4 research outputs found

    Slow Mixing of Glauber Dynamics for the Six-Vertex Model in the Ordered Phases

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    The six-vertex model in statistical physics is a weighted generalization of the ice model on Z^2 (i.e., Eulerian orientations) and the zero-temperature three-state Potts model (i.e., proper three-colorings). The phase diagram of the model represents its physical properties and suggests where local Markov chains will be efficient. In this paper, we analyze the mixing time of Glauber dynamics for the six-vertex model in the ordered phases. Specifically, we show that for all Boltzmann weights in the ferroelectric phase, there exist boundary conditions such that local Markov chains require exponential time to converge to equilibrium. This is the first rigorous result bounding the mixing time of Glauber dynamics in the ferroelectric phase. Our analysis demonstrates a fundamental connection between correlated random walks and the dynamics of intersecting lattice path models (or routings). We analyze the Glauber dynamics for the six-vertex model with free boundary conditions in the antiferroelectric phase and significantly extend the region for which local Markov chains are known to be slow mixing. This result relies on a Peierls argument and novel properties of weighted non-backtracking walks

    Variations on the Erdos Discrepancy Problem

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    The Erdős discrepancy problem asks, "Does there exist a sequence t = {t_i}_{1≤i<∞} with each t_i ∈ {-1,1} and a constant c such that |∑_{1≤i≤n} t_{id}| ≤ c for all n,c ∈ ℕ = {1,2,3,...}?" The discrepancy of t equals sup_{n≥1} |∑_{1≤i≤n} t_{id}|. Erdős conjectured in 1957 that no such sequence exists. We examine versions of this problem with fixed values for c and where the values of d are restricted to particular subsets of ℕ. By examining a wide variety of different subsets, we hope to learn more about the original problem. When the values of d are restricted to the set {1,2,4,8,...}, we show that there are exactly two infinite {-1,1} sequences with discrepancy bounded by 1 and an uncountable number of in nite {-1,1} sequences with discrepancy bounded by 2. We also show that the number of {-1,1} sequences of length n with discrepancy bounded by 1 is 2^{s2(n)} where s2(n) is the number of 1s in the binary representation of n. When the values of d are restricted to the set {1,b,b^2,b^3,...} for b > 2, we show there are an uncountable number of infinite sequences with discrepancy bounded by 1. We also give a recurrence for the number of sequences of length n with discrepancy bounded by 1. When the values of d are restricted to the set {1,3,5,7,..} we conjecture that there are exactly 4 in finite sequences with discrepancy bounded by 1 and give some experimental evidence for this conjecture. We give descriptions of the lexicographically least sequences with D-discrepancy c for certain values of D and c as fixed points of morphisms followed by codings. These descriptions demonstrate that these automatic sequences. We introduce the notion of discrepancy-1 maximality and prove that {1,2,4,8,...} and {1,3,5,7,...} are discrepancy-1 maximal while {1,b,b^2,...} is not for b > 2. We conclude with some open questions and directions for future work