3 research outputs found

    Collaborative intrusion detection networks with multi-hop clustering for internet of things

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    Internet of things (IoT) is an emerging topic in so many aspects nowadays. The integration between devices and human itself is currently in large scale development. With the continuous applications of the IoT, the hidden problems such as security threats become one of the key considerations. Furthermore, limited power and computational capability of the devices in the system make it more challenging.Therefore, the needs of reliable and effective security system throughout the networks are highly needed. This research proposed a collaborative system based on JADE that consists of 3 types of agent, which are IoT server, controller, and node. Every agents will collaborate each other in terms of exchanging the intrusion detection results. The collaboration between the agents will provide more efficient and good performance. Four classification algorithms were used to model IDS functions. Then, the performance evaluation was done on the system with several parameters such as cost loss expectation, energy consumption, and metric of IDS efficiency. The result shows that the number of reports sent by IoT controller were decreased up to 80% while preserving the security aspect

    Energy Aware Deep Reinforcement Learning Scheduling for Sensors Correlated in Time and Space

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    Millions of battery-powered sensors deployed for monitoring purposes in a multitude of scenarios, e.g., agriculture, smart cities, industry, etc., require energy-efficient solutions to prolong their lifetime. When these sensors observe a phenomenon distributed in space and evolving in time, it is expected that collected observations will be correlated in time and space. In this paper, we propose a Deep Reinforcement Learning (DRL) based scheduling mechanism capable of taking advantage of correlated information. We design our solution using the Deep Deterministic Policy Gradient (DDPG) algorithm. The proposed mechanism is capable of determining the frequency with which sensors should transmit their updates, to ensure accurate collection of observations, while simultaneously considering the energy available. To evaluate our scheduling mechanism, we use multiple datasets containing environmental observations obtained in multiple real deployments. The real observations enable us to model the environment with which the mechanism interacts as realistically as possible. We show that our solution can significantly extend the sensors' lifetime. We compare our mechanism to an idealized, all-knowing scheduler to demonstrate that its performance is near-optimal. Additionally, we highlight the unique feature of our design, energy-awareness, by displaying the impact of sensors' energy levels on the frequency of updates