative exponential moments of ξ\xi we obtain a precise asympotic expansion of the density of I(ξ,η)I(\xi,\eta) as x→0x\to 0. Under further assumptions on the L\'evy process ξ\xi one is able to prove much stronger results about the density of the exponential functional and we illustrate some of the ideas and techniques for the case when ξ\xi has hyper-exponential jumps.Comment: In this version we added a remark after Theorem 1 about extra conditions required for validity of equation (2.3

    On a class of stochastic models with two-sided jumps

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    In this paper a stochastic process involving two-sided jumps and a continuous downward drift is studied. In the context of ruin theory, the model can be interpreted as the surplus process of a business enterprise which is subject to constant expense rate over time along with random gains and losses. On the other hand, such a stochastic process can also be viewed as a queueing system with instantaneous work removals (or negative customers). The key quantity of our interest pertaining to the above model is (a variant of) the Gerber-Shiu expected discounted penalty function (Gerber and Shiu in N. Am. Actuar. J. 2(1):48-72, 1998) from ruin theory context. With the distributions of the jump sizes and their inter-arrival times left arbitrary, the general structure of the Gerber-Shiu function is studied via an underlying ladder height structure and the use of defective renewal equations. The components involved in the defective renewal equations are explicitly identified when the upward jumps follow a combination of exponentials. Applications of the Gerber-Shiu function are illustrated in finding (i) the Laplace transforms of the time of ruin, the time of recovery and the duration of first negative surplus in the ruin context; (ii) the joint Laplace transform of the busy period and the subsequent idle period in the queueing context; and (iii) the expected total discounted reward for a continuous payment stream payable during idle periods in a queue. © 2011 The Author(s).published_or_final_versionSpringer Open Choice, 21 Feb 201