290 research outputs found

    Ehrhart clutters: Regularity and Max-Flow Min-Cut

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    If C is a clutter with n vertices and q edges whose clutter matrix has column vectors V={v1,...,vq}, we call C an Ehrhart clutter if {(v1,1),...,(vq,1)} is a Hilbert basis. Letting A(P) be the Ehrhart ring of P=conv(V), we are able to show that if A is the clutter matrix of a uniform, unmixed MFMC clutter C, then C is an Ehrhart clutter and in this case we provide sharp bounds on the Castelnuovo-Mumford regularity of A(P). Motivated by the Conforti-Cornuejols conjecture on packing problems, we conjecture that if C is both ideal and the clique clutter of a perfect graph, then C has the MFMC property. We prove this conjecture for Meyniel graphs, by showing that the clique clutters of Meyniel graphs are Ehrhart clutters. In much the same spirit, we provide a simple proof of our conjecture when C is a uniform clique clutter of a perfect graph. We close with a generalization of Ehrhart clutters as it relates to total dual integrality.Comment: Electronic Journal of Combinatorics, to appea

    Meyniel's conjecture holds for random graphs

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    In the game of cops and robber, the cops try to capture a robber moving on the vertices of the graph. The minimum number of cops required to win on a given graph GG is called the cop number of GG. The biggest open conjecture in this area is the one of Meyniel, which asserts that for some absolute constant CC, the cop number of every connected graph GG is at most C∣V(G)∣C \sqrt{|V(G)|}. In this paper, we show that Meyniel's conjecture holds asymptotically almost surely for the binomial random graph. We do this by first showing that the conjecture holds for a general class of graphs with some specific expansion-type properties. This will also be used in a separate paper on random dd-regular graphs, where we show that the conjecture holds asymptotically almost surely when d=d(n)≥3d = d(n) \ge 3.Comment: revised versio

    Independent Sets in Graphs with an Excluded Clique Minor

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    Let GG be a graph with nn vertices, with independence number α\alpha, and with with no Kt+1K_{t+1}-minor for some t≥5t\geq5. It is proved that (2α−1)(2t−5)≥2n−5(2\alpha-1)(2t-5)\geq2n-5

    Coloring vertices of a graph or finding a Meyniel obstruction

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    A Meyniel obstruction is an odd cycle with at least five vertices and at most one chord. A graph is Meyniel if and only if it has no Meyniel obstruction as an induced subgraph. Here we give a O(n^2) algorithm that, for any graph, finds either a clique and coloring of the same size or a Meyniel obstruction. We also give a O(n^3) algorithm that, for any graph, finds either aneasily recognizable strong stable set or a Meyniel obstruction
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