44 research outputs found

    Nonnegative k-sums, fractional covers, and probability of small deviations

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    More than twenty years ago, Manickam, Mikl\'{o}s, and Singhi conjectured that for any integers n,kn, k satisfying nβ‰₯4kn \geq 4k, every set of nn real numbers with nonnegative sum has at least (nβˆ’1kβˆ’1)\binom{n-1}{k-1} kk-element subsets whose sum is also nonnegative. In this paper we discuss the connection of this problem with matchings and fractional covers of hypergraphs, and with the question of estimating the probability that the sum of nonnegative independent random variables exceeds its expectation by a given amount. Using these connections together with some probabilistic techniques, we verify the conjecture for nβ‰₯33k2n \geq 33k^2. This substantially improves the best previously known exponential lower bound nβ‰₯ecklog⁑log⁑kn \geq e^{ck \log\log k}. In addition we prove a tight stability result showing that for every kk and all sufficiently large nn, every set of nn reals with a nonnegative sum that does not contain a member whose sum with any other kβˆ’1k-1 members is nonnegative, contains at least (nβˆ’1kβˆ’1)+(nβˆ’kβˆ’1kβˆ’1)βˆ’1\binom{n-1}{k-1}+\binom{n-k-1}{k-1}-1 subsets of cardinality kk with nonnegative sum.Comment: 15 pages, a section of Hilton-Milner type result adde

    Large matchings in uniform hypergraphs and the conjectures of Erdos and Samuels

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    In this paper we study conditions which guarantee the existence of perfect matchings and perfect fractional matchings in uniform hypergraphs. We reduce this problem to an old conjecture by Erd\H{o}s on estimating the maximum number of edges in a hypergraph when the (fractional) matching number is given, which we are able to solve in some special cases using probabilistic techniques. Based on these results, we obtain some general theorems on the minimum dd-degree ensuring the existence of perfect (fractional) matchings. In particular, we asymptotically determine the minimum vertex degree which guarantees a perfect matching in 4-uniform and 5-uniform hypergraphs. We also discuss an application to a problem of finding an optimal data allocation in a distributed storage system

    Perfect Packings in Quasirandom Hypergraphs II

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    For each of the notions of hypergraph quasirandomness that have been studied, we identify a large class of hypergraphs F so that every quasirandom hypergraph H admits a perfect F-packing. An informal statement of a special case of our general result for 3-uniform hypergraphs is as follows. Fix an integer r >= 4 and 0<p<1. Suppose that H is an n-vertex triple system with r|n and the following two properties: * for every graph G with V(G)=V(H), at least p proportion of the triangles in G are also edges of H, * for every vertex x of H, the link graph of x is a quasirandom graph with density at least p. Then H has a perfect Kr(3)K_r^{(3)}-packing. Moreover, we show that neither hypotheses above can be weakened, so in this sense our result is tight. A similar conclusion for this special case can be proved by Keevash's hypergraph blowup lemma, with a slightly stronger hypothesis on H.Comment: 17 page