16 research outputs found

    Enumeration of 3-letter patterns in compositions

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    Let A be any set of positive integers and n a positive integer. A composition of n with parts in A is an ordered collection of one or more elements in A whose sum is n. We derive generating functions for the number of compositions of n with m parts in A that have r occurrences of 3-letter patterns formed by two (adjacent) instances of levels, rises and drops. We also derive asymptotics for the number of compositions of n that avoid a given pattern. Finally, we obtain the generating function for the number of k-ary words of length m which contain a prescribed number of occurrences of a given pattern as a special case of our results.Comment: 20 pages, 1 figure; accepted for the Proceedings of the 2005 Integer Conferenc

    Part-products of SS-restricted integer compositions

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    If SS is a cofinite set of positive integers, an "SS-restricted composition of nn" is a sequence of elements of SS, denoted Ξ»βƒ—=(Ξ»1,Ξ»2,...)\vec{\lambda}=(\lambda_1,\lambda_2,...), whose sum is nn. For uniform random SS-restricted compositions, the random variable B(Ξ»βƒ—)=∏iΞ»i{\bf B}(\vec{\lambda})=\prod_i \lambda_i is asymptotically lognormal. The proof is based upon a combinatorial technique for decomposing a composition into a sequence of smaller compositions.Comment: 18 page

    Horizontal runs in domino tilings

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    We discuss tilings of a grid (of size n Γ— 2) with dominoes of size 2 Γ— 1. Parameters that might be called "longest run" are investigated, in terms of generating functions and also asymptotically. Extensions are also mentioned

    Five Guidelines for Partition Analysis with Applications to Lecture Hall-type Theorems

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    Five simple guidelines are proposed to compute the generating function for the nonnegative integer solutions of a system of linear inequalities. In contrast to other approaches, the emphasis is on deriving recurrences. We show how to use the guidelines strategically to solve some nontrivial enumeration problems in the theory of partitions and compositions. This includes a strikingly different approach to lecture hall-type theorems, with new qq-series identities arising in the process. For completeness, we prove that the guidelines suffice to find the generating function for any system of homogeneous linear inequalities with integer coefficients. The guidelines can be viewed as a simplification of MacMahon's partition analysis with ideas from matrix techiniques, Elliott reduction, and ``adding a slice''

    Tight Markov chains and random compositions

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    For an ergodic Markov chain {X(t)}\{X(t)\} on N\Bbb N, with a stationary distribution Ο€\pi, let Tn>0T_n>0 denote a hitting time for [n]c[n]^c, and let Xn=X(Tn)X_n=X(T_n). Around 2005 Guy Louchard popularized a conjecture that, for nβ†’βˆžn\to \infty, TnT_n is almost Geometric(pp), p=Ο€([n]c)p=\pi([n]^c), XnX_n is almost stationarily distributed on [n]c[n]^c, and that XnX_n and TnT_n are almost independent, if p(n):=sup⁑ip(i,[n]c)β†’0p(n):=\sup_ip(i,[n]^c)\to 0 exponentially fast. For the chains with p(n)β†’0p(n) \to 0 however slowly, and with sup⁑i,j βˆ₯p(i,β‹…)βˆ’p(j,β‹…)βˆ₯TV<1\sup_{i,j}\,\|p(i,\cdot)-p(j,\cdot)\|_{TV}<1, we show that Louchard's conjecture is indeed true even for the hits of an arbitrary SnβŠ‚NS_n\subset\Bbb N with Ο€(Sn)β†’0\pi(S_n)\to 0. More precisely, a sequence of kk consecutive hit locations paired with the time elapsed since a previous hit (for the first hit, since the starting moment) is approximated, within a total variation distance of order k sup⁑ip(i,Sn)k\,\sup_ip(i,S_n), by a kk-long sequence of independent copies of (β„“n,tn)(\ell_n,t_n), where β„“n=Geometric (Ο€(Sn))\ell_n= \text{Geometric}\,(\pi(S_n)), tnt_n is distributed stationarily on SnS_n, and β„“n\ell_n is independent of tnt_n. The two conditions are easily met by the Markov chains that arose in Louchard's studies as likely sharp approximations of two random compositions of a large integer Ξ½\nu, a column-convex animal (cca) composition and a Carlitz (C) composition. We show that this approximation is indeed very sharp for most of the parts of the random compositions. Combining the two approximations in a tandem, we are able to determine the limiting distributions of ΞΌ=o(ln⁑ν)\mu=o(\ln\nu) and ΞΌ=o(Ξ½1/2)\mu=o(\nu^{1/2}) largest parts of the random cca composition and the random C-composition, respectively. (Submitted to Annals of Probability in August, 2009.

    The distribution of ascents of size d or more in compositions

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    Locally Restricted Compositions IV. Nearly Free Large Parts and Gap-Freeness

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    We define the notion of tt-free for locally restricted compositions, which means roughly that if such a composition contains a part cic_i and nearby parts are at least tt smaller, then cic_i can be replaced by any larger part. Two well-known examples are Carlitz and alternating compositions. We show that large parts have asymptotically geometric distributions. This leads to asymptotically independent Poisson variables for numbers of various large parts. Based on this we obtain asymptotic formulas for the probability of being gap free and for the expected values of the largest part and number distinct parts, all accurate to o(1)o(1)