8 research outputs found

    Comparing the non-unital and unital settings for directed homotopy

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    This note explores the link between the q-model structure of flows and the Ilias model structure of topologically enriched small categories. Both have weak equivalences which induce equivalences of fundamental (semi)categories. The Ilias model structure cannot be left-lifted along the left adjoint adding identity maps. The minimal model structure on flows having as cofibrations the left-lifting of the cofibrations of the Ilias model structure has a homotopy category equal to the 33-element totally ordered set. The q-model structure of flows can be right-lifted to a q-model structure of topologically enriched small categories which is minimal and such that the weak equivalences induce equivalences of fundamental categories. The identity functor of topologically enriched small categories is neither a left Quillen adjoint nor a right Quillen adjoint between the q-model structure and the Ilias model structure.Comment: 15 page

    Towards Directed Collapsibility

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    In the directed setting, the spaces of directed paths between fixed initial and terminal points are the defining feature for distinguishing different directed spaces. The simplest case is when the space of directed paths is homotopy equivalent to that of a single path; we call this the trivial space of directed paths. Directed spaces that are topologically trivial may have non-trivial spaces of directed paths, which means that information is lost when the direction of these topological spaces is ignored. We define a notion of directed collapsibility in the setting of a directed Euclidean cubical complex using the spaces of directed paths of the underlying directed topological space relative to an initial or a final vertex. In addition, we give sufficient conditions for a directed Euclidean cubical complex to have a contractible or a connected space of directed paths from a fixed initial vertex. We also give sufficient conditions for the path space between two vertices in a Euclidean cubical complex to be disconnected. Our results have applications to speeding up the verification process of concurrent programming and to understanding partial executions in concurrent programs

    Connectivity of spaces of directed paths in geometric models for concurrent computation

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    Higher Dimensional Automata (HDA) are higher dimensional relatives to transition systems in concurrency theory taking into account to which degree various actions commute. Mathematically, they take the form of labelled cubical complexes. It is important to know, and challenging from a geometric/topological perspective, whether the space of directed paths (executions in the model) between two vertices (states) is connected; more generally, to estimate higher connectedness of these path spaces. This paper presents an approach for such an estimation for particularly simple HDA modelling the access of a number of processors to a number of resources with given limited capacity each. It defines a spare capacity for a concurrent program with prescribed periods of access of the processors to the resources. It shows that the connectedness of spaces of directed paths can be estimated (from above) by spare capacities. Moreover, spare capacities can also be used to detect deadlocks and critical states in such a HDA. The key theoretical ingredient is a transition from the calculation of local connectedness bounds (of the upper links of vertices of an HDA) to global ones by applying a version of the nerve lemma due to Anders Bj\"orner

    Directed Homology and Persistence Modules

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    In this note, we give a self-contained account on a construction for a directed homology theory based on modules over algebras, linking it to both persistence homology and natural homology. We study its first properties, among which some exact sequences