13 research outputs found

    Extremal numbers for cycles in a hypercube

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    Let ex(Qn,H)ex(Q_n, H) be the largest number of edges in a subgraph GG of a hypercube QnQ_n such that there is no subgraph of GG isomorphic to HH. We show that for any integer k3k\geq 3, ex(Qn,C4k+2)=O(n56+13(2k2)2n).ex(Q_n, C_{4k+2})= O(n^{\frac{5}{6} + \frac{1}{3(2k-2)}} 2^n).Comment: New reference [18] for a better bound by I.Tomon is adde

    A class of graphs of zero Tur\'an density in a hypercube

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    A graph is cubical if it is a subgraph of a hypercube. For a cubical graph HH and a hypercube QnQ_n, ex(Qn,H)ex(Q_n, H) is the largest number of edges in an HH-free subgraph of QnQ_n. If ex(Qn,H)ex(Q_n, H) is at least a positive proportion of the number of edges in QnQ_n, HH is said to have a positive Tur\'an density in a hypercube or simply a positive Tur\'an density; otherwise it has a zero Tur\'an density. Determining ex(Qn,H)ex(Q_n, H) and even identifying whether HH has a positive or a zero Tur\'an density remains a widely open question for general HH. By relating extremal numbers in a hypercube and certain corresponding hypergraphs, Conlon found a large class of cubical graphs, ones having so-called partite representation, that have a zero Tur\'an density. He raised a question whether this gives a characterisation, i.e., whether a cubical graph has zero Tur\'an density if and only if it has partite representation. Here, we show that, as suspected by Conlon, this is not the case. We give an example of a class of cubical graphs which have no partite representation, but on the other hand, have a zero Tur\'an density. In addition, we show that any graph whose every block has partite representation has a zero Tur\'an density in a hypercube

    An extremal theorem in the hypercube

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    The hypercube Q_n is the graph whose vertex set is {0,1}^n and where two vertices are adjacent if they differ in exactly one coordinate. For any subgraph H of the cube, let ex(Q_n, H) be the maximum number of edges in a subgraph of Q_n which does not contain a copy of H. We find a wide class of subgraphs H, including all previously known examples, for which ex(Q_n, H) = o(e(Q_n)). In particular, our method gives a unified approach to proving that ex(Q_n, C_{2t}) = o(e(Q_n)) for all t >= 4 other than 5.Comment: 6 page

    Upper bounds on the size of 4- and 6-cycle-free subgraphs of the hypercube

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    In this paper we modify slightly Razborov's flag algebra machinery to be suitable for the hypercube. We use this modified method to show that the maximum number of edges of a 4-cycle-free subgraph of the n-dimensional hypercube is at most 0.6068 times the number of its edges. We also improve the upper bound on the number of edges for 6-cycle-free subgraphs of the n-dimensional hypercube from the square root of 2 - 1 to 0.3755 times the number of its edges. Additionally, we show that if the n-dimensional hypercube is considered as a poset, then the maximum vertex density of three middle layers in an induced subgraph without 4-cycles is at most 2.15121 times n choose n/2.Comment: 14 pages, 9 figure

    On graphs embeddable in a layer of a hypercube and their extremal numbers

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    A graph is cubical if it is a subgraph of a hypercube. For a cubical graph HH and a hypercube QnQ_n, ex(Qn,H)ex(Q_n, H) is the largest number of edges in an HH-free subgraph of QnQ_n. If ex(Qn,H)ex(Q_n, H) is equal to a positive proportion of the number of edges in QnQ_n, HH is said to have positive Tur\'an density in a hypercube; otherwise it has zero Tur\'an density. Determining ex(Qn,H)ex(Q_n, H) and even identifying whether HH has positive or zero Tur\'an density remains a widely open question for general HH. In this paper we focus on layered graphs, i.e., graphs that are contained in an edge-layer of some hypercube. Graphs HH that are not layered have positive Tur\'an density because one can form an HH-free subgraph of QnQ_n consisting of edges of every other layer. For example, a 44-cycle is not layered and has positive Tur\'an density. However, in general it is not obvious what properties layered graphs have. We give a characterisation of layered graphs in terms of edge-colorings and show that any nn-vertex layered graphs has at most 12nlogn(1+o(1))\frac{1}{2}n \log n (1+o(1)) edges. We show that most non-trivial subdivisions have zero Tur\'an density, extending known results on zero Tur\'an density of even cycles of length at least 1212 and of length 88. However, we prove that there are cubical graphs of girth 88 that are not layered and thus having positive Tur\'an density. The cycle of length 1010 remains the only cycle for which it is not known whether its Tur\'an density is positive or not. We prove that ex(Qn,C10)=Ω(n2n/logan)ex(Q_n, C_{10})= \Omega(n2^n/ \log^a n), for a constant aa, showing that the extremal number for a 1010-cycle behaves differently from any other cycle of zero Tur\'an density

    Saturation in the Hypercube and Bootstrap Percolation

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    Let QdQ_d denote the hypercube of dimension dd. Given dmd\geq m, a spanning subgraph GG of QdQ_d is said to be (Qd,Qm)(Q_d,Q_m)-saturated if it does not contain QmQ_m as a subgraph but adding any edge of E(Qd)E(G)E(Q_d)\setminus E(G) creates a copy of QmQ_m in GG. Answering a question of Johnson and Pinto, we show that for every fixed m2m\geq2 the minimum number of edges in a (Qd,Qm)(Q_d,Q_m)-saturated graph is Θ(2d)\Theta(2^d). We also study weak saturation, which is a form of bootstrap percolation. A spanning subgraph of QdQ_d is said to be weakly (Qd,Qm)(Q_d,Q_m)-saturated if the edges of E(Qd)E(G)E(Q_d)\setminus E(G) can be added to GG one at a time so that each added edge creates a new copy of QmQ_m. Answering another question of Johnson and Pinto, we determine the minimum number of edges in a weakly (Qd,Qm)(Q_d,Q_m)-saturated graph for all dm1d\geq m\geq1. More generally, we determine the minimum number of edges in a subgraph of the dd-dimensional grid PkdP_k^d which is weakly saturated with respect to `axis aligned' copies of a smaller grid PrmP_r^m. We also study weak saturation of cycles in the grid.Comment: 21 pages, 2 figures. To appear in Combinatorics, Probability and Computin

    Vertex Turán problems for the oriented hypercube

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    In this short note we consider the oriented vertex Turán problem in the hypercube: for a fixed oriented graph F→, determine the maximum size exv(F→,Qn−→) of a subset U of the vertices of the oriented hypercube Qn−→ such that the induced subgraph Qn−→[U] does not contain any copy of F→. We obtain the exact value of exv(Pk−→,Qn−→) for the directed path Pk−→, the exact value of exv(V2−→,Qn−→) for the directed cherry V2−→ and the asymptotic value of exv(T→,Qn−→) for any directed tree T→