6 research outputs found

    Stylized Facts as an Instrument for Literature Review and Cumulative Information Systems Research

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    The accumulation of scientific knowledge is an important objective of information systems (IS) research. Although different review approaches exist in the continuum between narrative reviews and meta-analyses, most reviews in IS are narrative or descriptive—with all related drawbacks concerning objectivity and reliability—because available under¬lying sources in IS do typically not fulfil the requirements of formal approaches such as meta-analyses. To discuss how cumulative IS research can be effectively advanced using a more formalized approach fitting the current situation in IS research, in this paper, we point out the potential of stylized facts (SFs). SFs are interesting, sometimes counterintuitive patterns in empirical data that focus on the most relevant aspects of observable phenomena by abstracting from details (stylization). SFs originate from the field of economics and have been successfully used in different fields of research for years. In this paper, we discuss their potential and challenges for literature reviews in IS. We supplement our argumentation with an application example reporting our experience with SFs. Because SFs show considerable potential for cumulative research, they seem to be a promising instrument for literature reviews and especially for theory development in IS

    Business process management capabilities

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    siirretty Doriast

    On the usage of theories in the field of Wirtschaftsinformatik : a quantitative literature analysis

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    The development of theories is a central goal of every scientific discipline. Hence, theory development is also of considerable importance to the field of Wirtschaftsinformatik (WI), which seeks to progress as a scientific discipline. WI is the discipline focussing on research and design of information systems conducted by the German-speaking community. WI has slightly different objectives, focusses on different methods and different desired results compared to the Anglo-American Information Systems (IS) research discipline. Although both disciplines deal with information systems as their main research object, Mertens et al. (2014) propose to consider both disciplines as halfsister disciplines (in German: Halbschwesterdisziplinen). Against the background of the growing importance of theory development in WI, a lot of WI research contributions use and reference existing theories and theoretical models for different purposes, e.g. to derive and test hypotheses or to justify design decisions in the context of information systems’ design and development. Often, these theories originate from related scientific disciplines like economics or psychology. However, as it is still not clear which theories are of particular importance to WI research, this report aims at presenting a detailed analysis of the current usage of theories in WI and addresses the following research questions: Which theories are used in WI research and where do they originate from? and How has the usage of theories developed over time? These questions were examined based on a systematic analysis of a broad amount of scientific literature. Thus, this report is supposed to make a contribution to the ongoing discussion on the theoretical foundations of WI. Our analysis shows that 1,160 WI articles from 2000 to 2011 do, in large part, reference the same theories as Anglo-American Information Systems (IS) research. These findings are discussed and implications are highlighted

    Selección de un sistema BPMS usando un método de análisis multicriterio. Estudio de caso

