284 research outputs found

    On Range Searching with Semialgebraic Sets II

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    Let PP be a set of nn points in Rd\R^d. We present a linear-size data structure for answering range queries on PP with constant-complexity semialgebraic sets as ranges, in time close to O(n11/d)O(n^{1-1/d}). It essentially matches the performance of similar structures for simplex range searching, and, for d5d\ge 5, significantly improves earlier solutions by the first two authors obtained in~1994. This almost settles a long-standing open problem in range searching. The data structure is based on the polynomial-partitioning technique of Guth and Katz [arXiv:1011.4105], which shows that for a parameter rr, 1<rn1 < r \le n, there exists a dd-variate polynomial ff of degree O(r1/d)O(r^{1/d}) such that each connected component of RdZ(f)\R^d\setminus Z(f) contains at most n/rn/r points of PP, where Z(f)Z(f) is the zero set of ff. We present an efficient randomized algorithm for computing such a polynomial partition, which is of independent interest and is likely to have additional applications

    On the complexity of range searching among curves

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    Modern tracking technology has made the collection of large numbers of densely sampled trajectories of moving objects widely available. We consider a fundamental problem encountered when analysing such data: Given nn polygonal curves SS in Rd\mathbb{R}^d, preprocess SS into a data structure that answers queries with a query curve qq and radius ρ\rho for the curves of SS that have \Frechet distance at most ρ\rho to qq. We initiate a comprehensive analysis of the space/query-time trade-off for this data structuring problem. Our lower bounds imply that any data structure in the pointer model model that achieves Q(n)+O(k)Q(n) + O(k) query time, where kk is the output size, has to use roughly Ω((n/Q(n))2)\Omega\left((n/Q(n))^2\right) space in the worst case, even if queries are mere points (for the discrete \Frechet distance) or line segments (for the continuous \Frechet distance). More importantly, we show that more complex queries and input curves lead to additional logarithmic factors in the lower bound. Roughly speaking, the number of logarithmic factors added is linear in the number of edges added to the query and input curve complexity. This means that the space/query time trade-off worsens by an exponential factor of input and query complexity. This behaviour addresses an open question in the range searching literature: whether it is possible to avoid the additional logarithmic factors in the space and query time of a multilevel partition tree. We answer this question negatively. On the positive side, we show we can build data structures for the \Frechet distance by using semialgebraic range searching. Our solution for the discrete \Frechet distance is in line with the lower bound, as the number of levels in the data structure is O(t)O(t), where tt denotes the maximal number of vertices of a curve. For the continuous \Frechet distance, the number of levels increases to O(t2)O(t^2)

    Lower Bounds on Complexity of Lyapunov Functions for Switched Linear Systems

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    We show that for any positive integer dd, there are families of switched linear systems---in fixed dimension and defined by two matrices only---that are stable under arbitrary switching but do not admit (i) a polynomial Lyapunov function of degree d\leq d, or (ii) a polytopic Lyapunov function with d\leq d facets, or (iii) a piecewise quadratic Lyapunov function with d\leq d pieces. This implies that there cannot be an upper bound on the size of the linear and semidefinite programs that search for such stability certificates. Several constructive and non-constructive arguments are presented which connect our problem to known (and rather classical) results in the literature regarding the finiteness conjecture, undecidability, and non-algebraicity of the joint spectral radius. In particular, we show that existence of an extremal piecewise algebraic Lyapunov function implies the finiteness property of the optimal product, generalizing a result of Lagarias and Wang. As a corollary, we prove that the finiteness property holds for sets of matrices with an extremal Lyapunov function belonging to some of the most popular function classes in controls

    Lower Bounds for Semialgebraic Range Searching and Stabbing Problems

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    In the semialgebraic range searching problem, we are to preprocess nn points in Rd\mathbb{R}^d s.t. for any query range from a family of constant complexity semialgebraic sets, all the points intersecting the range can be reported or counted efficiently. When the ranges are composed of simplices, the problem can be solved using S(n)S(n) space and with Q(n)Q(n) query time with S(n)Qd(n)=O~(nd)S(n)Q^d(n) = \tilde{O}(n^d) and this trade-off is almost tight. Consequently, there exists low space structures that use O~(n)\tilde{O}(n) space with O(n11/d)O(n^{1-1/d}) query time and fast query structures that use O(nd)O(n^d) space with O(logdn)O(\log^{d} n) query time. However, for the general semialgebraic ranges, only low space solutions are known, but the best solutions match the same trade-off curve as the simplex queries. It has been conjectured that the same could be done for the fast query case but this open problem has stayed unresolved. Here, we disprove this conjecture. We give the first nontrivial lower bounds for semilagebraic range searching and related problems. We show that any data structure for reporting the points between two concentric circles with Q(n)Q(n) query time must use S(n)=Ω(n3o(1)/Q(n)5)S(n)=\Omega(n^{3-o(1)}/Q(n)^5) space, meaning, for Q(n)=O(logO(1)n)Q(n)=O(\log^{O(1)}n), Ω(n3o(1))\Omega(n^{3-o(1)}) space must be used. We also study the problem of reporting the points between two polynomials of form Y=i=0ΔaiXiY=\sum_{i=0}^\Delta a_i X^i where a0,,aΔa_0, \cdots, a_\Delta are given at the query time. We show S(n)=Ω(nΔ+1o(1)/Q(n)Δ2+Δ)S(n)=\Omega(n^{\Delta+1-o(1)}/Q(n)^{\Delta^2+\Delta}). So for Q(n)=O(logO(1)n)Q(n)=O(\log^{O(1)}n), we must use Ω(nΔ+1o(1))\Omega(n^{\Delta+1-o(1)}) space. For the dual semialgebraic stabbing problems, we show that in linear space, any data structure that solves 2D ring stabbing must use Ω(n2/3)\Omega(n^{2/3}) query time. This almost matches the linearization upper bound. For general semialgebraic slab stabbing problems, again, we show an almost tight lower bounds.Comment: Submitted to SoCG'21; this version: readjust the table and other minor change

    Complexity in Automation of SOS Proofs: An Illustrative Example

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    We present a case study in proving invariance for a chaotic dynamical system, the logistic map, based on Positivstellensatz refutations, with the aim of studying the problems associated with developing a completely automated proof system. We derive the refutation using two different forms of the Positivstellensatz and compare the results to illustrate the challenges in defining and classifying the ‘complexity’ of such a proof. The results show the flexibility of the SOS framework in converting a dynamics problem into a semialgebraic one as well as in choosing the form of the proof. Yet it is this very flexibility that complicates the process of automating the proof system and classifying proof ‘complexity.