766,568 research outputs found

    A symbol-based algorithm for decoding bar codes

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    We investigate the problem of decoding a bar code from a signal measured with a hand-held laser-based scanner. Rather than formulating the inverse problem as one of binary image reconstruction, we instead incorporate the symbology of the bar code into the reconstruction algorithm directly, and search for a sparse representation of the UPC bar code with respect to this known dictionary. Our approach significantly reduces the degrees of freedom in the problem, allowing for accurate reconstruction that is robust to noise and unknown parameters in the scanning device. We propose a greedy reconstruction algorithm and provide robust reconstruction guarantees. Numerical examples illustrate the insensitivity of our symbology-based reconstruction to both imprecise model parameters and noise on the scanned measurements.Comment: 24 pages, 12 figure

    Reconstruction on trees and spin glass transition

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    Consider an information source generating a symbol at the root of a tree network whose links correspond to noisy communication channels, and broadcasting it through the network. We study the problem of reconstructing the transmitted symbol from the information received at the leaves. In the large system limit, reconstruction is possible when the channel noise is smaller than a threshold. We show that this threshold coincides with the dynamical (replica symmetry breaking) glass transition for an associated statistical physics problem. Motivated by this correspondence, we derive a variational principle which implies new rigorous bounds on the reconstruction threshold. Finally, we apply a standard numerical procedure used in statistical physics, to predict the reconstruction thresholds in various channels. In particular, we prove a bound on the reconstruction problem for the antiferromagnetic ``Potts'' channels, which implies, in the noiseless limit, new results on random proper colorings of infinite regular trees. This relation to the reconstruction problem also offers interesting perspective for putting on a clean mathematical basis the theory of glasses on random graphs.Comment: 34 pages, 16 eps figure

    Computing Bounds on Network Capacity Regions as a Polytope Reconstruction Problem

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    We define a notion of network capacity region of networks that generalizes the notion of network capacity defined by Cannons et al. and prove its notable properties such as closedness, boundedness and convexity when the finite field is fixed. We show that the network routing capacity region is a computable rational polytope and provide exact algorithms and approximation heuristics for computing the region. We define the semi-network linear coding capacity region, with respect to a fixed finite field, that inner bounds the corresponding network linear coding capacity region, show that it is a computable rational polytope, and provide exact algorithms and approximation heuristics. We show connections between computing these regions and a polytope reconstruction problem and some combinatorial optimization problems, such as the minimum cost directed Steiner tree problem. We provide an example to illustrate our results. The algorithms are not necessarily polynomial-time.Comment: Appeared in the 2011 IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory, 5 pages, 1 figur

    On a Reconstruction Problem for Sequences

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    AbstractIt is shown that any word of lengthnis uniquely determined by all its[formula]subwords of lengthk, providedk⩾⌊167n⌋+5. This improves the boundk⩾⌊n/2⌋ given in B. Manvelet al.(Discrete Math.94(1991), 209–219)

    Reconstruction of the primordial Universe by a Monge--Ampere--Kantorovich optimisation scheme

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    A method for the reconstruction of the primordial density fluctuation field is presented. Various previous approaches to this problem rendered {\it non-unique} solutions. Here, it is demonstrated that the initial positions of dark matter fluid elements, under the hypothesis that their displacement is the gradient of a convex potential, can be reconstructed uniquely. In our approach, the cosmological reconstruction problem is reformulated as an assignment problem in optimisation theory. When tested against numerical simulations, our scheme yields excellent reconstruction on scales larger than a few megaparsecs.Comment: 14 pages, 10 figure

    Grid-free compressive beamforming

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    The direction-of-arrival (DOA) estimation problem involves the localization of a few sources from a limited number of observations on an array of sensors, thus it can be formulated as a sparse signal reconstruction problem and solved efficiently with compressive sensing (CS) to achieve high-resolution imaging. On a discrete angular grid, the CS reconstruction degrades due to basis mismatch when the DOAs do not coincide with the angular directions on the grid. To overcome this limitation, a continuous formulation of the DOA problem is employed and an optimization procedure is introduced, which promotes sparsity on a continuous optimization variable. The DOA estimation problem with infinitely many unknowns, i.e., source locations and amplitudes, is solved over a few optimization variables with semidefinite programming. The grid-free CS reconstruction provides high-resolution imaging even with non-uniform arrays, single-snapshot data and under noisy conditions as demonstrated on experimental towed array data.Comment: 14 pages, 8 figures, journal pape