9 research outputs found

    Pixel and Voxel Representations of Graphs

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    We study contact representations for graphs, which we call pixel representations in 2D and voxel representations in 3D. Our representations are based on the unit square grid whose cells we call pixels in 2D and voxels in 3D. Two pixels are adjacent if they share an edge, two voxels if they share a face. We call a connected set of pixels or voxels a blob. Given a graph, we represent its vertices by disjoint blobs such that two blobs contain adjacent pixels or voxels if and only if the corresponding vertices are adjacent. We are interested in the size of a representation, which is the number of pixels or voxels it consists of. We first show that finding minimum-size representations is NP-complete. Then, we bound representation sizes needed for certain graph classes. In 2D, we show that, for kk-outerplanar graphs with nn vertices, Θ(kn)\Theta(kn) pixels are always sufficient and sometimes necessary. In particular, outerplanar graphs can be represented with a linear number of pixels, whereas general planar graphs sometimes need a quadratic number. In 3D, Θ(n2)\Theta(n^2) voxels are always sufficient and sometimes necessary for any nn-vertex graph. We improve this bound to Θ(nτ)\Theta(n\cdot \tau) for graphs of treewidth τ\tau and to O((g+1)2nlog2n)O((g+1)^2n\log^2n) for graphs of genus gg. In particular, planar graphs admit representations with O(nlog2n)O(n\log^2n) voxels

    Threshold-coloring and unit-cube contact representation of planar graphs

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    In this paper we study threshold-coloring of graphs, where the vertex colors represented by integers are used to describe any spanning subgraph of the given graph as follows. A pair of vertices with a small difference in their colors implies that the edge between them is present, while a pair of vertices with a big color difference implies that the edge is absent. Not all planar graphs are threshold-colorable, but several subclasses, such as trees, some planar grids, and planar graphs with no short cycles can always be threshold-colored. Using these results we obtain unit-cube contact representation of several subclasses of planar graphs. Variants of the threshold-coloring problem are related to well-known graph coloring and other graph-theoretic problems. Using these relations we show the NP-completeness for two of these variants, and describe a polynomial-time algorithm for another. © 2015 Elsevier B.V

    Happy edges: Threshold-coloring of regular lattices

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    We study a graph coloring problem motivated by a fun Sudoku-style puzzle. Given a bipartition of the edges of a graph into near and far sets and an integer threshold t, a threshold-coloring of the graph is an assignment of integers to the vertices so that endpoints of near edges differ by t or less, while endpoints of far edges differ by more than t. We study threshold-coloring of tilings of the plane by regular polygons, known as Archimedean lattices, and their duals, the Laves lattices. We prove that some are threshold-colorable with constant number of colors for any edge labeling, some require an unbounded number of colors for specific labelings, and some are not threshold-colorable. © 2014 Springer International Publishing

    Threshold-coloring and unit-cube contact representation of graphs

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    We study threshold coloring of graphs where the vertex colors, represented by integers, describe any spanning subgraph of the given graph as follows. Pairs of vertices with near colors imply the edge between them is present and pairs of vertices with far colors imply the edge is absent. Not all planar graphs are threshold-colorable, but several subclasses, such as trees, some planar grids, and planar graphs with no short cycles can always be threshold-colored. Using these results we obtain unit-cube contact representation of several subclasses of planar graphs. We show the NP-completeness for two variants of the threshold coloring problem and describe a polynomial-time algorithm for another. © 2013 Springer-Verlag

    On Representing Graphs by Touching Cuboids

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    We consider contact representations of graphs where vertices are represented by cuboids, i.e. interior-disjoint axis-aligned boxes in 3D space. Edges are represented by a proper contact between the cuboids representing their endvertices. Two cuboids make a proper contact if they intersect and their intersection is a non-zero area rectangle contained in the boundary of both. We study representations where all cuboids are unit cubes, where they are cubes of different sizes, and where they are axis-aligned 3D boxes. We prove that it is NP-complete to decide whether a graph admits a proper contact representation by unit cubes. We also describe algorithms that compute proper contact representations of varying size cubes for relevant graph families. Finally, we give two new simple proofs of a theorem by Thomassen stating that all planar graphs have a proper contact representation by touching cuboids