146 research outputs found

    Generalizations of the Recursion Theorem

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    We consider two generalizations of the recursion theorem, namely Visser's ADN theorem and Arslanov's completeness criterion, and we prove a joint generalization of these theorems

    Normality Operators and Classical Collapse

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    In this paper, we extend the expressive power of the logics K3, LP and FDE with anormality operator, which is able to express whether a for-mula is assigned a classical truth value or not. We then establish classical recapture theorems for the resulting logics. Finally, we compare the approach via normality operator with the classical collapse approach devisedby Jc Beall

    Program Equilibria and Discounted Computation Time

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    Tennenholtz (GEB 2004) developed Program Equilibrium to model play in a finite two-player game where each player can base their strategy on the other player's strategies. Tennenholtz's model allowed each player to produce a "loop-free" computer program that had access to the code for both players. He showed a folk theorem where any mixed-strategy individually rational play could be an equilibrium payo in this model even in a one-shot game. Kalai et al. gave a general folk theorem for correlated play in a more generic commitment model. We develop a new model of program equilibrium using general computational models and discounting the payos based on the computation time used. We give an even more general folk theorem giving correlated-strategy payoffs down to the pure minimax of each player. We also show equilibrium in other games not covered by the earlier work.brokers, applied mechanism design, linear commission fees, optimal indirect mechanisms, internet auctions, auction houses.
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