169 research outputs found

    Independent Sets in Graphs with an Excluded Clique Minor

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    Let GG be a graph with nn vertices, with independence number α\alpha, and with with no Kt+1K_{t+1}-minor for some t≥5t\geq5. It is proved that (2α−1)(2t−5)≥2n−5(2\alpha-1)(2t-5)\geq2n-5

    Cyclic Coloring of Plane Graphs with Maximum Face Size 16 and 17

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    Plummer and Toft conjectured in 1987 that the vertices of every 3-connected plane graph with maximum face size D can be colored using at most D+2 colors in such a way that no face is incident with two vertices of the same color. The conjecture has been proven for D=3, D=4 and D>=18. We prove the conjecture for D=16 and D=17

    Hadwiger's conjecture for graphs with forbidden holes

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    Given a graph GG, the Hadwiger number of GG, denoted by h(G)h(G), is the largest integer kk such that GG contains the complete graph KkK_k as a minor. A hole in GG is an induced cycle of length at least four. Hadwiger's Conjecture from 1943 states that for every graph GG, h(G)≥χ(G)h(G)\ge \chi(G), where χ(G)\chi(G) denotes the chromatic number of GG. In this paper we establish more evidence for Hadwiger's conjecture by showing that if a graph GG with independence number α(G)≥3\alpha(G)\ge3 has no hole of length between 44 and 2α(G)−12\alpha(G)-1, then h(G)≥χ(G)h(G)\ge\chi(G). We also prove that if a graph GG with independence number α(G)≥2\alpha(G)\ge2 has no hole of length between 44 and 2α(G)2\alpha(G), then GG contains an odd clique minor of size χ(G)\chi(G), that is, such a graph GG satisfies the odd Hadwiger's conjecture

    Third case of the Cyclic Coloring Conjecture

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    The Cyclic Coloring Conjecture asserts that the vertices of every plane graph with maximum face size D can be colored using at most 3D/2 colors in such a way that no face is incident with two vertices of the same color. The Cyclic Coloring Conjecture has been proven only for two values of D: the case D=3 is equivalent to the Four Color Theorem and the case D=4 is equivalent to Borodin's Six Color Theorem, which says that every graph that can be drawn in the plane with each edge crossed by at most one other edge is 6-colorable. We prove the case D=6 of the conjecture

    On a special case of Hadwiger's conjecture

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    Hadwiger's Conjecture seems difficult to attack, even in the very special case of graphs G of independence number α (G) = 2. We present some results in this special case
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