8 research outputs found


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    VERTEX COVER BASED LINK MONITORING TECHNIQUES FOR WIRELESS SENSOR NETWORKSAbstractWireless sensor networks (WSNs) are generally composed of numerous battery-powered tiny nodes that can sense from the environment and send this data through wireless communication. WSNs have wide range of application areas such as military surveillance, healthcare, miner safety, and outer space exploration. Inherent security weaknesses of wireless communication may prone WSNs to various attacks such as eavesdropping, jamming and spoofing. This situation attracts researchers to study countermeasures for detection and prevention of these attacks. Graph theory provides a very useful theoretical basis for solving WSN problems related to communication and security issues. One of the important graph theoretic structures is vertex cover (VC) in which a set of nodes are selected to cover the edges of the graph where each edge is incident to at least one node in VC set. Finding VC set having the minimum cardinality for a given graph is an NP-hard problem. In this paper, we describe VC algorithms aiming link monitoring where nodes in VC are configured as secure points. We investigate variants of VC problems such as weight and capacity constrained versions on different graph types to meet the energy-efficiency and load-balancing requirements of WSNs. Moreover, we present clustering and backbone formation operations as alternative applications of different VC infrastructures. For each VC sub-problem, we propose greedy heuristic based algorithms.Keywords: Wireless Sensor Networks, Link Monitoring, Graph Theory, Vertex Cover, NP-Hard Problem.KABLOSUZ SENSÖR AĞLARI İÇİN KÖŞE ÖRTME TABANLI BAĞLANTI İZLEME TEKNİKLERİÖzetKablosuz sensor ağlar (KSAlar) genellikle ortamdan algılayabilen ve bu verileri kablosuz iletişim yoluyla gönderebilen pille çalışan çok sayıda küçük düğümden oluşur. KSAlar askeri gözetim, sağlık hizmetleri, madenci güvenliği ve uzay keşfi gibi çok çeşitli uygulama alanlarına sahiptir. Kablosuz iletişimin doğasında var olan güvenlik zayıflıkları, KSAları gizli dinleme, sinyal bozma ve sahtekarlık gibi çeşitli saldırılara eğilimli hale getirebilmektedir. Bu durum, araştırmacıları bu saldırıların tespiti ve önlenmesine yönelik karşı önlemleri incelemeye yöneltmektedir. Çizge teorisi, iletişim ve güvenlik sorunları ile ilgili KSA sorunlarını çözmek için çok yararlı bir teorik temel sağlar. Önemli çizge teorik yapılardan biri köşe örtmedir (KÖ), bu yapıda her bir kenarın KÖ kümesindeki en az bir düğüme bitişik olacak şekilde çizgenin tüm kenarlarını kapsayacak bir dizi düğüm seçilmektedir. Verilen bir çizge için en az elemana sahip KÖ kümesini bulmak NP-zor bir problemdir. Bu makalede, KÖdeki düğümlerin güvenli noktalar olarak yapılandırıldığı bağlantı izlemeyi amaçlayan KÖ algoritmaları açıklanmaktadır. KSAların enerji verimliliği ve yük dengeleme gereksinimlerini karşılamak için, farklı çizge yapılarında KÖ problemlerinin ağırlık ve kapasite kısıtlı versiyonları gibi çeşitli türleri çalışılmaktadır. Ayrıca kümeleme ve omurga oluşturma işlemlerini farklı KÖ altyapılarının alternatif uygulamaları olarak sunulmaktadır. Her KÖ alt problemi için, açgözlü sezgisel tabanlı algoritmalar önerilmektedir.Anahtar Kelimeler: Kablosuz Sensör Ağları, Bağlantı İzleme, Çizge Teorisi, Kenar Örtme, NP-Zor Problem.

    Near-Optimal Budgeted Data Exchange for Distributed Loop Closure Detection

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    Inter-robot loop closure detection is a core problem in collaborative SLAM (CSLAM). Establishing inter-robot loop closures is a resource-demanding process, during which robots must consume a substantial amount of mission-critical resources (e.g., battery and bandwidth) to exchange sensory data. However, even with the most resource-efficient techniques, the resources available onboard may be insufficient for verifying every potential loop closure. This work addresses this critical challenge by proposing a resource-adaptive framework for distributed loop closure detection. We seek to maximize task-oriented objectives subject to a budget constraint on total data transmission. This problem is in general NP-hard. We approach this problem from different perspectives and leverage existing results on monotone submodular maximization to provide efficient approximation algorithms with performance guarantees. The proposed approach is extensively evaluated using the KITTI odometry benchmark dataset and synthetic Manhattan-like datasets.Comment: RSS 2018 Extended Versio

    On Partial Vertex Cover and Budgeted Maximum Coverage Problems in Bipartite Graphs

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    8th IFIP TC 1/WG 2.2 International Conference on Theoretical Computer ScienceGraphs are often used to model risk management in various systems. Particularly, Caskurlu et al. in [6] have considered a system which essentially represents a tripartite graph. The goal in this model is to reduce the risk in the system below a predefined risk threshold level. It can be shown that the main goal in this risk management system can be formulated as a Partial Vertex Coverproblem on bipartite graphs. It is well-known that the vertex cover problem is in P on bipartite graphs; however, the computational complexity of the partial vertex cover problem on bipartite graphs is open. In this paper, we show that the partial vertex cover problem is NP-hard on bipartite graphs. Then, we show that the budgeted maximum coverage problem (a problem related to partial vertex cover problem) admits an 8/9-approximation algorithm in the class of bipartite graphs, which matches the integrality gap of a natural LP relaxation. © 2014 IFIP International Federation for Information Processing

    Determining the set of the most important components for system reliability

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    Mere značajnosti (Importance measures) predstavlјaju načine merenja, tj. brojčanog iskazivanja značajnosti pojedinih komponenata u sistemu sa aspekta ukupne pouzdanosti sistema. Merama značajnosti je moguće odrediti (izdvojiti) komponente najznačajnije za pouzdanost sistema. Od šezdesetih godina, kada je koncept mera značajnosti prvi put uveden, do danas postoji neprekidno interesovanje za ovu oblast, tako da se, pored primene tradicionalnih mera značajnosti, neprestano uvode i definišu nove mere radi njihove primene na specifične sisteme. Opšti nedostatak mera značajnosti, nezavisno od kategorije kojoj pripadaju, je taj što se one utvrđuju za svaku pojedinačnu komponentu, a tek nakon toga se može izdvojiti skup najznačajnijih komponenata zadate kardinalnosti...Importance measures are numerical representations of the importance of each system’s component considering total system reliability. Using importance measures, the most important components for system reliability can be determined. Since the sixties, when the concept of importance measures was first introduced, there is a constant interest in this area, so that, in addition to the traditional importance measures, new measures for specific systems observed are continually introduced and defined. The general weak point of importance measures, irrespective of the category they belong to, is that they are determined for each individual component, and only afterwards a certain number of most important components can be set aside..