5 research outputs found

    Computing maximum cliques in B2B_2-EPG graphs

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    EPG graphs, introduced by Golumbic et al. in 2009, are edge-intersection graphs of paths on an orthogonal grid. The class BkB_k-EPG is the subclass of EPG graphs where the path on the grid associated to each vertex has at most kk bends. Epstein et al. showed in 2013 that computing a maximum clique in B1B_1-EPG graphs is polynomial. As remarked in [Heldt et al., 2014], when the number of bends is at least 44, the class contains 22-interval graphs for which computing a maximum clique is an NP-hard problem. The complexity status of the Maximum Clique problem remains open for B2B_2 and B3B_3-EPG graphs. In this paper, we show that we can compute a maximum clique in polynomial time in B2B_2-EPG graphs given a representation of the graph. Moreover, we show that a simple counting argument provides a 2(k+1){2(k+1)}-approximation for the coloring problem on BkB_k-EPG graphs without knowing the representation of the graph. It generalizes a result of [Epstein et al, 2013] on B1B_1-EPG graphs (where the representation was needed)

    Relationship of kk-Bend and Monotonic â„“\ell-Bend Edge Intersection Graphs of Paths on a Grid

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    If a graph GG can be represented by means of paths on a grid, such that each vertex of GG corresponds to one path on the grid and two vertices of GG are adjacent if and only if the corresponding paths share a grid edge, then this graph is called EPG and the representation is called EPG representation. A kk-bend EPG representation is an EPG representation in which each path has at most kk bends. The class of all graphs that have a kk-bend EPG representation is denoted by BkB_k. BℓmB_\ell^m is the class of all graphs that have a monotonic (each path is ascending in both columns and rows) ℓ\ell-bend EPG representation. It is known that Bkm⫋BkB_k^m \subsetneqq B_k holds for k=1k=1. We prove that Bkm⫋BkB_k^m \subsetneqq B_k holds also for k∈{2,3,5}k \in \{2, 3, 5\} and for k⩾7k \geqslant 7 by investigating the BkB_k-membership and BkmB_k^m-membership of complete bipartite graphs. In particular we derive necessary conditions for this membership that have to be fulfilled by mm, nn and kk, where mm and nn are the number of vertices on the two partition classes of the bipartite graph. We conjecture that Bkm⫋BkB_{k}^{m} \subsetneqq B_{k} holds also for k∈{4,6}k\in \{4,6\}. Furthermore we show that Bk⊈B2k−9mB_k \not\subseteq B_{2k-9}^m holds for all k⩾5k\geqslant 5. This implies that restricting the shape of the paths can lead to a significant increase of the number of bends needed in an EPG representation. So far no bounds on the amount of that increase were known. We prove that B1⊆B3mB_1 \subseteq B_3^m holds, providing the first result of this kind

    Monotonic Representations of Outerplanar Graphs as Edge Intersection Graphs of Paths on a Grid

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    A graph GG is called an edge intersection graph of paths on a grid if there is a grid and there is a set of paths on this grid, such that the vertices of GG correspond to the paths and two vertices of GG are adjacent if and only if the corresponding paths share a grid edge. Such a representation is called an EPG representation of GG. BkB_{k} is the class of graphs for which there exists an EPG representation where every path has at most kk bends. The bend number b(G)b(G) of a graph GG is the smallest natural number kk for which GG belongs to BkB_k. BkmB_{k}^{m} is the subclass of BkB_k containing all graphs for which there exists an EPG representation where every path has at most kk bends and is monotonic, i.e. it is ascending in both columns and rows. The monotonic bend number bm(G)b^m(G) of a graph GG is the smallest natural number kk for which GG belongs to BkmB_k^m. Edge intersection graphs of paths on a grid were introduced by Golumbic, Lipshteyn and Stern in 2009 and a lot of research has been done on them since then. In this paper we deal with the monotonic bend number of outerplanar graphs. We show that bm(G)⩽2b^m(G)\leqslant 2 holds for every outerplanar graph GG. Moreover, we characterize in terms of forbidden subgraphs the maximal outerplanar graphs and the cacti with (monotonic) bend number equal to 00, 11 and 22. As a consequence we show that for any maximal outerplanar graph and any cactus a (monotonic) EPG representation with the smallest possible number of bends can be constructed in a time which is polynomial in the number of vertices of the graph

    Um estudo sobre grafos B2-EPG e B2-EPG-Helly

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    The word EPG is an acronym for Edge-Intersecting Paths on a Grid, that is, it exactly represents the class of edge-intersecion graphs of paths on a grid. In this writing, we started exploring the EPG graph subclass, well known as B2-EPG-Helly (more specifically its recognition complexity). However, we have also investigated graph representations that are not B1-EPG, but have not yet been associated with any Bk-EPG class, and also study other path properties in B2-EPG and B2-EPG with the Helly property. This research contains initial unpublished results about an exploration of the class B2- EPG, in addition to proposing interesting topics for future workA palavra EPG é um acrônimo para Edge-intersection Paths on a Grid, isto é, representa exatamente a classe de grafos de aresta-interseção de caminhos sobre uma grade. Neste trabalho de conclusão de curso iremos explorar principalmente uma subclasse de grafos EPG, conhecida como B2-EPG-Helly (mais especificamente a sua complexidade de reconhecimento). Contudo, também investigamos representações de grafos que não são B1-EPG, mas ainda não foram associadas a alguma classe Bk- EPG, além de estudar outras propriedades de caminhos em B2-EPG e B2-EPG com a propriedade Helly. Essa pesquisa contém resultados iniciais inéditos sobre a exploração da classe B2- EPG, além de propor tópicos interessantes para trabalhos futuro