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    Propósito: el propósito es plantear un modelo para la selección de sistemas BPM en un entorno local. Con base en lo obtenido en la revisión bibliográfica y de la identificación de otros criterios relevantes para el contexto local, el análisis multicriterio se usa como base y se proponen criterios de evaluación para las alternativas disponibles seleccionadas. Metodología: este trabajo final está basado en el análisis multicriterio de toma de decisiones en el cual se aborda un problema de toma de decisión cuyo punto de partida es una serie de alternativas por evaluar y en donde se requiere adoptar un modelo que se ajuste a la necesidad de evaluar dichas alternativas de acuerdo a los criterios hallados para tal fin. El proceso de jerarquía analítica (AHP, por sus siglas en Ingles), es uno de los métodos derivados que son aplicables para identificar la mejor alternativa estableciendo en este caso un marco de selección sobre una lista de Suites BPM que se encuentren disponibles en el mercado local y sean pertinentes para automatización Hallazgos: partiendo del proceso de jerarquía analítica los criterios relevantes en la selección de una suite BPM son identificados. Con la lista definitiva de criterios se obtiene un modelo sistemático para la evaluación de alternativas. Tomando como referencia casos de estudio se relacionan estos criterios a situaciones reales. Al usar el modelo AHP se eliminan posibles sesgos y se establecen parámetros cuantitativos que permiten establecer métricas claras de evaluación Aplicaciones prácticas: la metodología de análisis multicriterio permite conocer y evaluar cuantitativamente una serie de herramientas que implementan procesos BPM útiles para la dependencia seleccionada y de esta forma justificar la adquisición de un sistema de información de estas características. También propone un marco que resulta aplicable a otras herramientas de software que eventualmente pudieran ser adquiridas o implementadas Originalidad/Valor: dentro de las contribuciones de este trabajo se resalta la aplicación de la metodología para la selección de una herramienta BPM a nivel local. Además, al, partir de un contexto local la labor de determinar los criterios, representa un punto de partida para sistemas de información con arquitectura escalable y múltiples roles que requieran ser evaluados más allá de sus características funcionales.Purpose: The purpose can be summarized as the proposal of a model for the selection of BPM systems in a local context. Based on what was obtained in the literature review and the identification of other criteria relevant to the local context, the multicriteria analysis is used as the basis. Furthermore, evaluation criteria are proposed for the selected available alternatives. Methodology: This final work is based on the multicriteria analysis of decision-making in which a decision-making problem is addressed whose starting point is a series of alternatives to evaluate and where it is necessary to adopt a model able to fulfill with the need for evaluating these alternatives according to the criteria found for this purpose. The analytical hierarchy process (AHP) is one of the derivative methods that are applicable to identify the best alternative, establishing in this case a selection framework based on a list of BPM Suites that are available in the local market and those who are relevant for process automation Findings: Taking the process of analytical hierarchy as a starting point, the relevant criteria in the selection of a BPM suite are identified. With the definitive list of criteria, a systematic model for the evaluation of alternatives is obtained. Taking reference case studies, these criteria are related to real situations. When the AHP model is used, possible biases are eliminated and quantitative parameters are established that allow clear evaluation metrics to be established Practical applications: The multicriteria analysis methodology allows knowing and quantitatively evaluating a series of tools that implement BPM processes useful for the selected dependency and thus justify the acquisition of an information system of these characteristics. It also proposes a framework that is applicable to other software tools that could eventually be acquired or implemented Originality / Value: Among the contributions of this work, the application of the methodology for the selection of a BPM tool at the local level is highlighted. In addition, if it is seen from a local context viewpoint, the task of determining the criteria represents a starting point for similar information systems, e.g. those with scalable architectures) and multiple roles that need to be evaluated beyond their functional characteristics.Línea de Investigación: Toma de decisionesMaestrí

    The interrelationship between knowledge management and business process management and its impact on the decision-making process in the construction sector : a case study of Jordan

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    In recent years, Knowledge has always been accepted as being a valuable asset. In particular, it has become an important factor for the construction industry. To adapt to changes in the local and global business environment including the information technology revolution and to cope with the new competition, construction organisations have attempted to manage and apply their knowledge effectively and efficiently. The literature has shown that several problems in relation to the decision-making process in the construction sector in general and in particular, in Jordan, have been identified, e.g. selecting suppliers, equipment, and contractors. Because of the numerous number of business processes associated with making key decisions which require eliciting the correct knowledge to facilitate performing those business processes, there is a gap in the integration between knowledge management and business processes with regard to the decision making process. In order to bridge this gap, this research was carried out in order to investigate and explain how organisations in the construction sector can enhance the decision-making process (DMP) by practicing knowledge management (KM) and business process management (BPM) activities. To fulfil this aim, a mixed-methods approach has been adopted, combining a literature review approach, a questionnaire and semi-structured interviews to collect data from the Jordanian construction organisations. A framework has been proposed. This framework contains three elements with twelve sub-variables with all of these determined from an extensive review of previous studies and validated through an empirical survey. The quantitative data was obtained from the respondents through the use of a five-point Likert scale. To refine and validate the proposed framework, semi-structured interviews were then carried out with selected, experienced practitioners in the construction sector in order to elicit their views on any element that should be added to the framework in addition to those that had been discovered within the literature review and synthesis, and to discover if the domain experts supported the outcomes from the questionnaire survey and to verify the findings achieved from the questionnaire analysis. The current study provides a method of acquiring a more comprehensive knowledge of the importance of KM alongside BPM for the improvement of DM styles to attain organisational goals. It generates a strong operational as well as theoretical approach to the organisational utilization of knowledge and business processes through the development of an associated theoretical framework. While previous studies have indicated that knowledge enablers along with business processes guarantee organisational achievement across organisational DMP, this research shows that precise decision-making determination by decision makers could strengthen the relationship chain