7 research outputs found

    Face numbers of barycentric subdivisions of cubical complexes

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    The hh-polynomial of the barycentric subdivision of any nn-dimensional cubical complex with nonnegative cubical hh-vector is shown to have only real roots and to be interlaced by the Eulerian polynomial of type BnB_n. This result applies to barycentric subdivisions of shellable cubical complexes and, in particular, to barycentric subdivisions of cubical convex polytopes and answers affirmatively a question of Brenti, Mohammadi and Welker.Comment: Final version; minor changes, 11 page

    Enumerative gg-theorems for the Veronese construction for formal power series and graded algebras

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    Let (an)n0(a_n)_{n \geq 0} be a sequence of integers such that its generating series satisfies n0antn=h(t)(1t)d\sum_{n \geq 0} a_nt^n = \frac{h(t)}{(1-t)^d} for some polynomial h(t)h(t). For any r1r \geq 1 we study the coefficient sequence of the numerator polynomial h0(a)+...+hλ(a)tλh_0(a^{}) +...+ h_{\lambda'}(a^{}) t^{\lambda'} of the rr\textsuperscript{th} Veronese series a(t)=n0anrtna^{}(t) = \sum_{n \geq 0} a_{nr} t^n. Under mild hypothesis we show that the vector of successive differences of this sequence up to the d2\lfloor \frac{d}{2} \rfloor\textsuperscript{th} entry is the ff-vector of a simplicial complex for large rr. In particular, the sequence satisfies the consequences of the unimodality part of the gg-conjecture. We give applications of the main result to Hilbert series of Veronese algebras of standard graded algebras and the ff-vectors of edgewise subdivisions of simplicial complexes

    Face enumeration on simplicial complexes

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    Let MM be a closed triangulable manifold, and let Δ\Delta be a triangulation of MM. What is the smallest number of vertices that Δ\Delta can have? How big or small can the number of edges of Δ\Delta be as a function of the number of vertices? More generally, what are the possible face numbers (ff-numbers, for short) that Δ\Delta can have? In other words, what restrictions does the topology of MM place on the possible ff-numbers of triangulations of MM? To make things even more interesting, we can add some combinatorial conditions on the triangulations we are considering (e.g., flagness, balancedness, etc.) and ask what additional restrictions these combinatorial conditions impose. While only a few theorems in this area of combinatorics were known a couple of decades ago, in the last ten years or so, the field simply exploded with new results and ideas. Thus we feel that a survey paper is long overdue. As new theorems are being proved while we are typing this chapter, and as we have only a limited number of pages, we apologize in advance to our friends and colleagues, some of whose results will not get mentioned here.Comment: Chapter for upcoming IMA volume Recent Trends in Combinatoric