6,083 research outputs found

    On a Catalogue of Metrics for Evaluating Commercial Cloud Services

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    Given the continually increasing amount of commercial Cloud services in the market, evaluation of different services plays a significant role in cost-benefit analysis or decision making for choosing Cloud Computing. In particular, employing suitable metrics is essential in evaluation implementations. However, to the best of our knowledge, there is not any systematic discussion about metrics for evaluating Cloud services. By using the method of Systematic Literature Review (SLR), we have collected the de facto metrics adopted in the existing Cloud services evaluation work. The collected metrics were arranged following different Cloud service features to be evaluated, which essentially constructed an evaluation metrics catalogue, as shown in this paper. This metrics catalogue can be used to facilitate the future practice and research in the area of Cloud services evaluation. Moreover, considering metrics selection is a prerequisite of benchmark selection in evaluation implementations, this work also supplements the existing research in benchmarking the commercial Cloud services.Comment: 10 pages, Proceedings of the 13th ACM/IEEE International Conference on Grid Computing (Grid 2012), pp. 164-173, Beijing, China, September 20-23, 201

    On Evaluating Commercial Cloud Services: A Systematic Review

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    Background: Cloud Computing is increasingly booming in industry with many competing providers and services. Accordingly, evaluation of commercial Cloud services is necessary. However, the existing evaluation studies are relatively chaotic. There exists tremendous confusion and gap between practices and theory about Cloud services evaluation. Aim: To facilitate relieving the aforementioned chaos, this work aims to synthesize the existing evaluation implementations to outline the state-of-the-practice and also identify research opportunities in Cloud services evaluation. Method: Based on a conceptual evaluation model comprising six steps, the Systematic Literature Review (SLR) method was employed to collect relevant evidence to investigate the Cloud services evaluation step by step. Results: This SLR identified 82 relevant evaluation studies. The overall data collected from these studies essentially represent the current practical landscape of implementing Cloud services evaluation, and in turn can be reused to facilitate future evaluation work. Conclusions: Evaluation of commercial Cloud services has become a world-wide research topic. Some of the findings of this SLR identify several research gaps in the area of Cloud services evaluation (e.g., the Elasticity and Security evaluation of commercial Cloud services could be a long-term challenge), while some other findings suggest the trend of applying commercial Cloud services (e.g., compared with PaaS, IaaS seems more suitable for customers and is particularly important in industry). This SLR study itself also confirms some previous experiences and reveals new Evidence-Based Software Engineering (EBSE) lessons

    A Factor Framework for Experimental Design for Performance Evaluation of Commercial Cloud Services

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    Given the diversity of commercial Cloud services, performance evaluations of candidate services would be crucial and beneficial for both service customers (e.g. cost-benefit analysis) and providers (e.g. direction of service improvement). Before an evaluation implementation, the selection of suitable factors (also called parameters or variables) plays a prerequisite role in designing evaluation experiments. However, there seems a lack of systematic approaches to factor selection for Cloud services performance evaluation. In other words, evaluators randomly and intuitively concerned experimental factors in most of the existing evaluation studies. Based on our previous taxonomy and modeling work, this paper proposes a factor framework for experimental design for performance evaluation of commercial Cloud services. This framework capsules the state-of-the-practice of performance evaluation factors that people currently take into account in the Cloud Computing domain, and in turn can help facilitate designing new experiments for evaluating Cloud services.Comment: 8 pages, Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Cloud Computing Technology and Science (CloudCom 2012), pp. 169-176, Taipei, Taiwan, December 03-06, 201

    Building an Expert System for Evaluation of Commercial Cloud Services

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    Commercial Cloud services have been increasingly supplied to customers in industry. To facilitate customers' decision makings like cost-benefit analysis or Cloud provider selection, evaluation of those Cloud services are becoming more and more crucial. However, compared with evaluation of traditional computing systems, more challenges will inevitably appear when evaluating rapidly-changing and user-uncontrollable commercial Cloud services. This paper proposes an expert system for Cloud evaluation that addresses emerging evaluation challenges in the context of Cloud Computing. Based on the knowledge and data accumulated by exploring the existing evaluation work, this expert system has been conceptually validated to be able to give suggestions and guidelines for implementing new evaluation experiments. As such, users can conveniently obtain evaluation experiences by using this expert system, which is essentially able to make existing efforts in Cloud services evaluation reusable and sustainable.Comment: 8 page, Proceedings of the 2012 International Conference on Cloud and Service Computing (CSC 2012), pp. 168-175, Shanghai, China, November 22-24, 201

