130 research outputs found

    Wink: Deniable Secure Messaging

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    End-to-end encrypted (E2EE) messaging is an essential first step towards combating increasingly privacy-intrusive laws. Unfortunately, it is vulnerable to compelled key disclosure -- law-mandated, coerced, or simply by device compromise. This work introduces Wink, the first plausibly-deniable messaging system protecting message confidentiality even when users are coerced to hand over keys/passwords. Wink can surreptitiously inject hidden messages in the standard random coins (e.g., salt, IVs) used by existing E2EE protocols. It does so as part of legitimate secure cryptographic functionality deployed inside widely-available trusted execution environments (TEEs) such as TrustZone. This provides a powerful mechanism for hidden untraceable communication using virtually unchanged unsuspecting existing E2EE messaging apps, as well as strong plausible deniability. Wink has been demonstrated with multiple existing E2EE applications (including Telegram and Signal) with minimal (external) instrumentation, negligible overheads, and crucially without changing on-wire message formats

    A counterexample to the chain rule for conditional HILL entropy

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    Most entropy notions H(.) like Shannon or min-entropy satisfy a chain rule stating that for random variables X,Z, and A we have H(X|Z,A)≥H(X|Z)−|A|. That is, by conditioning on A the entropy of X can decrease by at most the bitlength |A| of A. Such chain rules are known to hold for some computational entropy notions like Yao’s and unpredictability-entropy. For HILL entropy, the computational analogue of min-entropy, the chain rule is of special interest and has found many applications, including leakage-resilient cryptography, deterministic encryption, and memory delegation. These applications rely on restricted special cases of the chain rule. Whether the chain rule for conditional HILL entropy holds in general was an open problem for which we give a strong negative answer: we construct joint distributions (X,Z,A), where A is a distribution over a single bit, such that the HILL entropy H HILL (X|Z) is large but H HILL (X|Z,A) is basically zero. Our counterexample just makes the minimal assumption that NP⊈P/poly. Under the stronger assumption that injective one-way function exist, we can make all the distributions efficiently samplable. Finally, we show that some more sophisticated cryptographic objects like lossy functions can be used to sample a distribution constituting a counterexample to the chain rule making only a single invocation to the underlying object

    Deniable encryption protocols based on probabilistic public-key encryption

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    The paper proposes a new method for designing deniable encryption protocols characterized in using RSA-like probabilistic public-key encryption algorithms. Sender-, receiver-, and bi-deniable protocols are described. To provide bi-deniability in the case of attacks perfored by an active coercer stage of entity authentication is used in one of described protocols

    Deniable Fully Homomorphic Encryption from LWE

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    We define and construct Deniable Fully Homomorphic Encryption based on the Learning With Errors (LWE) polynomial hardness assumption. Deniable FHE enables storing encrypted data in the cloud to be processed securely without decryption, maintaining deniability of the encrypted data, as well the prevention of vote-buying in electronic voting schemes where encrypted votes can be tallied without decryption. Our constructions achieve compactness independently of the level of deniability- both the size of the public key and the size of the ciphertexts are bounded by a fixed polynomial, independent of the detection probability achieved by the scheme. This is in contrast to all previous constructions of deniable encryption schemes (even without requiring homomorphisms) which are based on polynomial hardness assumptions, originating with the seminal work of Canetti, Dwork, Naor and Ostrovsky (CRYPTO 1997) in which the ciphertext size grows with the inverse of the detection probability. Canetti et al. argued that this dependence ``seems inherent\u27\u27, but our constructions illustrate this is not the case. We note that the Sahai-Waters (STOC 2014) construction of deniable encryption from indistinguishability-obfuscation achieves compactness and can be easily modified to achieve deniable FHE as well, but it requires multiple, stronger sub-exponential hardness assumptions, which are furthermore not post-quantum secure. In contrast, our constructions rely only on the LWE polynomial hardness assumption, as currently required for FHE even without deniability. The running time of our encryption algorithm depends on the inverse of the detection probability, thus the scheme falls short of achieving simultaneously compactness, negligible deniability and polynomial encryption time. Yet, we believe that achieving compactness is a fundamental step on the way to achieving all properties simultaneously as has been the historical journey for other primitives such as functional encryption. Our constructions support large message spaces, whereas previous constructions were bit by bit, and can be run in online-offline model of encryption, where the bulk of computation is independent of the message and may be performed in an offline pre-processing phase. This results in an efficient online phase whose running time is independent of the detection probability. At the heart of our constructions is a new way to use bootstrapping to obliviously generate FHE ciphertexts so that it supports faking under coercion

