23,314 research outputs found

    When Intrusion Detection Meets Blockchain Technology: A Review

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    With the purpose of identifying cyber threats and possible incidents, intrusion detection systems (IDSs) are widely deployed in various computer networks. In order to enhance the detection capability of a single IDS, collaborative intrusion detection networks (or collaborative IDSs) have been developed, which allow IDS nodes to exchange data with each other. However, data and trust management still remain two challenges for current detection architectures, which may degrade the effectiveness of such detection systems. In recent years, blockchain technology has shown its adaptability in many fields, such as supply chain management, international payment, interbanking, and so on. As blockchain can protect the integrity of data storage and ensure process transparency, it has a potential to be applied to intrusion detection domain. Motivated by this, this paper provides a review regarding the intersection of IDSs and blockchains. In particular, we introduce the background of intrusion detection and blockchain, discuss the applicability of blockchain to intrusion detection, and identify open challenges in this direction

    Suitability of Blockchain for Collaborative Intrusion Detection Systems

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    © 2020 IEEE. Cyber-security is indispensable as malicious incidents are ubiquitous on the Internet. Intrusion Detection Systems have an important role in detecting and thwarting cyber-attacks. However, it is more effective in a centralized system but not in peer-to-peer networks which makes it subject to central point failure, especially in collaborated intrusion detection systems. The novel blockchain technology assures a fully distributed security system through its powerful features of transparency, immutability, decentralization, and provenance. Therefore, in this paper, we investigate and demonstrate several methods of collaborative intrusion detection with blockchain to analyze the suitability and security of blockchain for collaborative intrusion detection systems. We also studied the difference between the existing means of the integration of intrusion detection systems with blockchain and categorized the major vulnerabilities of blockchain with their potential losses and current enhancements for mitigation

    A Blockchain-Based Retribution Mechanism for Collaborative Intrusion Detection

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    Collaborative intrusion detection approach uses the shared detection signature between the collaborative participants to facilitate coordinated defense. In the context of collaborative intrusion detection system (CIDS), however, there is no research focusing on the efficiency of the shared detection signature. The inefficient detection signature costs not only the IDS resource but also the process of the peer-to-peer (P2P) network. In this paper, we therefore propose a blockchain-based retribution mechanism, which aims to incentivize the participants to contribute to verifying the efficiency of the detection signature in terms of certain distributed consensus. We implement a prototype using Ethereum blockchain, which instantiates a token-based retribution mechanism and a smart contract-enabled voting-based distributed consensus. We conduct a number of experiments built on the prototype, and the experimental results demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed approach

    On Collaborative Intrusion Detection

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    Cyber-attacks have nowadays become more frightening than ever before. The growing dependency of our society on networked systems aggravates these threats; from interconnected corporate networks and Industrial Control Systems (ICSs) to smart households, the attack surface for the adversaries is increasing. At the same time, it is becoming evident that the utilization of classic fields of security research alone, e.g., cryptography, or the usage of isolated traditional defense mechanisms, e.g., firewalls and Intrusion Detection Systems ( IDSs ), is not enough to cope with the imminent security challenges. To move beyond monolithic approaches and concepts that follow a “cat and mouse” paradigm between the defender and the attacker, cyber-security research requires novel schemes. One such promis- ing approach is collaborative intrusion detection. Driven by the lessons learned from cyber-security research over the years, the aforesaid notion attempts to connect two instinctive questions: “if we acknowledge the fact that no security mechanism can detect all attacks, can we beneficially combine multiple approaches to operate together?” and “as the adversaries increasingly collaborate (e.g., Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attacks from whichever larger botnets) to achieve their goals, can the defenders beneficially collude too?”. Collabora- tive intrusion detection attempts to address the emerging security challenges by providing methods for IDSs and other security mech- anisms (e.g., firewalls and honeypots) to combine their knowledge towards generating a more holistic view of the monitored network. This thesis improves the state of the art in collaborative intrusion detection in several areas. In particular, the dissertation proposes methods for the detection of complex attacks and the generation of the corresponding intrusion detection signatures. Moreover, a novel approach for the generation of alert datasets is given, which can assist researchers in evaluating intrusion detection algorithms and systems. Furthermore, a method for the construction of communities of collab- orative monitoring sensors is given, along with a domain-awareness approach that incorporates an efficient data correlation mechanism. With regard to attacks and countermeasures, a detailed methodology is presented that is focusing on sensor-disclosure attacks in the con- text of collaborative intrusion detection. The scientific contributions can be structured into the following categories: Alert data generation: This thesis deals with the topic of alert data generation in a twofold manner: first it presents novel approaches for detecting complex attacks towards generating alert signatures for IDSs ; second a method for the synthetic generation of alert data is pro- posed. In particular, a novel security mechanism for mobile devices is proposed that is able to support users in assessing the security status of their networks. The system can detect sophisticated attacks and generate signatures to be utilized by IDSs . The dissertation also touches the topic of synthetic, yet realistic, dataset generation for the evaluation of intrusion detection algorithms and systems; it proposes a novel dynamic dataset generation concept that overcomes the short- comings of the related work. Collaborative intrusion detection: As a first step, the the- sis proposes a novel taxonomy for collaborative intrusion detection ac- companied with building blocks for Collaborative IDSs ( CIDSs ). More- over, the dissertation deals with the topics of (alert) data correlation and aggregation in the context of CIDSs . For this, a number of novel methods are proposed that aim at improving the clustering of mon- itoring sensors that exhibit similar traffic patterns. Furthermore, a novel alert correlation approach is presented that can minimize the messaging overhead of a CIDS. Attacks on CIDSs: It is common for research on cyber-defense to switch its perspective, taking on the viewpoint of attackers, trying to anticipate their remedies against novel defense approaches. The the- sis follows such an approach by focusing on a certain class of attacks on CIDSs that aim at identifying the network location of the monitor- ing sensors. In particular, the state of the art is advanced by proposing a novel scheme for the improvement of such attacks. Furthermore, the dissertation proposes novel mitigation techniques to overcome both the state of art and the proposed improved attacks. Evaluation: All the proposals and methods introduced in the dis- sertation were evaluated qualitatively, quantitatively and empirically. A comprehensive study of the state of the art in collaborative intru- sion detection was conducted via a qualitative approach, identifying research gaps and surveying the related work. To study the effective- ness of the proposed algorithms and systems extensive simulations were utilized. Moreover, the applicability and usability of some of the contributions in the area of alert data generation was additionally supported via Proof of Concepts (PoCs) and prototypes. The majority of the contributions were published in peer-reviewed journal articles, in book chapters, and in the proceedings of interna- tional conferences and workshops

