47 research outputs found

    Central Limit Theorems for some Set Partition Statistics

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    We prove the conjectured limiting normality for the number of crossings of a uniformly chosen set partition of [n] = {1,2,...,n}. The arguments use a novel stochastic representation and are also used to prove central limit theorems for the dimension index and the number of levels

    Part-products of SS-restricted integer compositions

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    If SS is a cofinite set of positive integers, an "SS-restricted composition of nn" is a sequence of elements of SS, denoted λ=(λ1,λ2,...)\vec{\lambda}=(\lambda_1,\lambda_2,...), whose sum is nn. For uniform random SS-restricted compositions, the random variable B(λ)=iλi{\bf B}(\vec{\lambda})=\prod_i \lambda_i is asymptotically lognormal. The proof is based upon a combinatorial technique for decomposing a composition into a sequence of smaller compositions.Comment: 18 page

    Ordered increasing k-trees: Introduction and analysis of a preferential attachment network model

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    We introduce a random graph model based on k-trees, which can be generated by applying a probabilistic preferential attachment rule, but which also has a simple combinatorial description. We carry out a precise distributional analysis of important parameters for the network model such as the degree, the local clustering coefficient and the number of descendants of the nodes and root-to-node distances. We do not only obtain results for random nodes, but in particular we also get a precise description of the behaviour of parameters for the j-th inserted node in a random k-tree of size n, where j = j(n) might grow with n. The approach presented is not restricted to this specific k-tree model, but can also be applied to other evolving k-tree models.Comment: 12 pages, 2 figure

    Compositions into Powers of bb: Asymptotic Enumeration and Parameters

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    For a fixed integer base b2b\geq2, we consider the number of compositions of 11 into a given number of powers of bb and, related, the maximum number of representations a positive integer can have as an ordered sum of powers of bb. We study the asymptotic growth of those numbers and give precise asymptotic formulae for them, thereby improving on earlier results of Molteni. Our approach uses generating functions, which we obtain from infinite transfer matrices. With the same techniques the distribution of the largest denominator and the number of distinct parts are investigated