106 research outputs found

    Crowdsourced PAC Learning under Classification Noise

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    In this paper, we analyze PAC learnability from labels produced by crowdsourcing. In our setting, unlabeled examples are drawn from a distribution and labels are crowdsourced from workers who operate under classification noise, each with their own noise parameter. We develop an end-to-end crowdsourced PAC learning algorithm that takes unlabeled data points as input and outputs a trained classifier. Our three-step algorithm incorporates majority voting, pure-exploration bandits, and noisy-PAC learning. We prove several guarantees on the number of tasks labeled by workers for PAC learning in this setting and show that our algorithm improves upon the baseline by reducing the total number of tasks given to workers. We demonstrate the robustness of our algorithm by exploring its application to additional realistic crowdsourcing settings.Comment: 14 page

    SHAP@k:Efficient and Probably Approximately Correct (PAC) Identification of Top-k Features

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    The SHAP framework provides a principled method to explain the predictions of a model by computing feature importance. Motivated by applications in finance, we introduce the Top-k Identification Problem (TkIP), where the objective is to identify the k features with the highest SHAP values. While any method to compute SHAP values with uncertainty estimates (such as KernelSHAP and SamplingSHAP) can be trivially adapted to solve TkIP, doing so is highly sample inefficient. The goal of our work is to improve the sample efficiency of existing methods in the context of solving TkIP. Our key insight is that TkIP can be framed as an Explore-m problem--a well-studied problem related to multi-armed bandits (MAB). This connection enables us to improve sample efficiency by leveraging two techniques from the MAB literature: (1) a better stopping-condition (to stop sampling) that identifies when PAC (Probably Approximately Correct) guarantees have been met and (2) a greedy sampling scheme that judiciously allocates samples between different features. By adopting these methods we develop KernelSHAP@k and SamplingSHAP@k to efficiently solve TkIP, offering an average improvement of 5×5\times in sample-efficiency and runtime across most common credit related datasets
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