163 research outputs found

    On feedback in network source coding

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    We consider source coding over networks with unlimited feedback from the sinks to the sources. We first show examples of networks where the rate region with feedback is a strict superset of that without feedback. Next, we find an achievable region for multiterminal lossy source coding with feedback. Finally, we evaluate this region for the case when one of the sources is fully known at the decoder and use the result to show that this region is a strict superset of the best known achievable region for the problem without feedback

    Secure Multiterminal Source Coding with Side Information at the Eavesdropper

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    The problem of secure multiterminal source coding with side information at the eavesdropper is investigated. This scenario consists of a main encoder (referred to as Alice) that wishes to compress a single source but simultaneously satisfying the desired requirements on the distortion level at a legitimate receiver (referred to as Bob) and the equivocation rate --average uncertainty-- at an eavesdropper (referred to as Eve). It is further assumed the presence of a (public) rate-limited link between Alice and Bob. In this setting, Eve perfectly observes the information bits sent by Alice to Bob and has also access to a correlated source which can be used as side information. A second encoder (referred to as Charlie) helps Bob in estimating Alice's source by sending a compressed version of its own correlated observation via a (private) rate-limited link, which is only observed by Bob. For instance, the problem at hands can be seen as the unification between the Berger-Tung and the secure source coding setups. Inner and outer bounds on the so called rates-distortion-equivocation region are derived. The inner region turns to be tight for two cases: (i) uncoded side information at Bob and (ii) lossless reconstruction of both sources at Bob --secure distributed lossless compression. Application examples to secure lossy source coding of Gaussian and binary sources in the presence of Gaussian and binary/ternary (resp.) side informations are also considered. Optimal coding schemes are characterized for some cases of interest where the statistical differences between the side information at the decoders and the presence of a non-zero distortion at Bob can be fully exploited to guarantee secrecy.Comment: 26 pages, 16 figures, 2 table

    Wyner-Ziv coding based on TCQ and LDPC codes and extensions to multiterminal source coding

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    Driven by a host of emerging applications (e.g., sensor networks and wireless video), distributed source coding (i.e., Slepian-Wolf coding, Wyner-Ziv coding and various other forms of multiterminal source coding), has recently become a very active research area. In this thesis, we first design a practical coding scheme for the quadratic Gaussian Wyner-Ziv problem, because in this special case, no rate loss is suffered due to the unavailability of the side information at the encoder. In order to approach the Wyner-Ziv distortion limit D??W Z(R), the trellis coded quantization (TCQ) technique is employed to quantize the source X, and irregular LDPC code is used to implement Slepian-Wolf coding of the quantized source input Q(X) given the side information Y at the decoder. An optimal non-linear estimator is devised at the joint decoder to compute the conditional mean of the source X given the dequantized version of Q(X) and the side information Y . Assuming ideal Slepian-Wolf coding, our scheme performs only 0.2 dB away from the Wyner-Ziv limit D??W Z(R) at high rate, which mirrors the performance of entropy-coded TCQ in classic source coding. Practical designs perform 0.83 dB away from D??W Z(R) at medium rates. With 2-D trellis-coded vector quantization, the performance gap to D??W Z(R) is only 0.66 dB at 1.0 b/s and 0.47 dB at 3.3 b/s. We then extend the proposed Wyner-Ziv coding scheme to the quadratic Gaussian multiterminal source coding problem with two encoders. Both direct and indirect settings of multiterminal source coding are considered. An asymmetric code design containing one classical source coding component and one Wyner-Ziv coding component is first introduced and shown to be able to approach the corner points on the theoretically achievable limits in both settings. To approach any point on the theoretically achievable limits, a second approach based on source splitting is then described. One classical source coding component, two Wyner-Ziv coding components, and a linear estimator are employed in this design. Proofs are provided to show the achievability of any point on the theoretical limits in both settings by assuming that both the source coding and the Wyner-Ziv coding components are optimal. The performance of practical schemes is only 0.15 b/s away from the theoretical limits for the asymmetric approach, and up to 0.30 b/s away from the limits for the source splitting approach

    Distributed Joint Source-Channel Coding With Copula-Function-Based Correlation Modeling for Wireless Sensors Measuring Temperature

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    Wireless sensor networks (WSNs) deployed for temperature monitoring in indoor environments call for systems that perform efficient compression and reliable transmission of the measurements. This is known to be a challenging problem in such deployments, as highly efficient compression mechanisms impose a high computational cost at the encoder. In this paper, we propose a new distributed joint source-channel coding (DJSCC) solution for this problem. Our design allows for efficient compression and error-resilient transmission, with low computational complexity at the sensor. A new Slepian-Wolf code construction, based on non-systematic Raptor codes, is devised that achieves good performance at short code lengths, which are appropriate for temperature monitoring applications. A key contribution of this paper is a novel Copula-function-based modeling approach that accurately expresses the correlation amongst the temperature readings from colocated sensors. Experimental results using a WSN deployment reveal that, for lossless compression, the proposed Copula-function-based model leads to a notable encoding rate reduction (of up to 17.56%) compared with the state-of-the-art model in the literature. Using the proposed model, our DJSCC system achieves significant rate savings (up to 41.81%) against a baseline system that performs arithmetic entropy encoding of the measurements. Moreover, under channel losses, the transmission rate reduction against the state-of-the-art model reaches 19.64%, which leads to energy savings between 18.68% to 24.36% with respect to the baseline system
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