6 research outputs found

    Theory of periodically specified problems: Complexity and approximability

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    On Approximation Algorithms for Hierarchical MAX-SAT

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    We prove upper and lower bounds on performance guarantees of approximation algorithms for the Hierarchical MAX-SAT (H-MAX-SAT) problem. This problem is representative of a broad class of PSPACE-hard problems involving graphs, Boolean formulas and other structures that are defined succinctly. Our first result is that for some constant ffl ! 1, it is PSPACE-hard to approximate the function H-MAX-SAT to within ratio ffl. We obtain our result using a reduction from the language recognition problem for a model of PSPACE called the probabilistically checkable debate system. As an immediate application, we obtain nonapproximability results for functions on hierarchical graphs by combining our result with previously known approximation-preserving reductions to other problems. For example, it is PSPACE-hard to approximate H-MAX-CUT and H-MAX-INDEPENDENT-SET to within some constant factor. Our second result is that there is an efficient approximation algorithm for H-MAX-SAT with performance guar..