50 research outputs found

    Odd circuits in dense binary matroids

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    We show that, for each real number α>0\alpha > 0 and odd integer k5k\ge 5 there is an integer cc such that, if MM is a simple binary matroid with Mα2r(M)|M| \ge \alpha 2^{r(M)} and with no kk-element circuit, then MM has critical number at most cc. The result is an easy application of a regularity lemma for finite abelian groups due to Green

    Cycles with consecutive odd lengths

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    It is proved that there exists an absolute constant c > 0 such that for every natural number k, every non-bipartite 2-connected graph with average degree at least ck contains k cycles with consecutive odd lengths. This implies the existence of the absolute constant d > 0 that every non-bipartite 2-connected graph with minimum degree at least dk contains cycles of all lengths modulo k, thus providing an answer (in a strong form) to a question of Thomassen. Both results are sharp up to the constant factors.Comment: 7 page

    Dense H-free graphs are almost (Χ(H)-1)-partite

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    By using the Szemeredi Regularity Lemma, Alon and Sudakov recently extended the classical Andrasfai-Erdos-Sos theorem to cover general graphs. We prove, without using the Regularity Lemma, that the following stronger statement is true. Given any (r+1)-partite graph H whose smallest part has t vertices, there exists a constant C such that for any given ε>0 and sufficiently large n the following is true. Whenever G is an n-vertex graph with minimum degree δ(G)≥(1 − 3/3r−1 + ε)n, either G contains H, or we can delete f(n,H)≤Cn2−1/t edges from G to obtain an r-partite graph. Further, we are able to determine the correct order of magnitude of f(n,H) in terms of the Zarankiewicz extremal function

    Bipartite induced density in triangle-free graphs

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    We prove that any triangle-free graph on nn vertices with minimum degree at least dd contains a bipartite induced subgraph of minimum degree at least d2/(2n)d^2/(2n). This is sharp up to a logarithmic factor in nn. Relatedly, we show that the fractional chromatic number of any such triangle-free graph is at most the minimum of n/dn/d and (2+o(1))n/logn(2+o(1))\sqrt{n/\log n} as nn\to\infty. This is sharp up to constant factors. Similarly, we show that the list chromatic number of any such triangle-free graph is at most O(min{n,(nlogn)/d})O(\min\{\sqrt{n},(n\log n)/d\}) as nn\to\infty. Relatedly, we also make two conjectures. First, any triangle-free graph on nn vertices has fractional chromatic number at most (2+o(1))n/logn(\sqrt{2}+o(1))\sqrt{n/\log n} as nn\to\infty. Second, any triangle-free graph on nn vertices has list chromatic number at most O(n/logn)O(\sqrt{n/\log n}) as nn\to\infty.Comment: 20 pages; in v2 added note of concurrent work and one reference; in v3 added more notes of ensuing work and a result towards one of the conjectures (for list colouring