22 research outputs found

    On bijections that preserve complementarity of subspaces

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    AbstractThe set G of all m-dimensional subspaces of a 2m-dimensional vector space V is endowed with two relations, complementarity and adjacency. We consider bijections from G onto G′, where G′ arises from a 2m′-dimensional vector space V′. If such a bijection ϕ and its inverse leave one of the relations from above invariant, then also the other. In case m⩾2 this yields that ϕ is induced by a semilinear bijection from V or from the dual space of V onto V′.As far as possible, we include also the infinite-dimensional case into our considerations

    Transformations of polar Grassmannians preserving certain intersecting relations

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    Let Π\Pi be a polar space of rank n3n\ge 3. Denote by Gk(Π){\mathcal G}_{k}(\Pi) the polar Grassmannian formed by singular subspaces of Π\Pi whose projective dimension is equal to kk. Suppose that kk is an integer not greater than n2n-2 and consider the relation Ri,j{\mathfrak R}_{i,j}, 0ijk+10\le i\le j\le k+1 formed by all pairs (X,Y)Gk(Π)×Gk(Π)(X,Y)\in {\mathcal G}_{k}(\Pi)\times {\mathcal G}_{k}(\Pi) such that dimp(XY)=ki\dim_{p}(X^{\perp}\cap Y)=k-i and dimp(XY)=kj\dim_{p} (X\cap Y)=k-j (XX^{\perp} consists of all points of Π\Pi collinear to every point of XX). We show that every bijective transformation of Gk(Π){\mathcal G}_{k}(\Pi) preserving R1,1{\mathfrak R}_{1,1} is induced by an automorphism of Π\Pi and the same holds for the relation R0,t{\mathfrak R}_{0,t} if n2t4n\ge 2t\ge 4 and k=nt1k=n-t-1. In the case when Π\Pi is a finite classical polar space, we establish that the valencies of Ri,j{\mathfrak R}_{i,j} and Ri,j{\mathfrak R}_{i',j'} are distinct if (i,j)(i,j)(i,j)\ne (i',j').Comment: 13 page

    Embeddings of Grassmann graphs

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    Let VV and VV' be vector spaces of dimension nn and nn', respectively. Let k{2,...,n2}k\in\{2,...,n-2\} and k{2,...,n2}k'\in\{2,...,n'-2\}. We describe all isometric and ll-rigid isometric embeddings of the Grassmann graph Γk(V)\Gamma_{k}(V) in the Grassmann graph Γk(V)\Gamma_{k'}(V')