    Investigating the influence of special on-off attacks on challenge-based collaborative intrusion detection networks

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    Intrusions are becoming more complicated with the recent development of adversarial techniques. To boost the detection accuracy of a separate intrusion detector, the collaborative intrusion detection network (CIDN) has thus been developed by allowing intrusion detection system (IDS) nodes to exchange data with each other. Insider attacks are a great threat for such types of collaborative networks, where an attacker has the authorized access within the network. In literature, a challenge-based trust mechanism is effective at identifying malicious nodes by sending challenges. However, such mechanisms are heavily dependent on two assumptions, which would cause CIDNs to be vulnerable to advanced insider attacks in practice. In this work, we investigate the influence of advanced on–off attacks on challenge-based CIDNs, which can respond truthfully to one IDS node but behave maliciously to another IDS node. To evaluate the attack performance, we have conducted two experiments under a simulated and a real CIDN environment. The obtained results demonstrate that our designed attack is able to compromise the robustness of challenge-based CIDNs in practice; that is, some malicious nodes can behave untruthfully without a timely detection

    CK-RAID: Collaborative Knowledge Repository for Intrusion Detection System

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    Intrusion Detection Systems (IDSs) are an integral part of an organization\u27s infrastructure. Without an IDS facility in place to monitor network and host activities, attempted and successful intrusion attempts may go unnoticed. This study proposed a Collaborative Knowledge Repository Architecture for Intrusion Detection (CK-RAID). It is based on a distributed network of computer nodes, each with their individual IDS with a centralized knowledge repository system, and firewall acting as a defence. When an unfamiliar attack hits any node, the first step the intrusion monitor takes is to request from Knowledge Repository Server the most effective intrusion response. To improve performance, Intrusion Update module collaborates with IDSs sensor and log by updating their expert rule and intrusion information respectively and removing the old intrusion signature from the knowledge base with the aid of Intrusion Detector Pruning. To ensure security of information exchange, RSA encryption and Digital Signature were used to encode information during transit. The result showed that CK-RAID had a detection rate of 97.2%, compared with Medoid Clustering, Y-means, FCM and K-means that have an accuracy of 96.38%, 87.15%, 82.13% and 77.25% respectively. Therefore, CK-RAID can be deployed for efficient detection of all categories of intrusion detection and response

    Cooperative Trust Framework for Cloud Computing Based on Mobile Agents

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    Cloud computing opens doors to the multiple, unlimited venues from elastic computing to on demand provisioning to dynamic storage, reduce the potential costs through optimized and efficient computing. To provide secure and reliable services in cloud computing environment is an important issue. One of the security issues is how to reduce the impact of for any type of intrusion in this environment. To counter these kinds of attacks, a framework of cooperative Hybrid intrusion detection system (Hy-IDS) and Mobile Agents is proposed. This framework allows protection against the intrusion attacks. Our Hybrid IDS is based on two types of IDS, the first for the detection of attacks at the level of virtual machines (VMs), the second for the network attack detection and Mobile Agents. Then, this framework unfolds in three phases: the first, detection intrusion in a virtual environment using mobile agents for collected malicious data. The second, generating new signatures from malicious data, which were collected in the first phase. The third, dynamic deployment of updates between clusters in a cloud computing, using the newest signatures previously created. By this type of close-loop control, the collaborative network security management system can identify and address new distributed attacks more quickly and effectively. In this paper, we develop a collaborative approach based on Hy-IDS and Mobile Agents in Cloud Environment, to define a dynamic context which enables the detection of new attacks, with much detail as possible

    A novel framework for collaborative intrusion detection for M2M networks

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    The proliferation of sensor devices has introduced exciting possibilities such as the Internet of Things (IoT). Machine to Machine (M2M) communication underpins efficient interactions within such infrastructures. The resource constraints and ad-hoc nature of these networks have significant implications for security in general and with respect to intrusion detection in particular. Consequently, contemporary solutions mandating a stable infrastructure are inadequate to fulfill these defining characteristics of M2M networks. In this paper, we present COLIDE (COLlaborative Intrusion Detection Engine) a novel framework for effective intrusion detection in the M2M networks without incurring high energy and communication cost on the participating host and edge nodes. The framework is envisioned to address challenges such as flexibility, resource constraints, and the collaborative nature of the M2M networks. The paper presents a detailed system description along with its formal and empirical evaluation using Contiki OS. Our evaluation for different communication scenarios demonstrates that the proposed approach has limited overhead in terms of energy utilization and memory consumption
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