395,158 research outputs found

    Extremal Values of the Interval Number of a Graph

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    The interval number i(G)i( G ) of a simple graph GG is the smallest number tt such that to each vertex in GG there can be assigned a collection of at most tt finite closed intervals on the real line so that there is an edge between vertices vv and ww in GG if and only if some interval for vv intersects some interval for ww. The well known interval graphs are precisely those graphs GG with i(G)≦1i ( G )\leqq 1. We prove here that for any graph GG with maximum degree d,i(G)≦⌈12(d+1)⌉d, i ( G )\leqq \lceil \frac{1}{2} ( d + 1 ) \rceil . This bound is attained by every regular graph of degree dd with no triangles, so is best possible. The degree bound is applied to show that i(G)≦⌈13n⌉i ( G )\leqq \lceil \frac{1}{3}n \rceil for graphs on nn vertices and i(G)≦⌊e⌋i ( G )\leqq \lfloor \sqrt{e} \rfloor for graphs with ee edges

    Locally ss-distance transitive graphs

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    We give a unified approach to analysing, for each positive integer ss, a class of finite connected graphs that contains all the distance transitive graphs as well as the locally ss-arc transitive graphs of diameter at least ss. A graph is in the class if it is connected and if, for each vertex vv, the subgroup of automorphisms fixing vv acts transitively on the set of vertices at distance ii from vv, for each ii from 1 to ss. We prove that this class is closed under forming normal quotients. Several graphs in the class are designated as degenerate, and a nondegenerate graph in the class is called basic if all its nontrivial normal quotients are degenerate. We prove that, for s≥2s\geq 2, a nondegenerate, nonbasic graph in the class is either a complete multipartite graph, or a normal cover of a basic graph. We prove further that, apart from the complete bipartite graphs, each basic graph admits a faithful quasiprimitive action on each of its (1 or 2) vertex orbits, or a biquasiprimitive action. These results invite detailed additional analysis of the basic graphs using the theory of quasiprimitive permutation groups.Comment: Revised after referee report

    A Statistical Mechanical Load Balancer for the Web

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    The maximum entropy principle from statistical mechanics states that a closed system attains an equilibrium distribution that maximizes its entropy. We first show that for graphs with fixed number of edges one can define a stochastic edge dynamic that can serve as an effective thermalization scheme, and hence, the underlying graphs are expected to attain their maximum-entropy states, which turn out to be Erdos-Renyi (ER) random graphs. We next show that (i) a rate-equation based analysis of node degree distribution does indeed confirm the maximum-entropy principle, and (ii) the edge dynamic can be effectively implemented using short random walks on the underlying graphs, leading to a local algorithm for the generation of ER random graphs. The resulting statistical mechanical system can be adapted to provide a distributed and local (i.e., without any centralized monitoring) mechanism for load balancing, which can have a significant impact in increasing the efficiency and utilization of both the Internet (e.g., efficient web mirroring), and large-scale computing infrastructure (e.g., cluster and grid computing).Comment: 11 Pages, 5 Postscript figures; added references, expanded on protocol discussio

    Operads, configuration spaces and quantization

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    We review several well-known operads of compactified configuration spaces and construct several new such operads, C, in the category of smooth manifolds with corners whose complexes of fundamental chains give us (i) the 2-coloured operad of A-infinity algebras and their homotopy morphisms, (ii) the 2-coloured operad of L-infinity algebras and their homotopy morphisms, and (iii) the 4-coloured operad of open-closed homotopy algebras and their homotopy morphisms. Two gadgets - a (coloured) operad of Feynman graphs and a de Rham field theory on C - are introduced and used to construct quantized representations of the (fundamental) chain operad of C which are given by Feynman type sums over graphs and depend on choices of propagators.Comment: 58 page
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