7 research outputs found

    On packing spheres into containers (about Kepler's finite sphere packing problem)

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    In an Euclidean dd-space, the container problem asks to pack nn equally sized spheres into a minimal dilate of a fixed container. If the container is a smooth convex body and d≥2d\geq 2 we show that solutions to the container problem can not have a ``simple structure'' for large nn. By this we in particular find that there exist arbitrary small r>0r>0, such that packings in a smooth, 3-dimensional convex body, with a maximum number of spheres of radius rr, are necessarily not hexagonal close packings. This contradicts Kepler's famous statement that the cubic or hexagonal close packing ``will be the tightest possible, so that in no other arrangement more spheres could be packed into the same container''.Comment: 13 pages, 2 figures; v2: major revision, extended result, simplified and clarified proo

    Density bounds for outer parallel domains of unit ball packings

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    We give upper bounds for the density of unit ball packings relative to their outer parallel domains and discuss their connection to contact numbers. Also, packings of soft balls are introduced and upper bounds are given for the fraction of space covered by them.Comment: 22 pages, 1 figur

    On the Minimum Ropelength of Knots and Links

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    The ropelength of a knot is the quotient of its length and its thickness, the radius of the largest embedded normal tube around the knot. We prove existence and regularity for ropelength minimizers in any knot or link type; these are C1,1C^{1,1} curves, but need not be smoother. We improve the lower bound for the ropelength of a nontrivial knot, and establish new ropelength bounds for small knots and links, including some which are sharp.Comment: 29 pages, 14 figures; New version has minor additions and corrections; new section on asymptotic growth of ropelength; several new reference

    The Plane-Width of Graphs

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    Map vertices of a graph to (not necessarily distinct) points of the plane so that two adjacent vertices are mapped at least a unit distance apart. The plane-width of a graph is the minimum diameter of the image of the vertex set over all such mappings. We establish a relation between the plane-width of a graph and its chromatic number, and connect it to other well-known areas, including the circular chromatic number and the problem of packing unit discs in the plane. We also investigate how plane-width behaves under various operations, such as homomorphism, disjoint union, complement, and the Cartesian product