970 research outputs found

    The cavity approach for Steiner trees packing problems

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    The Belief Propagation approximation, or cavity method, has been recently applied to several combinatorial optimization problems in its zero-temperature implementation, the max-sum algorithm. In particular, recent developments to solve the edge-disjoint paths problem and the prize-collecting Steiner tree problem on graphs have shown remarkable results for several classes of graphs and for benchmark instances. Here we propose a generalization of these techniques for two variants of the Steiner trees packing problem where multiple "interacting" trees have to be sought within a given graph. Depending on the interaction among trees we distinguish the vertex-disjoint Steiner trees problem, where trees cannot share nodes, from the edge-disjoint Steiner trees problem, where edges cannot be shared by trees but nodes can be members of multiple trees. Several practical problems of huge interest in network design can be mapped into these two variants, for instance, the physical design of Very Large Scale Integration (VLSI) chips. The formalism described here relies on two components edge-variables that allows us to formulate a massage-passing algorithm for the V-DStP and two algorithms for the E-DStP differing in the scaling of the computational time with respect to some relevant parameters. We will show that one of the two formalisms used for the edge-disjoint variant allow us to map the max-sum update equations into a weighted maximum matching problem over proper bipartite graphs. We developed a heuristic procedure based on the max-sum equations that shows excellent performance in synthetic networks (in particular outperforming standard multi-step greedy procedures by large margins) and on large benchmark instances of VLSI for which the optimal solution is known, on which the algorithm found the optimum in two cases and the gap to optimality was never larger than 4 %

    Topology recognition with advice

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    In topology recognition, each node of an anonymous network has to deterministically produce an isomorphic copy of the underlying graph, with all ports correctly marked. This task is usually unfeasible without any a priori information. Such information can be provided to nodes as advice. An oracle knowing the network can give a (possibly different) string of bits to each node, and all nodes must reconstruct the network using this advice, after a given number of rounds of communication. During each round each node can exchange arbitrary messages with all its neighbors and perform arbitrary local computations. The time of completing topology recognition is the number of rounds it takes, and the size of advice is the maximum length of a string given to nodes. We investigate tradeoffs between the time in which topology recognition is accomplished and the minimum size of advice that has to be given to nodes. We provide upper and lower bounds on the minimum size of advice that is sufficient to perform topology recognition in a given time, in the class of all graphs of size nn and diameter D≤αnD\le \alpha n, for any constant α<1\alpha< 1. In most cases, our bounds are asymptotically tight

    Completely Independent Spanning Trees in Some Regular Graphs

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    Let k≥2k\ge 2 be an integer and T1,…,TkT_1,\ldots, T_k be spanning trees of a graph GG. If for any pair of vertices (u,v)(u,v) of V(G)V(G), the paths from uu to vv in each TiT_i, 1≤i≤k1\le i\le k, do not contain common edges and common vertices, except the vertices uu and vv, then T1,…,TkT_1,\ldots, T_k are completely independent spanning trees in GG. For 2k2k-regular graphs which are 2k2k-connected, such as the Cartesian product of a complete graph of order 2k−12k-1 and a cycle and some Cartesian products of three cycles (for k=3k=3), the maximum number of completely independent spanning trees contained in these graphs is determined and it turns out that this maximum is not always kk
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