33,947 research outputs found

    On Sharp Boundary Problem in Rule Based Expert Systems in the Medical Domain

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    Recently the application of the conventional rule based expert system of disease risk determination in medical domains has increased. However a major limitation to the effectiveness of the rule based expert SyStem approach is the sharp boundary problem that leads to underestimation or overestimation of boundary cases, which ultimately affects the accuracy of their recommendation.In this paper an expert driven approach is used to investigate the viability a fuzzy expert system in the determination of risk associated with coronary heart disease with regards to the sharp boundary problem in rule based expert system

    A Fuzzy Association Rule Mining Expert-Driven (FARME-D) approach to Knowledge Acquisition

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    Fuzzy Association Rule Mining Expert-Driven (FARME-D) approach to knowledge acquisition is proposed in this paper as a viable solution to the challenges of rule-based unwieldiness and sharp boundary problem in building a fuzzy rule-based expert system. The fuzzy models were based on domain experts’ opinion about the data description. The proposed approach is committed to modelling of a compact Fuzzy Rule-Based Expert Systems. It is also aimed at providing a platform for instant update of the knowledge-base in case new knowledge is discovered. The insight to the new approach strategies and underlining assumptions, the structure of FARME-D and its practical application in medical domain was discussed. Also, the modalities for the validation of the FARME-D approach were discussed

    Multi-Sensor Event Detection using Shape Histograms

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    Vehicular sensor data consists of multiple time-series arising from a number of sensors. Using such multi-sensor data we would like to detect occurrences of specific events that vehicles encounter, e.g., corresponding to particular maneuvers that a vehicle makes or conditions that it encounters. Events are characterized by similar waveform patterns re-appearing within one or more sensors. Further such patterns can be of variable duration. In this work, we propose a method for detecting such events in time-series data using a novel feature descriptor motivated by similar ideas in image processing. We define the shape histogram: a constant dimension descriptor that nevertheless captures patterns of variable duration. We demonstrate the efficacy of using shape histograms as features to detect events in an SVM-based, multi-sensor, supervised learning scenario, i.e., multiple time-series are used to detect an event. We present results on real-life vehicular sensor data and show that our technique performs better than available pattern detection implementations on our data, and that it can also be used to combine features from multiple sensors resulting in better accuracy than using any single sensor. Since previous work on pattern detection in time-series has been in the single series context, we also present results using our technique on multiple standard time-series datasets and show that it is the most versatile in terms of how it ranks compared to other published results

    Machine learned boundary definitions for an expert's tracing assistant in image processing

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    Department Head: Anton Willem Bohm.Includes bibliographical references (pages 178-184).Most image processing work addressing boundary definition tasks embeds the assumption that an edge in an image corresponds to the boundary of interest in the world. In straightforward imagery this is true, however it is not always the case. There are images in which edges are indistinct or obscure, and these images can only be segmented by a human expert. The work in this dissertation addresses the range of imagery between the two extremes of those straightforward images and those requiring human guidance to appropriately segment. By freeing systems of a priori edge definitions and building in a mechanism to learn the boundary definitions needed, systems can do better and be more broadly applicable. This dissertation presents the construction of such a boundary-learning system and demonstrates the validity of this premise on real data. A framework was created for the task in which expert-provided boundary exemplars are used to create training data, which in turn are used by a neural network to learn the task and replicate the expert's boundary tracing behavior. This is the framework for the Expert's Tracing Assistant (ETA) system. For a representative set of nine structures in the Visible Human imagery, ETA was compared and contrasted to two state-of-the-art, user guided methods--Intelligent Scissors (IS) and Active Contour Models (ACM). Each method was used to define a boundary, and the distances between these boundaries and an expert's ground truth were compared. Across independent trials, there will be a natural variation in an expert's boundary tracing, and this degree of variation served as a benchmark against which these three methods were compared. For simple structural boundaries, all the methods were equivalent. However, in more difficult cases, ETA was shown to significantly better replicate the expert's boundary than either IS or ACM. In these cases, where the expert's judgement was most called into play to bound the structure, ACM and IS could not adapt to the boundary character used by the expert while ETA could

    Application of Fuzzy Association Rule Mining for Analysing Students Academic Performance

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    This study examines the relationship between students’ preadmission academic profile and academic performance. Data sample of students in the Department of Computer Science in one of Nigeria private Universities was used. The preadmission academic profile considered includes ‘O’ level grades, University Matriculation Examination (UME) scores, and Post-UME scores. The academic performance is defined using students’ Grade Point Average (GPA) at the end of a particular session. Fuzzy Association Rule Mining (FARM) was used to identify the hidden relationships that exist between students’ pre-admission profile and academic performance. This study hopes to determine the academic profile of students who are most admitted in the session. It determines students’ performance ratings as against their pre-admission academic profile. This can serve as a predictor for admission committee to enhance the quality of the new in-take and guide for the academic advise
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