4,251 research outputs found

    On computational power and the order-chaos phase transition in Reservoir Computing

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    Randomly connected recurrent neural circuits have proven to be very powerful models for online computations when a trained memoryless readout function is appended. Such Reservoir Computing (RC) systems are commonly used in two flavors: with analog or binary (spiking) neurons in the recurrent circuits. Previous work showed a fundamental difference between these two incarnations of the RC idea. The performance of a RC system built from binary neurons seems to depend strongly on the network connectivity structure. In networks of analog neurons such dependency has not been observed. In this article we investigate this apparent dichotomy in terms of the in-degree of the circuit nodes. Our analyses based amongst others on the Lyapunov exponent reveal that the phase transition between ordered and chaotic network behavior of binary circuits qualitatively differs from the one in analog circuits. This explains the observed decreased computational performance of binary circuits of high node in-degree. Furthermore, a novel mean-field predictor for computational performance is introduced and shown to accurately predict the numerically obtained results.

    Delayed Dynamical Systems: Networks, Chimeras and Reservoir Computing

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    We present a systematic approach to reveal the correspondence between time delay dynamics and networks of coupled oscillators. After early demonstrations of the usefulness of spatio-temporal representations of time-delay system dynamics, extensive research on optoelectronic feedback loops has revealed their immense potential for realizing complex system dynamics such as chimeras in rings of coupled oscillators and applications to reservoir computing. Delayed dynamical systems have been enriched in recent years through the application of digital signal processing techniques. Very recently, we have showed that one can significantly extend the capabilities and implement networks with arbitrary topologies through the use of field programmable gate arrays (FPGAs). This architecture allows the design of appropriate filters and multiple time delays which greatly extend the possibilities for exploring synchronization patterns in arbitrary topological networks. This has enabled us to explore complex dynamics on networks with nodes that can be perfectly identical, introduce parameter heterogeneities and multiple time delays, as well as change network topologies to control the formation and evolution of patterns of synchrony

    Can biological quantum networks solve NP-hard problems?

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    There is a widespread view that the human brain is so complex that it cannot be efficiently simulated by universal Turing machines. During the last decades the question has therefore been raised whether we need to consider quantum effects to explain the imagined cognitive power of a conscious mind. This paper presents a personal view of several fields of philosophy and computational neurobiology in an attempt to suggest a realistic picture of how the brain might work as a basis for perception, consciousness and cognition. The purpose is to be able to identify and evaluate instances where quantum effects might play a significant role in cognitive processes. Not surprisingly, the conclusion is that quantum-enhanced cognition and intelligence are very unlikely to be found in biological brains. Quantum effects may certainly influence the functionality of various components and signalling pathways at the molecular level in the brain network, like ion ports, synapses, sensors, and enzymes. This might evidently influence the functionality of some nodes and perhaps even the overall intelligence of the brain network, but hardly give it any dramatically enhanced functionality. So, the conclusion is that biological quantum networks can only approximately solve small instances of NP-hard problems. On the other hand, artificial intelligence and machine learning implemented in complex dynamical systems based on genuine quantum networks can certainly be expected to show enhanced performance and quantum advantage compared with classical networks. Nevertheless, even quantum networks can only be expected to efficiently solve NP-hard problems approximately. In the end it is a question of precision - Nature is approximate.Comment: 38 page

    Toward bio-inspired information processing with networks of nano-scale switching elements

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    Unconventional computing explores multi-scale platforms connecting molecular-scale devices into networks for the development of scalable neuromorphic architectures, often based on new materials and components with new functionalities. We review some work investigating the functionalities of locally connected networks of different types of switching elements as computational substrates. In particular, we discuss reservoir computing with networks of nonlinear nanoscale components. In usual neuromorphic paradigms, the network synaptic weights are adjusted as a result of a training/learning process. In reservoir computing, the non-linear network acts as a dynamical system mixing and spreading the input signals over a large state space, and only a readout layer is trained. We illustrate the most important concepts with a few examples, featuring memristor networks with time-dependent and history dependent resistances

    A characterization of the Edge of Criticality in Binary Echo State Networks

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    Echo State Networks (ESNs) are simplified recurrent neural network models composed of a reservoir and a linear, trainable readout layer. The reservoir is tunable by some hyper-parameters that control the network behaviour. ESNs are known to be effective in solving tasks when configured on a region in (hyper-)parameter space called \emph{Edge of Criticality} (EoC), where the system is maximally sensitive to perturbations hence affecting its behaviour. In this paper, we propose binary ESNs, which are architecturally equivalent to standard ESNs but consider binary activation functions and binary recurrent weights. For these networks, we derive a closed-form expression for the EoC in the autonomous case and perform simulations in order to assess their behavior in the case of noisy neurons and in the presence of a signal. We propose a theoretical explanation for the fact that the variance of the input plays a major role in characterizing the EoC
