659,862 research outputs found

    Where do we draw lines: professional relationship boundaries and the child and youth care practitioner

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    The question of professional relationship boundaries is a poignant one, in light of the many boundary grey-zones that are created by the variety of young people’s needs, practice settings and professional relationship contexts within the field of child and youth care. In order to support practitioners’ development of critical thought and awareness of professional boundaries, this paper applies a professional relationship boundaries conceptual framework to child and youth care work, and the literature is consulted to explore the impacts of boundary violations, influences on individual’s boundaries, cues to indicate blurring boundaries, and key strategies to maintain balanced boundaries

    'But you can't compare Malawi and Ireland!' - shifting boundaries in a globalised world

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    Although global influences - in the form of international finance coupled with discourses of partnership, participation, good governance, and democracy - exercise an increasing influence on national and local governance arrangements worldwide, comparative studies across the traditional South/North divide remain extremely rare. Drawing on findings from a comparative study of Malawi's PRSP and Ireland's national Social Partnership process, this article demonstrates that a shifting of conceptual boundaries beyond traditionally delineated geographic borders is not just valid but essential, in that it helps to reveal new perspectives on the politics underlying globalised development processes and the transformative potential of those processes

    Influences of spin accumulation on the intrinsic spin Hall effect in two dimensional electron gases with Rashba spin-orbit coupling

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    In a two dimensional electron gas with Rashba spin-orbit coupling, the external electric field may cause a spin Hall current in the direction perpendicular to the electric field. This effect was called the intrinsic spin Hall effect. In this paper, we investigate the influences of spin accumulation on this intrinsic spin Hall effect. We show that due to the existence of boundaries in a real sample, the spin Hall current generated by the intrinsic spin Hall effect will cause spin accumulation near the edges of the sample, and in the presence of spin accumulation, the spin Hall conductivity will not have a universal value. The influences of spin accumulation on the intrinsic spin Hall effect in narrow strips of two dimensional electron gases with Rashba spin-orbit coupling are investigated in detail.Comment: 7 pages, 2 figure

    Boundary drive induced formation of aggregate condensates in stochastic transport with short-range interactions

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    We discuss the effects of particle exchange through open boundaries and the induced drive on the phase structure and condensation phenomena of a stochastic transport process with tunable short-range interactions featuring pair-factorized steady states (PFSS) in the closed system. In this model, the steady state of the particle hopping process can be tuned to yield properties from the zero-range process (ZRP) condensation model to those of models with spa- tially extended condensates. By varying the particle exchange rates as well as the presence of a global drift, we observe a phase transition from a free particle gas to a phase with condensates aggregated to the boundaries. While this transition is similar to previous results for the ZRP, we find that the mechanism is different as the presence of the boundary actually influences the interaction due to the non-zero interaction range.Comment: 6 pages, 7 figure

    Effects of Space Charge, Dopants, and Strain Fields on Surfaces and Grain Boundaries in YBCO Compounds

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    Statistical thermodynamical and kinetically-limited models are applied to study the origin and evolution of space charges and band-bending effects at low angle [001] tilt grain boundaries in YBa2_2Cu3_3O7_7 and the effects of Ca doping upon them. Atomistic simulations, using shell models of interatomic forces, are used to calculate the energetics of various relevant point defects. The intrinsic space charge profiles at ideal surfaces are calculated for two limits of oxygen contents, i.e. YBa2_2Cu3_3O6_6 and YBa2_2Cu3_3O7_7. At one limit, O6_6, the system is an insulator, while at O7_7, a metal. This is analogous to the intrinsic and doping cases of semiconductors. The site selections for doping calcium and creating holes are also investigated by calculating the heat of solution. In a continuum treatment, the volume of formation of doping calcium at Y-sites is computed. It is then applied to study the segregation of calcium ions to grain boundaries in the Y-123 compound. The influences of the segregation of calcium ions on space charge profiles are finally studied to provide one guide for understanding the improvement of transport properties by doping calcium at grain boundaries in Y-123 compound.Comment: 13 pages, 5 figure