800 research outputs found

    The More Cooperation, the More Competition? A Cournot Analysis of the Benefits of Electric Market Coupling

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    Market coupling in Belgian and Dutch markets would permit more efficient use of intercountry transmission, 1) by counting only net flows against transmission limits, 2) by improving access to the Belgian market, and 3) by eliminating the mismatch in timing between interface auctions and the energy spot market. A Cournot market model that accounts for the region’s transmission pricing rules and limitations is used to simulate market outcomes with and without market coupling. This accounts for 1) and 2). Market coupling improves social surplus in the order of 108 €/year, unless it encourages the largest producer in the region to switch from a price-taking strategy in Belgium to a Cournot strategy due to a perceived diminishment of the threat of regulatory intervention. Benefit to Dutch consumers depends on the behavior of this company. The results illustrate how large-scale oligopoly models can be useful for assessing market integration

    Network-constrained models of liberalized electricity markets: the devil is in the details

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    Numerical models for electricity markets are frequently used to inform and support decisions. How robust are the results? Three research groups used the same, realistic data set for generators, demand and transmission network as input for their numerical models. The results coincide when predicting competitive market results. In the strategic case in which large generators can exercise market power, the predicted prices differed significantly. The results are highly sensitive to assumptions about market design, timing of the market and assumptions about constraints on the rationality of generators. Given the same assumptions the results coincide. We provide a checklist for users to understand the implications of different modelling assumptions.Market power, Electricity, Networks, Numeric models, Model comparison

    Cournot Versus Supply Functions: What does the Data Tell us?

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    The liberalization of the electricity sector increases the need for realistic and robust models of the oligopolistic interaction of electricity firms. This paper compares the two most popular models: Cournot and the Supply Function Equilibrium (SFE), and tests which model describes the observed market data best. Using identical demand and supply specifications, both models are calibrated to the German electricity market by varying the contract cover of firms. Our results show that each model explains an identical fraction of the observed price variation. We therefore suggest using Cournot models for short term analysis, as more market details, such as network constraints, can be accommodated. As the SFE model is less sensitive to the choice of the calibration parameters, it might be more appropriate for long term analysis, such as the study of a merger.supply function equilibrium;Cournot competition;electricity markets

    Cournot versus supply functions: what does the data tell us?

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    The liberalization of the electricity sector increases the need for realistic and robust models of the oligopolistic interaction of electricity firms. This paper compares the two most popular models: Cournot and the Supply Function Equilibrium (SFE), and tests which model describes the observed market data best. Using identical demand and supply specifications, both models are calibrated to the German electricity market by varying the contract cover of firms. Our results show that each model explains an identical fraction of the observed price variation. We therefore suggest using Cournot models for short term analysis, as more market details, such as network constraints, can be accommodated. As the SFE model is less sensitive to the choice of the calibration parameters, it might be more appropriate for long term analysis, such as the study of a merger.supply function equilibrium, Cournot competition, electricity markets

    The More Cooperation, the More Competition? A Cournot Analysis of the Benefits of Electric Market Coupling

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    Market coupling in Belgian and Dutch markets would permit more efficient use of intercountry transmission, 1) by counting only net flows against transmission limits, 2) by improving access to the Belgian market, and 3) by eliminating the mismatch in timing between interface auctions and the energy spot market. A Cournot market model that accounts for the region’s transmission pricing rules and limitations is used to simulate market outcomes with and without market coupling. This accounts for 1) and 2). Market coupling improves social surplus in the order of 108 €/year, unless it encourages the largest producer in the region to switch from a price-taking strategy in Belgium to a Cournot strategy due to a perceived diminishment of the threat of regulatory intervention. Benefit to Dutch consumers depends on the behavior of this company. The results illustrate how large-scale oligopoly models can be useful for assessing market integration.Electric power, Electric transmission, Liberalization, Oligopoly, Complementarity models, Computational models, Netherlands, Belgium, France, Germany, Market Coupling

    Cournot versus Supply Functions: What Does the Data tell us?

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    The liberalization of the electricity sector increases the need for realistic and robust models of the oligopolistic interaction of electricity firms. This paper compares the two most popular models: Cournot and the Supply Function Equilibrium (SFE), and tests which model describes the observed market data best. Using identical demand and supply specifications, both models are calibrated to the German electricity market by varying the contract cover of firms. Our results show that each model explains an identical fraction of the observed price variation. We therefore suggest using Cournot models for short term analysis, as more market details, such as network constraints, can be accommodated. As the SFE model is less sensitive to the choice of the calibration parameters, it might be more appropriate for long term analysis, such as the study of a merger.supply function equilibrium;Cournot competition;electricity markets

    On Quantity Competition and Transmission Constraints in Electricity Market

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    In this paper we characterize equilibria in a quantity game where symmetric firms face a local demand together with an export-constrained demand. Firms have unlimited access to a local demand but a restricted access to a second market, like in the electricity network where generators compete to satisfy demand but competition is restricted by transmission capacity. We show the existence of an effective demand that is continuous but not differentiable due to the transmission constraint. Three types of equilibria emerge in this context, parametrized by capacity. First, a symmetric equilibrium (unique) when the access to the second market is constrained. Second, a set of continuous and asymmetric equilibria with a fully used link but not constrained; and finally, a symmetric and unique equilibrium in which the link is not fully used. We also show how multiplicity of equilibria tends to disappear as the number of competitors increaseelectricity markets, Cournot games, capacity constraints

    A Comparison of Electricity Market Designs in Networks

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    In the real world two classes of market designs are implemented to trade electricity in transmission constrained networks. Analytical results show that in two node networks integrated market designs reduce the ability of electricity generators to exercise market power relative to separated market designs. In multi node networks countervailing effects make an analytic analysis difficult. We present a formulation of both market designs as an equilibrium problem with equilibrium constraints. We find that in a realistic network, prices are lower with the integrated market design.