989 research outputs found

    On Global Well-Posedness of the Lagrangian Averaged Euler Equations

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    We study the global well-posedness of the Lagrangian averaged Euler equations in three dimensions. We show that a necessary and sufficient condition for the global existence is that the bounded mean oscillation of the stream function is integrable in time. We also derive a sufficient condition in terms of the total variation of certain level set functions, which guarantees the global existence. Furthermore, we obtain the global existence of the averaged two-dimensional (2D) Boussinesq equations and the Lagrangian averaged 2D quasi-geostrophic equations in finite Sobolev space in the absence of viscosity or dissipation

    On Global Well‐Posedness of the Lagrangian Averaged Euler Equations

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    The anisotropic averaged Euler equations

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    The purpose of this paper is to derive the anisotropic averaged Euler equations and to study their geometric and analytic properties. These new equations involve the evolution of a mean velocity field and an advected symmetric tensor that captures the fluctuation effects. Besides the derivation of these equations, the new results in the paper are smoothness properties of the equations in material representation, which gives well-posedness of the equations, and the derivation of a corrector to the macroscopic velocity field. The numerical implementation and physical implications of this set of equations will be explored in other publications.Comment: 24 pages, 1 figur

    The geometry and analysis of the averaged Euler equations and a new diffeomorphism group

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    We present a geometric analysis of the incompressible averaged Euler equations for an ideal inviscid fluid. We show that solutions of these equations are geodesics on the volume-preserving diffeomorphism group of a new weak right invariant pseudo metric. We prove that for precompact open subsets of Rn{\mathbb R}^n, this system of PDEs with Dirichlet boundary conditions are well-posed for initial data in the Hilbert space HsH^s, s>n/2+1s>n/2+1. We then use a nonlinear Trotter product formula to prove that solutions of the averaged Euler equations are a regular limit of solutions to the averaged Navier-Stokes equations in the limit of zero viscosity. This system of PDEs is also the model for second-grade non-Newtonian fluids

    The vortex blob method as a second-grade non-Newtonian fluid

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    We show that a certain class of vortex blob approximations for ideal hydrodynamics in two dimensions can be rigorously understood as solutions to the equations of second-grade non-Newtonian fluids with zero viscosity, and initial data in the space of Radon measures M(R2){\mathcal M}({\mathbb R}^2). The solutions of this regularized PDE, also known as the averaged Euler or Euler-α\alpha equations, are geodesics on the volume preserving diffeomorphism group with respect to a new weak right invariant metric. We prove global existence of unique weak solutions (geodesics) for initial vorticity in M(R2){\mathcal M}({\mathbb R}^2) such as point-vortex data, and show that the associated coadjoint orbit is preserved by the flow. Moreover, solutions of this particular vortex blob method converge to solutions of the Euler equations with bounded initial vorticity, provided that the initial data is approximated weakly in measure, and the total variation of the approximation also converges. In particular, this includes grid-based approximation schemes of the type that are usually used for vortex methods

    A Nonlinear Analysis of the Averaged Euler Equations

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    This paper develops the geometry and analysis of the averaged Euler equations for ideal incompressible flow in domains in Euclidean space and on Riemannian manifolds, possibly with boundary. The averaged Euler equations involve a parameter α\alpha; one interpretation is that they are obtained by ensemble averaging the Euler equations in Lagrangian representation over rapid fluctuations whose amplitudes are of order α\alpha. The particle flows associated with these equations are shown to be geodesics on a suitable group of volume preserving diffeomorphisms, just as with the Euler equations themselves (according to Arnold's theorem), but with respect to a right invariant H1H^1 metric instead of the L2L^2 metric. The equations are also equivalent to those for a certain second grade fluid. Additional properties of the Euler equations, such as smoothness of the geodesic spray (the Ebin-Marsden theorem) are also shown to hold. Using this nonlinear analysis framework, the limit of zero viscosity for the corresponding viscous equations is shown to be a regular limit, {\it even in the presence of boundaries}.Comment: 25 pages, no figures, Dedicated to Vladimir Arnold on the occasion of his 60th birthday, Arnold Festschrift Volume 2 (in press