    The Edited Truth

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    We introduce two new cryptographic notions in the realm of public and symmetric key encryption. Encryption with invisible edits is an encryption scheme with two tiers of users: privileged and unprivileged . Privileged users know a key pair (pk,sk)(pk, sk) and unprivileged users know a key pair (pke,ske)(pk_e, sk_e) which is associated with an underlying edit ee to be applied to messages encrypted. Each key pair on its own works exactly as in standard public-key encryption, but when an unprivileged user attempts to decrypt a ciphertext generated by a privileged user of an underlying plaintext mm, it will be decrypted to an edited m2˘7=Edit(m,e)m\u27 = Edit(m,e). Here, EditEdit is some supported edit function and ee is a description of the particular edit to be applied. For example, we might want the edit to overwrite several sensitive blocks of data, replace all occurrences of one word with a different word, airbrush an encrypted image, etc. A user shouldn\u27t be able to tell whether he\u27s an unprivileged or a privileged user. An encryption with deniable edits is an encryption scheme which allows a user who owns a ciphertext cc encrypting a large corpus of data mm under a secret key sksk, to generate an alternative but legitimate looking secret key ske,csk_{e,c} that decrypts cc to an edited version of the data m2˘7=Edit(m,e)m\u27=Edit(m,e). This generalizes classical receiver deniable encryption, which can be viewed as a special case of deniable edits where the edit function performs a complete replacement of the original data. The new flexibility allows us to design solutions with much smaller key sizes than required in classical receiver deniable encryption, and in particular allows the key size to only scale with the description size of the edit ee which can be much smaller than the size of the plaintext data mm. We construct encryption schemes with deniable and invisible edits for any polynomial-time computable edit function under minimal assumptions: in the public-key setting we only require the existence of standard public-key encryption and in the symmetric-key setting we only require the existence of one-way functions. The solutions to both problems use common ideas, however there is a significant conceptual difference between deniable edits and invisible edits. Whereas encryption with deniable edits enables a user to modify the meaning of a single ciphertext in hindsight, the goal of encryption with invisible edits is to enable ongoing modifications of multiple ciphertexts

    Hecate: abuse reporting in secure messengers with sealed sender

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    End-to-end encryption provides strong privacy protections to billions of people, but it also complicates efforts to moderate content that can seriously harm people. To address this concern, Tyagi et al. [CRYPTO 2019] introduced the concept of asymmetric message franking (AMF), which allows people to report abusive content to a moderator, while otherwise retaining end-to-end privacy by default and even compatibility with anonymous communication systems like Signal’s sealed sender. In this work, we provide a new construction for asymmetric message franking called Hecate that is faster, more secure, and introduces additional functionality compared to Tyagi et al. First, our construction uses fewer invocations of standardized crypto primitives and operates in the plain model. Second, on top of AMF’s accountability and deniability requirements, we also add forward and backward secrecy. Third, we combine AMF with source tracing, another approach to content moderation that has previously been considered only in the setting of non-anonymous networks. Source tracing allows for messages to be forwarded, and a report only identifies the original source who created a message. To provide anonymity for senders and forwarders, we introduce a model of "AMF with preprocessing" whereby every client authenticates with the moderator out-of-band to receive a token that they later consume when sending a message anonymously.CNS-1718135 - National Science Foundation; CNS-1801564 - National Science Foundation; OAC-1739000 - National Science Foundation; CNS-1931714 - National Science Foundation; CNS-1915763 - National Science Foundation; HR00112020021 - Department of Defense/DARPA; 000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000037211 - SRI Internationalhttps://www.usenix.org/system/files/sec22-issa.pdfPublished versio

    From Information Theory Puzzles in Deletion Channels to Deniability in Quantum Cryptography

