4 research outputs found

    Predicting and Explaining Privacy Risk Exposure in Mobility Data

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    Mobility data is a proxy of different social dynamics and its analysis enables a wide range of user services. Unfortunately, mobility data are very sensitive because the sharing of people’s whereabouts may arise serious privacy concerns. Existing frameworks for privacy risk assessment provide tools to identify and measure privacy risks, but they often (i) have high computational complexity; and (ii) are not able to provide users with a justification of the reported risks. In this paper, we propose expert, a new framework for the prediction and explanation of privacy risk on mobility data. We empirically evaluate privacy risk on real data, simulating a privacy attack with a state-of-the-art privacy risk assessment framework. We then extract individual mobility profiles from the data for predicting their risk. We compare the performance of several machine learning algorithms in order to identify the best approach for our task. Finally, we show how it is possible to explain privacy risk prediction on real data, using two algorithms: Shap, a feature importance-based method and Lore, a rule-based method. Overall, expert is able to provide a user with the privacy risk and an explanation of the risk itself. The experiments show excellent performance for the prediction task

    Popularity, novelty and relevance in point of interest recommendation: an experimental analysis

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    AbstractRecommender Systems (RSs) are often assessed in off-line settings by measuring the system precision in predicting the observed user's ratings or choices. But, when apreciseRS is on-line, the generated recommendations can be perceived as marginally useful because lacking novelty. The underlying problem is that it is hard to build an RS that can correctly generalise, from the analysis of user's observed behaviour, and can identify the essential characteristics of novel and yet relevant recommendations. In this paper we address the above mentioned issue by considering four RSs that try to excel on different target criteria: precision, relevance and novelty. Two state of the art RSs called and follow a classical Nearest Neighbour approach, while the other two, and are based on Inverse Reinforcement Learning. and optimise precision, tries to identify the characteristics of POIs that make them relevant, and , a novel RS here introduced, is similar to but it also tries to recommend popular POIs. In an off-line experiment we discover that the recommendations produced by and optimise precision essentially by recommending quite popular POIs. can be tuned to achieve a desired level of precision at the cost of losing part of the best capability of to generate novel and yet relevant recommendations. In the on-line study we discover that the recommendations of and are liked more than those produced by . The rationale of that was found in the large percentage of novel recommendations produced by , which are difficult to appreciate. However, excels in recommending items that are both novel and liked by the users

    Artificial Intelligence as Catalyst for the Tourism Sector: A Literature Review

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    The analysis of Artificial Intelligence techniques and models used in the tourism sector provides insightful information for the management and innovation of this industry. In this paper, we conduct a comprehensive review of the different techniques and models, in regards to Artificial Intelligence when applied to the tourism industry. Specifically, we present a categorization of Artificial Intelligence applications used in different areas of tourism. The results allow to recognize valid studies and useful tools for the activation and growth of the tourism sector, an industry that represents a significant increase in the Gross Domestic Product of various economies and supports the development of life conditions for their inhabitants. Artificial Intelligence applications generate more personalized travel experiences, improve the efficiency of tourism services and strengthen the tourism competitiveness of the destination.&nbsp

    On Learning Prediction Models for Tourists Paths

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    In this article, we tackle the problem of predicting the "next" geographical position of a tourist, given her history (i.e., the prediction is done accordingly to the tourist's current trail) by means of supervised learning techniques, namely Gradient Boosted Regression Trees and Ranking SVM. The learning is done on the basis of an object space represented by a 68-dimension feature vector specifically designed for tourism-related data. Furthermore, we propose a thorough comparison of several methods that are considered state-of-theart in recommender and trail prediction systems for tourism, as well as a popularity baseline. Experiments show that the methods we propose consistently outperform the baselines and provide strong evidence of the performance and robustness of our solutions