    Early Observations on Performance of Google Compute Engine for Scientific Computing

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    Although Cloud computing emerged for business applications in industry, public Cloud services have been widely accepted and encouraged for scientific computing in academia. The recently available Google Compute Engine (GCE) is claimed to support high-performance and computationally intensive tasks, while little evaluation studies can be found to reveal GCE's scientific capabilities. Considering that fundamental performance benchmarking is the strategy of early-stage evaluation of new Cloud services, we followed the Cloud Evaluation Experiment Methodology (CEEM) to benchmark GCE and also compare it with Amazon EC2, to help understand the elementary capability of GCE for dealing with scientific problems. The experimental results and analyses show both potential advantages of, and possible threats to applying GCE to scientific computing. For example, compared to Amazon's EC2 service, GCE may better suit applications that require frequent disk operations, while it may not be ready yet for single VM-based parallel computing. Following the same evaluation methodology, different evaluators can replicate and/or supplement this fundamental evaluation of GCE. Based on the fundamental evaluation results, suitable GCE environments can be further established for case studies of solving real science problems.Comment: Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Cloud Computing Technologies and Science (CloudCom 2013), pp. 1-8, Bristol, UK, December 2-5, 201

    DoKnowMe: Towards a Domain Knowledgedriven Methodology for Performance Evaluation

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    Software engineering considers performance evaluation to be one of the key portions of software quality assurance. Unfortunately, there seems to be a lack of standard methodologies for performance evaluation even in the scope of experimental computer science. Inspired by the concept of “instantiation” in object-oriented programming, we distinguish the generic performance evaluation logic from the distributed and ad-hoc relevant studies, and develop an abstract evaluation methodology (by analogy of “class”) we name Domain Knowledge-driven Methodology (DoKnowMe). By replacing five predefined domain-specific knowledge artefacts, DoKnowMe can be instantiated into specific methodologies (by analogy of “object”) to guide evaluators in performance evaluation of different software and even computing systems. We also propose a generic validation framework with four indicators (i.e. usefulness, feasibility, effectiveness and repeatability), and use it to validate DoKnowMe in the Cloud services evaluation domain. Given the positive and promising validation result, we plan to integrate more common evaluation strategies to improve DoKnowMe and further focus on the performance evaluation of Cloud autoscaler systems

    Cloud Benchmarking for Performance

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    How can applications be deployed on the cloud to achieve maximum performance? This question has become significant and challenging with the availability of a wide variety of Virtual Machines (VMs) with different performance capabilities in the cloud. The above question is addressed by proposing a six step benchmarking methodology in which a user provides a set of four weights that indicate how important each of the following groups: memory, processor, computation and storage are to the application that needs to be executed on the cloud. The weights along with cloud benchmarking data are used to generate a ranking of VMs that can maximise performance of the application. The rankings are validated through an empirical analysis using two case study applications; the first is a financial risk application and the second is a molecular dynamics simulation, which are both representative of workloads that can benefit from execution on the cloud. Both case studies validate the feasibility of the methodology and highlight that maximum performance can be achieved on the cloud by selecting the top ranked VMs produced by the methodology.Comment: 6 pages, 6th IEEE International Conference on Cloud Computing Technology and Science (IEEE CloudCom) 2014, Singapor

    Cold Storage Data Archives: More Than Just a Bunch of Tapes

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    The abundance of available sensor and derived data from large scientific experiments, such as earth observation programs, radio astronomy sky surveys, and high-energy physics already exceeds the storage hardware globally fabricated per year. To that end, cold storage data archives are the---often overlooked---spearheads of modern big data analytics in scientific, data-intensive application domains. While high-performance data analytics has received much attention from the research community, the growing number of problems in designing and deploying cold storage archives has only received very little attention. In this paper, we take the first step towards bridging this gap in knowledge by presenting an analysis of four real-world cold storage archives from three different application domains. In doing so, we highlight (i) workload characteristics that differentiate these archives from traditional, performance-sensitive data analytics, (ii) design trade-offs involved in building cold storage systems for these archives, and (iii) deployment trade-offs with respect to migration to the public cloud. Based on our analysis, we discuss several other important research challenges that need to be addressed by the data management community
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