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    Research questions, originally rooted in quantum key exchange (QKE), have branched off into independent lines of inquiry ranging from information theory to fundamental physics. In a similar vein, the first part of this thesis is dedicated to information theory problems in deletion channels that arose in the context of QKE. From the output produced by a memoryless deletion channel with a uniformly random input of known length n, one obtains a posterior distribution on the channel input. The difference between the Shannon entropy of this distribution and that of the uniform prior measures the amount of information about the channel input which is conveyed by the output of length m. We first conjecture on the basis of experimental data that the entropy of the posterior is minimized by the constant strings 000..., 111... and maximized by the alternating strings 0101..., 1010.... Among other things, we derive analytic expressions for minimal entropy and propose alternative approaches for tackling the entropy extremization problem. We address a series of closely related combinatorial problems involving binary (sub/super)-sequences and prove the original minimal entropy conjecture for the special cases of single and double deletions using clustering techniques and a run-length encoding of strings. The entropy analysis culminates in a fundamental characterization of the extremal entropic cases in terms of the distribution of embeddings. We confirm the minimization conjecture in the asymptotic limit using results from hidden word statistics by showing how the analytic-combinatorial methods of Flajolet, Szpankowski and Vallée, relying on generating functions, can be applied to resolve the case of fixed output length and n → ∞. In the second part, we revisit the notion of deniability in QKE, a topic that remains largely unexplored. In a work by Donald Beaver it is argued that QKE protocols are not necessarily deniable due to an eavesdropping attack that limits key equivocation. We provide more insight into the nature of this attack and discuss how it extends to other prepare-and-measure QKE schemes such as QKE obtained from uncloneable encryption. We adopt the framework for quantum authenticated key exchange developed by Mosca et al. and extend it to introduce the notion of coercer-deniable QKE, formalized in terms of the indistinguishability of real and fake coercer views. We also elaborate on the differences between our model and the standard simulation-based definition of deniable key exchange in the classical setting. We establish a connection between the concept of covert communication and deniability by applying results from a work by Arrazola and Scarani on obtaining covert quantum communication and covert QKE to propose a simple construction for coercer-deniable QKE. We prove the deniability of this scheme via a reduction to the security of covert QKE. We relate deniability to fundamental concepts in quantum information theory and suggest a generic approach based on entanglement distillation for achieving information-theoretic deniability, followed by an analysis of other closely related results such as the relation between the impossibility of unconditionally secure quantum bit commitment and deniability. Finally, we present an efficient coercion-resistant and quantum-secure voting scheme, based on fully homomorphic encryption (FHE) and recent advances in various FHE primitives such as hashing, zero-knowledge proofs of correct decryption, verifiable shuffles and threshold FHE

    Способы и алгоритмы псевдовероятностного шифрования с разделяемым ключом

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    As a method for providing security of the messages sent via a public channel in the case of potential coercive attacks there had been proposed algorithms and protocols of deniable encryption. The lasts are divided on the following types: 1) schemes with public key, 2) schemes with shares secret key, and 3) no-key schemes. There are introduced pseudo-probabilistic symmetric ciphers that represent a particular variant of implementing deniable encryption algorithms. It is discussed application of the pseudo-probabilistic encryption for constructing special mechanisms of the information protection including steganographic channels hidden in ciphertexts. There are considered methods for designing stream and block pseudo-probabilistic encryption algorithms that implement simultaneous ciphering fake and secret messages so that the generated ciphertext is computationally indistinguishable from the ciphertext obtained as output of the probabilistic encryption of the fake message. The requirement of the ciphertext indistinguishability from the probabilistic encryption has been used as one of the design criteria. To implement this criterion in the construction scheme of the pseudo-probabilistic ciphers it is included step of bijective mapping pairs of intermediate ciphertext blocks of the fake and secret messages into a single expanded block of the output ciphertext. Implementations of the pseudo-probabilistic block ciphers in which algorithms for recovering the fake and secret messages coincide completely are also considered. There are proposed general approaches to constructing no-key encryption protocols and randomized pseudo-probabilistic block ciphers. Concrete implementations of the cryptoschemes of such types are presented.В качестве способа обеспечения секретности сообщений, переданных в зашифрованном виде по открытым каналам связи, при потенциальных атаках с принуждением к раскрытию ключей шифрования предложены алгоритмы и протоколы отрицаемого шифрования, которые разделяются на следующие типы: 1) с открытым ключом; 2) с разделяемым секретным ключом; 3) бесключевые. В статье представлены псевдовероятностные симметричные шифры, представляющие собой специальный вариант реализации алгоритмов отрицаемого шифрования. Обсуждается применение псевдовероятностного шифрования для построения специальных механизмов защиты информации, в том числе стеганографических каналов, носителями которых являются шифртексты. Рассмотрены способы построения поточных и блочных алгоритмов псевдовероятностного шифрования, реализующих совместное шифрование фиктивного и секретного сообщения таким образом, что формируемый шифртекст является вычислительно неразличимым от шифртекста, получаемого в результате вероятностного шифрования фиктивного сообщения. В качестве одного из критериев построения использовано требование неотличимости по шифртексту псевдовероятностного шифрования от вероятностного. Для реализации этого требования в схеме построения псевдоверояностных шифров используется шаг взаимно-однозначного отображения пар блоков промежуточных шифртекстов фиктивного и секретного сообщений в единый расширенный блок выходного шифртекста. Описаны реализации псевдовероятностных блочных шифров, в которых алгоритмы расшифровывания фиктивного и секретного сообщений полностью совпадают. Предложены общие подходы к построению псевдовероятностных протоколов бесключевого шифрования и рандомизированных псевдовероятностных блочных шифров, а также приведены конкретные реализации криптосхем данных типов