23 research outputs found

    On Coding for Cooperative Data Exchange

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    We consider the problem of data exchange by a group of closely-located wireless nodes. In this problem each node holds a set of packets and needs to obtain all the packets held by other nodes. Each of the nodes can broadcast the packets in its possession (or a combination thereof) via a noiseless broadcast channel of capacity one packet per channel use. The goal is to minimize the total number of transmissions needed to satisfy the demands of all the nodes, assuming that they can cooperate with each other and are fully aware of the packet sets available to other nodes. This problem arises in several practical settings, such as peer-to-peer systems and wireless data broadcast. In this paper, we establish upper and lower bounds on the optimal number of transmissions and present an efficient algorithm with provable performance guarantees. The effectiveness of our algorithms is established through numerical simulations.Comment: Appeared in the proceedings of the 2010 IEEE Information Theory Workshop (ITW 2010, Cairo

    Error Correction for Cooperative Data Exchange

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    This paper considers the problem of error correction for a cooperative data exchange (CDE) system, where some clients are compromised or failed and send false messages. Assuming each client possesses a subset of the total messages, we analyze the error correction capability when every client is allowed to broadcast only one linearly-coded message. Our error correction capability bound determines the maximum number of clients that can be compromised or failed without jeopardizing the final decoding solution at each client. We show that deterministic, feasible linear codes exist that can achieve the derived bound. We also evaluate random linear codes, where the coding coefficients are drawn randomly, and then develop the probability for a client to withstand a certain number of compromised or failed peers and successfully deduce the complete message for any network size and any initial message distributions

    Distributed Reed-Solomon Codes for Simple Multiple Access Networks

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    We consider a simple multiple access network in which a destination node receives information from multiple sources via a set of relay nodes. Each relay node has access to a subset of the sources, and is connected to the destination by a unit capacity link. We also assume that zz of the relay nodes are adversarial. We propose a computationally efficient distributed coding scheme and show that it achieves the full capacity region for up to three sources. Specifically, the relay nodes encode in a distributed fashion such that the overall codewords received at the destination are codewords from a single Reed-Solomon code.Comment: 12 pages, 1 figur

    Cooperative Data Exchange with Unreliable Clients

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    Consider a set of clients in a broadcast network, each of which holds a subset of packets in the ground set X. In the (coded) cooperative data exchange problem, the clients need to recover all packets in X by exchanging coded packets over a lossless broadcast channel. Several previous works analyzed this problem under the assumption that each client initially holds a random subset of packets in X. In this paper we consider a generalization of this problem for settings in which an unknown (but of a certain size) subset of clients are unreliable and their packet transmissions are subject to arbitrary erasures. For the special case of one unreliable client, we derive a closed-form expression for the minimum number of transmissions required for each reliable client to obtain all packets held by other reliable clients (with probability approaching 1 as the number of packets tends to infinity). Furthermore, for the cases with more than one unreliable client, we provide an approximation solution in which the number of transmissions per packet is within an arbitrarily small additive factor from the value of the optimal solution.Comment: 8 pages; in Proc. 53rd Annual Allerton Conference on Communication, Control, and Computing (Allerton 2015

    Iterative Merging Algorithm for Cooperative Data Exchange

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    We consider the problem of finding the minimum sum-rate strategy in cooperative data exchange systems that do not allow packet-splitting (NPS-CDE). In an NPS-CDE system, there are a number of geographically close cooperative clients who send packets to help the others recover a packet set. A minimum sum-rate strategy is the strategy that achieves universal recovery (the situation when all the clients recover the whole packet set) with the the minimal sum-rate (the total number of transmissions). We propose an iterative merging (IM) algorithm that recursively merges client sets based on a lower estimate of the minimum sum-rate and updates to the value of the minimum sum-rate. We also show that a minimum sum-rate strategy can be learned by allocating rates for the local recovery in each merged client set in the IM algorithm. We run an experiment to show that the complexity of the IM algorithm is lower than that of the existing deterministic algorithm when the number of clients is lower than 9494.Comment: 9 pages, 3 figure

    Coded Cooperative Data Exchange for a Secret Key

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    We consider a coded cooperative data exchange problem with the goal of generating a secret key. Specifically, we investigate the number of public transmissions required for a set of clients to agree on a secret key with probability one, subject to the constraint that it remains private from an eavesdropper. Although the problems are closely related, we prove that secret key generation with fewest number of linear transmissions is NP-hard, while it is known that the analogous problem in traditional cooperative data exchange can be solved in polynomial time. In doing this, we completely characterize the best possible performance of linear coding schemes, and also prove that linear codes can be strictly suboptimal. Finally, we extend the single-key results to characterize the minimum number of public transmissions required to generate a desired integer number of statistically independent secret keys.Comment: Full version of a paper that appeared at ISIT 2014. 19 pages, 2 figure

    Network Codes for Real-Time Applications

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    We consider the scenario of broadcasting for real-time applications and loss recovery via instantly decodable network coding. Past work focused on minimizing the completion delay, which is not the right objective for real-time applications that have strict deadlines. In this work, we are interested in finding a code that is instantly decodable by the maximum number of users. First, we prove that this problem is NP-Hard in the general case. Then we consider the practical probabilistic scenario, where users have i.i.d. loss probability and the number of packets is linear or polynomial in the number of users. In this scenario, we provide a polynomial-time (in the number of users) algorithm that finds the optimal coded packet. The proposed algorithm is evaluated using both simulation and real network traces of a real-time Android application. Both results show that the proposed coding scheme significantly outperforms the state-of-the-art baselines: an optimal repetition code and a COPE-like greedy scheme.Comment: ToN 2013 Submission Versio