4 research outputs found

    Second order strategies for complementarity problems

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    Orientadores: Sandra Augusta Santos, Roberto AndreaniTese (doutorado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Instituto de Matematica, Estatistica e Computação CientificaResumo: Neste trabalho reformulamos o problema de complementaridade não linear generalizado (GNCP) em cones poliedrais como um sistema não linear com restrição de não negatividade em algumas variáveis, e trabalhamos na resolução de tal reformulação por meio de estratégias de pontos interiores. Em particular, definimos dois algoritmos e provamos a convergência local de tais algoritmos sob hipóteses usuais. O primeiro algoritmo é baseado no método de Newton, e o segundo, no método tensorial de Chebyshev. O algoritmo baseado no método de Chebyshev pode ser visto como um método do tipo preditor-corretor. Tal algoritmo, quando aplicado a problemas em que as funções envolvidas são afins, e com escolhas adequadas dos parâmetros, torna-se o bem conhecido algoritmo preditor-corretor de Mehrotra. Também apresentamos resultados numéricos que ilustram a competitividade de ambas as propostas.Abstract: In this work we reformulate the generalized nonlinear complementarity problem (GNCP) in polyhedral cones as a nonlinear system with nonnegativity in some variables and propose the resolution of such reformulation through interior-point methods. In particular we define two algorithms and prove the local convergence of these algorithms under standard assumptions. The first algorithm is based on Newton's method and the second, on the Chebyshev's tensorial method. The algorithm based on Chebyshev's method may be considered a predictor-corrector one. Such algorithm, when applied to problems for which the functions are affine, and the parameters are properly chosen, turns into the well-known Mehrotra's predictor corrector algorithm. We also present numerical results that illustrate the competitiveness of both proposals.DoutoradoOtimizaçãoDoutor em Matemática Aplicad

    Primal-dual interior-point algorithms for linear programs with many inequality constraints

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    Linear programs (LPs) are one of the most basic and important classes of constrained optimization problems, involving the optimization of linear objective functions over sets defined by linear equality and inequality constraints. LPs have applications to a broad range of problems in engineering and operations research, and often arise as subproblems for algorithms that solve more complex optimization problems. ``Unbalanced'' inequality-constrained LPs with many more inequality constraints than variables are an important subclass of LPs. Under a basic non-degeneracy assumption, only a small number of the constraints can be active at the solution--it is only this active set that is critical to the problem description. On the other hand, the additional constraints make the problem harder to solve. While modern ``interior-point'' algorithms have become recognized as some of the best methods for solving large-scale LPs, they may not be recommended for unbalanced problems, because their per-iteration work does not scale well with the number of constraints. In this dissertation, we investigate "constraint-reduced'' interior-point algorithms designed to efficiently solve unbalanced LPs. At each iteration, these methods construct search directions based only on a small working set of constraints, while ignoring the rest. In this way, they significantly reduce their per-iteration work and, hopefully, their overall running time. In particular, we focus on constraint-reduction methods for the highly efficient primal-dual interior-point (PDIP) algorithms. We propose and analyze a convergent constraint-reduced variant of Mehrotra's predictor-corrector PDIP algorithm, the algorithm implemented in virtually every interior-point software package for linear (and convex-conic) programming. We prove global and local quadratic convergence of this algorithm under a very general class of constraint selection rules and under minimal assumptions. We also propose and analyze two regularized constraint-reduced PDIP algorithms (with similar convergence properties) designed to deal directly with a type of degeneracy that constraint-reduced interior-point algorithms are often subject to. Prior schemes for dealing with this degeneracy could end up negating the benefit of constraint-reduction. Finally, we investigate the performance of our algorithms by applying them to several test and application problems, and show that our algorithms often outperform alternative approaches