252 research outputs found

    A note on blockers in posets

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    The blocker AA^{*} of an antichain AA in a finite poset PP is the set of elements minimal with the property of having with each member of AA a common predecessor. The following is done: 1. The posets PP for which A=AA^{**}=A for all antichains are characterized. 2. The blocker AA^* of a symmetric antichain in the partition lattice is characterized. 3. Connections with the question of finding minimal size blocking sets for certain set families are discussed

    Chains, Antichains, and Complements in Infinite Partition Lattices

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    We consider the partition lattice Πκ\Pi_\kappa on any set of transfinite cardinality κ\kappa and properties of Πκ\Pi_\kappa whose analogues do not hold for finite cardinalities. Assuming the Axiom of Choice we prove: (I) the cardinality of any maximal well-ordered chain is always exactly κ\kappa; (II) there are maximal chains in Πκ\Pi_\kappa of cardinality >κ> \kappa; (III) if, for every cardinal λ<κ\lambda < \kappa, we have 2λ<2κ2^{\lambda} < 2^\kappa, there exists a maximal chain of cardinality <2κ< 2^{\kappa} (but κ\ge \kappa) in Π2κ\Pi_{2^\kappa}; (IV) every non-trivial maximal antichain in Πκ\Pi_\kappa has cardinality between κ\kappa and 2κ2^{\kappa}, and these bounds are realized. Moreover we can construct maximal antichains of cardinality max(κ,2λ)\max(\kappa, 2^{\lambda}) for any λκ\lambda \le \kappa; (V) all cardinals of the form κλ\kappa^\lambda with 0λκ0 \le \lambda \le \kappa occur as the number of complements to some partition PΠκ\mathcal{P} \in \Pi_\kappa, and only these cardinalities appear. Moreover, we give a direct formula for the number of complements to a given partition; (VI) Under the Generalized Continuum Hypothesis, the cardinalities of maximal chains, maximal antichains, and numbers of complements are fully determined, and we provide a complete characterization.Comment: 24 pages, 2 figures. Submitted to Algebra Universalis on 27/11/201

    Short antichains in root systems, semi-Catalan arrangements, and B-stable subspaces

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    Let \be be a Borel subalgebra of a complex simple Lie algebra \g. An ideal of \be is called ad-nilpotent, if it is contained in [\be,\be]. The generators of an ad-nilpotent ideal give rise to an antichain in the poset of positive roots, and the whole theory can be expressed in a combinatorial fashion, in terms of antichains. The aim of this paper is to present a refinement of the enumerative theory of ad-nilpotent ideals for the case in which \g has roots of different length. An antichain is called short, if it consists of short roots. We obtain, for short antichains, analogues of all results known for the usual antichains.Comment: LaTeX2e, 20 page

    Combinatorial symbolic powers

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    Symbolic powers are studied in the combinatorial context of monomial ideals. When the ideals are generated by quadratic squarefree monomials, the generators of the symbolic powers are obstructions to vertex covering in the associated graph and its blowups. As a result, perfect graphs play an important role in the theory, dual to the role played by perfect graphs in the theory of secants of monomial ideals. We use Gr\"obner degenerations as a tool to reduce questions about symbolic powers of arbitrary ideals to the monomial case. Among the applications are a new, unified approach to the Gr\"obner bases of symbolic powers of determinantal and Pfaffian ideals.Comment: 29 pages, 3 figures, Positive characteristic results incorporated into main body of pape

    An algebraic framework for the greedy algorithm with applications to the core and Weber set of cooperative games

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    An algebraic model generalizing submodular polytopes is presented, where modular functions on partially ordered sets take over the role of vectors in Rn{\mathbb R}^n. This model unifies various generalizations of combinatorial models in which the greedy algorithm and the Monge algorithm are successful and generalizations of the notions of core and Weber set in cooperative game theory. As a further application, we show that an earlier model of ours as well as the algorithmic model of Queyranne, Spieksma and Tardella for the Monge algorithm can be treated within the framework of usual matroid theory (on unordered ground-sets), which permits also the efficient algorithmic solution of the intersection problem within this model. \u

    On structures in hypergraphs of models of a theory

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    We define and study structural properties of hypergraphs of models of a theory including lattice ones. Characterizations for the lattice properties of hypergraphs of models of a theory, as well as for structures on sets of isomorphism types of models of a theory, are given

    A Theory of Stationary Trees and the Balanced Baumgartner-Hajnal-Todorcevic Theorem for Trees

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    Building on early work by Stevo Todorcevic, we describe a theory of stationary subtrees of trees of successor-cardinal height. We define the diagonal union of subsets of a tree, as well as normal ideals on a tree, and we characterize arbitrary subsets of a non-special tree as being either stationary or non-stationary. We then use this theory to prove the following partition relation for trees: Main Theorem: Let κ\kappa be any infinite regular cardinal, let ξ\xi be any ordinal such that 2ξ<κ2^{\left|\xi\right|} < \kappa, and let kk be any natural number. Then non-(2<κ)-special tree (κ+ξ)k2. \text{non-$\left(2^{<\kappa}\right)$-special tree } \to \left(\kappa + \xi \right)^2_k. This is a generalization to trees of the Balanced Baumgartner-Hajnal-Todorcevic Theorem, which we recover by applying the above to the cardinal (2<κ)+(2^{<\kappa})^+, the simplest example of a non-(2<κ)(2^{<\kappa})-special tree. As a corollary, we obtain a general result for partially ordered sets: Theorem: Let κ\kappa be any infinite regular cardinal, let ξ\xi be any ordinal such that 2ξ<κ2^{\left|\xi\right|} < \kappa, and let kk be any natural number. Let PP be a partially ordered set such that P(2<κ)2<κ1P \to (2^{<\kappa})^1_{2^{<\kappa}}. Then P(κ+ξ)k2. P \to \left(\kappa + \xi \right)^2_k. Comment: Submitted to Acta Mathematica Hungaric

    The saturation spectrum for antichains of subsets

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    Extending a classical theorem of Sperner, we characterize the integers mm such that there exists a maximal antichain of size mm in the Boolean lattice BnB_n, that is, the power set of [n]:={1,2,,n}[n]:=\{1,2,\dots,n\}, ordered by inclusion. As an important ingredient in the proof, we initiate the study of an extension of the Kruskal-Katona theorem which is of independent interest. For given positive integers tt and kk, we ask which integers ss have the property that there exists a family F\mathcal F of kk-sets with F=t\lvert\mathcal F\rvert=t such that the shadow of F\mathcal F has size ss, where the shadow of F\mathcal F is the collection of (k1)(k-1)-sets that are contained in at least one member of F\mathcal F. We provide a complete answer for tk+1t\leqslant k+1. Moreover, we prove that the largest integer which is not the shadow size of any family of kk-sets is 2k3/2+84k5/4+O(k)\sqrt 2k^{3/2}+\sqrt[4]{8}k^{5/4}+O(k).Comment: This is a merger of arXiv:2106.02226v2 with arXiv:2106.0223