369 research outputs found

    Binary Program Integrity Models for Defeating Code-Reuse Attacks

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    During a cyber-attack, an adversary executes offensive maneuvers to target computer systems. Particularly, an attacker often exploits a vulnerability within a program, hijacks control-flow, and executes malicious code. Data Execution Prevention (DEP), a hardware-enforced security feature, prevents an attacker from directly executing the injected malicious code. Therefore, attackers have resorted to code-reuse attacks, wherein carefully chosen fragments of code within existing code sections of a program are sequentially executed to accomplish malicious logic. Code-reuse attacks are ubiquitous and account for majority of the attacks in the wild. On one hand, due to the wide use of closed-source software, binary-level solutions are essential. On the other hand, without access to source-code and debug-information, defending raw binaries is hard. A majority of defenses against code-reuse attacks enforce control-flow integrity , a program property that requires the runtime execution of a program to adhere to a statically determined control-flow graph (CFG) -- a graph that captures the intended flow of control within the program. While defenses against code-reuse attacks have focused on reducing the attack space, due to the lack of high-level semantics in the binary, they lack in precision, which in turn results in smaller yet significant attack space. This dissertation presents program integrity models aimed at narrowing the attack space available to execute code-reuse attacks. First, we take a semantic-recovery approach to restrict the targets of indirect branches in a binary. Then, we further improve the precision by recovering C++-level semantics, and enforce a strict integrity model that improves precision for virtual function calls in the binary. Finally, in order to further reduce the attack space, we take a different perspective on defense against code-reuse attacks, and introduce Stack-Pointer Integrity -- a novel integrity model targeted at ensuring the integrity of stack pointer as opposed to the instruction pointer. Our results show that the semantic-recovery-based approaches can help in significantly reducing the attack space by improving the precision of the underlying CFG. Function-level semantic recovery can eliminate 99.47% of inaccurate targets, whereas recovering virtual callsites and VTables at a C++ level can eliminate 99.99% of inaccurate targets

    FineIBT: Fine-grain Control-flow Enforcement with Indirect Branch Tracking

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    We present the design, implementation, and evaluation of FineIBT: a CFI enforcement mechanism that improves the precision of hardware-assisted CFI solutions, like Intel IBT and ARM BTI, by instrumenting program code to reduce the valid/allowed targets of indirect forward-edge transfers. We study the design of FineIBT on the x86-64 architecture, and implement and evaluate it on Linux and the LLVM toolchain. We designed FineIBT's instrumentation to be compact, and incur low runtime and memory overheads, and generic, so as to support a plethora of different CFI policies. Our prototype implementation incurs negligible runtime slowdowns (≈\approx0%-1.94% in SPEC CPU2017 and ≈\approx0%-1.92% in real-world applications) outperforming Clang-CFI. Lastly, we investigate the effectiveness/security and compatibility of FineIBT using the ConFIRM CFI benchmarking suite, demonstrating that our nimble instrumentation provides complete coverage in the presence of modern software features, while supporting a wide range of CFI policies (coarse- vs. fine- vs. finer-grain) with the same, predictable performance

    Position-Independent Code Reuse:On the Effectiveness of ASLR in the Absence of Information Disclosure

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    Address-space layout randomization is a wellestablished defense against code-reuse attacks. However, it can be completely bypassed by just-in-time code-reuse attacks that rely on information disclosure of code addresses via memory or side-channel exposure. To address this fundamental weakness, much recent research has focused on detecting and mitigating information disclosure. The assumption being that if we perfect such techniques, we will not only maintain layout secrecy but also stop code reuse. In this paper, we demonstrate that an advanced attacker can mount practical code-reuse attacks even in the complete absence of information disclosure. To this end, we present Position-Independent Code-Reuse Attacks, a new class of codereuse attacks relying on the relative rather than absolute location of code gadgets in memory. By means of memory massaging, the attacker first makes the victim program generate a rudimentary ROP payload (for instance, containing code pointers that target instructions 'close' to relevant gadgets). Afterwards, the addresses in this payload are patched with small offsets via relative memory writes. To establish the practicality of such attacks, we present multiple Position-Independent ROP exploits against real-world software. After showing that we can bypass ASLR in current systems without requiring information disclosures, we evaluate the impact of our technique on other defenses, such as fine-grained ASLR, multi-variant execution, execute-only memory and re-randomization. We conclude by discussing potential mitigations

    Adversarial Machine Learning for the Protection of Legitimate Software

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    Obfuscation is the transforming a given program into one that is syntactically different but semantically equivalent. This new obfuscated program now has its code and/or data changed so that they are hidden and difficult for attackers to understand. Obfuscation is an important security tool and used to defend against reverse engineering. When applied to a program, different transformations can be observed to exhibit differing degrees of complexity and changes to the program. Recent work has shown, by studying these side effects, one can associate patterns with different transformations. By taking this into account and attempting to profile these unique side effects, it is possible to create a classifier using machine learning which can analyze transformed software and identifies what transformation was used to put it in its current state. This has the effect of weakening the security of obfuscating transformations used to protect legitimate software. In this research, we explore options to increase the robustness of obfuscation against attackers who utilize machine learning, particular those who use it to identify the type of obfuscation being employed. To accomplish this, we segment our research into three stages. For the first stage, we implement a suite of classifiers that are used to xiv identify the obfuscation used in samples. These establish a baseline for determining the effectiveness of our proposed defenses and make use of three varied feature sets. For the second stage, we explore methods to evade detection by the classifiers. To accomplish this, attacks setup using the principles of adversarial machine learning are carried out as evasion attacks. These attacks take an obfuscated program and make subtle changes to various aspects that will cause it to be mislabeled by the classifiers. The changes made to the programs affect features looked at by our classifiers, focusing mainly on the number and distribution of opcodes within the program. A constraint of these changes is that the program remains semantically unchanged. In addition, we explore a means of algorithmic dead code insertion in to achieve comparable results against a broader range of classifiers. In the third stage, we combine our attack strategies and evaluate the effect of our changes on the strength of obfuscating transformations. We also propose a framework to implement and automate these and other measures. We the following contributions: 1. An evaluation of the effectiveness of supervised learning models at labeling obfuscated transformations. We create these models using three unique feature sets: Code Images, Opcode N-grams, and Gadgets. 2. Demonstration of two approaches to algorithmic dummy code insertion designed to improve the stealth of obfuscating transformations against machine learning: Adversarial Obfuscation and Opcode Expansion 3. A unified version of our two defenses capable of achieving effectiveness against a broad range of classifiers, while also demonstrating its impact on obfuscation metrics
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