3 research outputs found

    SemTree: An index for supporting semantic retrieval of documents

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    In this paper, we propose SemTree, a novel semantic index for supporting retrieval of information from huge amount of document collections, assuming that semantics of a document can be effectively expressed by a set of (subject, predicate, object) statements as in the RDF model. A distributed version of KD-Tree has been then adopted for providing a scalable solution to the document indexing, leveraging the mapping of triples in a vectorial space. We investigate the feasibility of our approach in a real case study, considering the problem of finding inconsistencies in documents related to software requirements and report some preliminary experimental results

    Partout: A Distributed Engine for Efficient RDF Processing

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    The increasing interest in Semantic Web technologies has led not only to a rapid growth of semantic data on the Web but also to an increasing number of backend applications with already more than a trillion triples in some cases. Confronted with such huge amounts of data and the future growth, existing state-of-the-art systems for storing RDF and processing SPARQL queries are no longer sufficient. In this paper, we introduce Partout, a distributed engine for efficient RDF processing in a cluster of machines. We propose an effective approach for fragmenting RDF data sets based on a query log, allocating the fragments to nodes in a cluster, and finding the optimal configuration. Partout can efficiently handle updates and its query optimizer produces efficient query execution plans for ad-hoc SPARQL queries. Our experiments show the superiority of our approach to state-of-the-art approaches for partitioning and distributed SPARQL query processing

    On enhancing scalability for distributed RDF/S stores

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    This work presents MIDAS-RDF, a distributed P2P RDF/S repository that is built on top of a distributed multi-dimensional index structure. MIDAS-RDF features fast retrieval of RDF triples satisfying various pattern queries by translating them into multi-dimensional range queries, which can be processed by the underlying index in hops logarithmic to the number of peers. More importantly, MIDAS-RDF utilizes a labeling scheme to handle expensive transitive closure computations efficiently. This allows for distributed RDFS reasoning in a more scalable way compared to existing methods, as also demonstrated by our extensive experimental study. Furthermore, MIDAS-RDF supports a publish-subscribe model that enables remote peers to selectively subscribe to RDF content