47 research outputs found

    Approximate Linear Time ML Decoding on Tail-Biting Trellises in Two Rounds

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    A linear time approximate maximum likelihood decoding algorithm on tail-biting trellises is prsented, that requires exactly two rounds on the trellis. This is an adaptation of an algorithm proposed earlier with the advantage that it reduces the time complexity from O(mlogm) to O(m) where m is the number of nodes in the tail-biting trellis. A necessary condition for the output of the algorithm to differ from the output of the ideal ML decoder is reduced and simulation results on an AWGN channel using tail-biting rrellises for two rate 1/2 convoluational codes with memory 4 and 6 respectively are reporte

    On the Minimum Distance of Generalized Spatially Coupled LDPC Codes

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    Families of generalized spatially-coupled low-density parity-check (GSC-LDPC) code ensembles can be formed by terminating protograph-based generalized LDPC convolutional (GLDPCC) codes. It has previously been shown that ensembles of GSC-LDPC codes constructed from a protograph have better iterative decoding thresholds than their block code counterparts, and that, for large termination lengths, their thresholds coincide with the maximum a-posteriori (MAP) decoding threshold of the underlying generalized LDPC block code ensemble. Here we show that, in addition to their excellent iterative decoding thresholds, ensembles of GSC-LDPC codes are asymptotically good and have large minimum distance growth rates.Comment: Submitted to the IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory 201

    Exact Free Distance and Trapping Set Growth Rates for LDPC Convolutional Codes

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    Ensembles of (J,K)-regular low-density parity-check convolutional (LDPCC) codes are known to be asymptotically good, in the sense that the minimum free distance grows linearly with the constraint length. In this paper, we use a protograph-based analysis of terminated LDPCC codes to obtain an upper bound on the free distance growth rate of ensembles of periodically time-varying LDPCC codes. This bound is compared to a lower bound and evaluated numerically. It is found that, for a sufficiently large period, the bounds coincide. This approach is then extended to obtain bounds on the trapping set numbers, which define the size of the smallest, non-empty trapping sets, for these asymptotically good, periodically time-varying LDPCC code ensembles.Comment: To be presented at the 2011 IEEE International Symposium on Information Theor

    High-Rate Convolutional Codes with CRC-Aided List Decoding for Short Blocklengths

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    Recently, rate-1/ω1/\omega zero-terminated and tail-biting convolutional codes (ZTCCs and TBCCs) with cyclic-redundancy-check (CRC)-aided list decoding have been shown to closely approach the random-coding union (RCU) bound for short blocklengths. This paper designs CRCs for rate-(ω1)/ω(\omega-1)/\omega CCs with short blocklengths, considering both the ZT and TB cases. The CRC design seeks to optimize the frame error rate (FER) performance of the code resulting from the concatenation of the CRC and the CC. Utilization of the dual trellis proposed by Yamada \emph{et al.} lowers the complexity of CRC-aided serial list Viterbi decoding (SLVD) of ZTCCs and TBCCs. CRC-aided SLVD of the TBCCs closely approaches the RCU bound at a blocklength of 128128.Comment: 6 pages; submitted to 2022 IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC 2022

    Woven Graph Codes: Asymptotic Performances and Examples

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    Constructions of woven graph codes based on constituent block and convolutional codes are studied. It is shown that within the random ensemble of such codes based on ss-partite, ss-uniform hypergraphs, where ss depends only on the code rate, there exist codes satisfying the Varshamov-Gilbert (VG) and the Costello lower bound on the minimum distance and the free distance, respectively. A connection between regular bipartite graphs and tailbiting codes is shown. Some examples of woven graph codes are presented. Among them an example of a rate Rwg=1/3R_{\rm wg}=1/3 woven graph code with dfree=32d_{\rm free}=32 based on Heawood's bipartite graph and containing n=7n=7 constituent rate Rc=2/3R^{c}=2/3 convolutional codes with overall constraint lengths νc=5\nu^{c}=5 is given. An encoding procedure for woven graph codes with complexity proportional to the number of constituent codes and their overall constraint length νc\nu^{c} is presented.Comment: Submitted to IEEE Trans. Inform. Theor

    Reversed-Trellis Tail-Biting Convolutional Code (RT-TBCC) Decoder Architecture Design for LTE

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    Tail-biting convolutional codes (TBCC) have been extensively applied in communication systems. This method is implemented by replacing the fixed-tail with tail-biting data. This concept is needed to achieve an effective decoding computation. Unfortunately, it makes the decoding computation becomes more complex. Hence, several algorithms have been developed to overcome this issue in which most of them are implemented iteratively with uncertain number of iteration. In this paper, we propose a VLSI architecture to implement our proposed reversed-trellis TBCC (RT-TBCC) algorithm. This algorithm is designed by modifying direct-terminating maximum-likelihood (ML) decoding process to achieve better correction rate. The purpose is to offer an alternative solution for tail-biting convolutional code decoding process with less number of computation compared to the existing solution. The proposed architecture has been evaluated for LTE standard and it significantly reduces the computational time and resources compared to the existing direct-terminating ML decoder. For evaluations on functionality and Bit Error Rate (BER) analysis, several simulations, System-on-Chip (SoC) implementation and synthesis in FPGA are performed