540 research outputs found

    Graph Theory versus Minimum Rank for Index Coding

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    We obtain novel index coding schemes and show that they provably outperform all previously known graph theoretic bounds proposed so far. Further, we establish a rather strong negative result: all known graph theoretic bounds are within a logarithmic factor from the chromatic number. This is in striking contrast to minrank since prior work has shown that it can outperform the chromatic number by a polynomial factor in some cases. The conclusion is that all known graph theoretic bounds are not much stronger than the chromatic number.Comment: 8 pages, 2 figures. Submitted to ISIT 201

    The Balanced Unicast and Multicast Capacity Regions of Large Wireless Networks

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    We consider the question of determining the scaling of the n2n^2-dimensional balanced unicast and the n2nn 2^n-dimensional balanced multicast capacity regions of a wireless network with nn nodes placed uniformly at random in a square region of area nn and communicating over Gaussian fading channels. We identify this scaling of both the balanced unicast and multicast capacity regions in terms of Θ(n)\Theta(n), out of 2n2^n total possible, cuts. These cuts only depend on the geometry of the locations of the source nodes and their destination nodes and the traffic demands between them, and thus can be readily evaluated. Our results are constructive and provide optimal (in the scaling sense) communication schemes.Comment: 37 pages, 7 figures, to appear in IEEE Transactions on Information Theor

    Algebraic Network Coding Approach to Deterministic Wireless Relay Networks

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    The deterministic wireless relay network model, introduced by Avestimehr et al., has been proposed for approximating Gaussian relay networks. This model, known as the ADT network model, takes into account the broadcast nature of wireless medium and interference. Avestimehr et al. showed that the Min-cut Max-flow theorem holds in the ADT network. In this paper, we show that the ADT network model can be described within the algebraic network coding framework introduced by Koetter and Medard. We prove that the ADT network problem can be captured by a single matrix, called the "system matrix". We show that the min-cut of an ADT network is the rank of the system matrix; thus, eliminating the need to optimize over exponential number of cuts between two nodes to compute the min-cut of an ADT network. We extend the capacity characterization for ADT networks to a more general set of connections. Our algebraic approach not only provides the Min-cut Max-flow theorem for a single unicast/multicast connection, but also extends to non-multicast connections such as multiple multicast, disjoint multicast, and two-level multicast. We also provide sufficiency conditions for achievability in ADT networks for any general connection set. In addition, we show that the random linear network coding, a randomized distributed algorithm for network code construction, achieves capacity for the connections listed above. Finally, we extend the ADT networks to those with random erasures and cycles (thus, allowing bi-directional links). Note that ADT network was proposed for approximating the wireless networks; however, ADT network is acyclic. Furthermore, ADT network does not model the stochastic nature of the wireless links. With our algebraic framework, we incorporate both cycles as well as random failures into ADT network model.Comment: 9 pages, 12 figures, submitted to Allerton Conferenc

    On the Impact of a Single Edge on the Network Coding Capacity

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    In this paper, we study the effect of a single link on the capacity of a network of error-free bit pipes. More precisely, we study the change in network capacity that results when we remove a single link of capacity δ\delta. In a recent result, we proved that if all the sources are directly available to a single super-source node, then removing a link of capacity δ\delta cannot change the capacity region of the network by more than δ\delta in each dimension. In this paper, we extend this result to the case of multi-source, multi-sink networks for some special network topologies.Comment: Originally presented at ITA 2011 in San Diego, CA. The arXiv version contains an updated proof of Theorem

    Optimal Reverse Carpooling Over Wireless Networks - A Distributed Optimization Approach

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    We focus on a particular form of network coding, reverse carpooling, in a wireless network where the potentially coded transmitted messages are to be decoded immediately upon reception. The network is fixed and known, and the system performance is measured in terms of the number of wireless broadcasts required to meet multiple unicast demands. Motivated by the structure of the coding scheme, we formulate the problem as a linear program by introducing a flow variable for each triple of connected nodes. This allows us to have a formulation polynomial in the number of nodes. Using dual decomposition and projected subgradient method, we present a decentralized algorithm to obtain optimal routing schemes in presence of coding opportunities. We show that the primal sub-problem can be expressed as a shortest path problem on an \emph{edge-graph}, and the proposed algorithm requires each node to exchange information only with its neighbors.Comment: submitted to CISS 201

    Alignment based Network Coding for Two-Unicast-Z Networks

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    In this paper, we study the wireline two-unicast-Z communication network over directed acyclic graphs. The two-unicast-Z network is a two-unicast network where the destination intending to decode the second message has apriori side information of the first message. We make three contributions in this paper: 1. We describe a new linear network coding algorithm for two-unicast-Z networks over directed acyclic graphs. Our approach includes the idea of interference alignment as one of its key ingredients. For graphs of a bounded degree, our algorithm has linear complexity in terms of the number of vertices, and polynomial complexity in terms of the number of edges. 2. We prove that our algorithm achieves the rate-pair (1, 1) whenever it is feasible in the network. Our proof serves as an alternative, albeit restricted to two-unicast-Z networks over directed acyclic graphs, to an earlier result of Wang et al. which studied necessary and sufficient conditions for feasibility of the rate pair (1, 1) in two-unicast networks. 3. We provide a new proof of the classical max-flow min-cut theorem for directed acyclic graphs.Comment: The paper is an extended version of our earlier paper at ITW 201

    Computation in Multicast Networks: Function Alignment and Converse Theorems

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    The classical problem in network coding theory considers communication over multicast networks. Multiple transmitters send independent messages to multiple receivers which decode the same set of messages. In this work, computation over multicast networks is considered: each receiver decodes an identical function of the original messages. For a countably infinite class of two-transmitter two-receiver single-hop linear deterministic networks, the computing capacity is characterized for a linear function (modulo-2 sum) of Bernoulli sources. Inspired by the geometric concept of interference alignment in networks, a new achievable coding scheme called function alignment is introduced. A new converse theorem is established that is tighter than cut-set based and genie-aided bounds. Computation (vs. communication) over multicast networks requires additional analysis to account for multiple receivers sharing a network's computational resources. We also develop a network decomposition theorem which identifies elementary parallel subnetworks that can constitute an original network without loss of optimality. The decomposition theorem provides a conceptually-simpler algebraic proof of achievability that generalizes to LL-transmitter LL-receiver networks.Comment: to appear in the IEEE Transactions on Information Theor
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