15 research outputs found

    On Approximating the Number of kk-cliques in Sublinear Time

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    We study the problem of approximating the number of kk-cliques in a graph when given query access to the graph. We consider the standard query model for general graphs via (1) degree queries, (2) neighbor queries and (3) pair queries. Let nn denote the number of vertices in the graph, mm the number of edges, and CkC_k the number of kk-cliques. We design an algorithm that outputs a (1+ε)(1+\varepsilon)-approximation (with high probability) for CkC_k, whose expected query complexity and running time are O\left(\frac{n}{C_k^{1/k}}+\frac{m^{k/2}}{C_k}\right)\poly(\log n,1/\varepsilon,k). Hence, the complexity of the algorithm is sublinear in the size of the graph for Ck=ω(mk/21)C_k = \omega(m^{k/2-1}). Furthermore, we prove a lower bound showing that the query complexity of our algorithm is essentially optimal (up to the dependence on logn\log n, 1/ε1/\varepsilon and kk). The previous results in this vein are by Feige (SICOMP 06) and by Goldreich and Ron (RSA 08) for edge counting (k=2k=2) and by Eden et al. (FOCS 2015) for triangle counting (k=3k=3). Our result matches the complexities of these results. The previous result by Eden et al. hinges on a certain amortization technique that works only for triangle counting, and does not generalize for larger cliques. We obtain a general algorithm that works for any k3k\geq 3 by designing a procedure that samples each kk-clique incident to a given set SS of vertices with approximately equal probability. The primary difficulty is in finding cliques incident to purely high-degree vertices, since random sampling within neighbors has a low success probability. This is achieved by an algorithm that samples uniform random high degree vertices and a careful tradeoff between estimating cliques incident purely to high-degree vertices and those that include a low-degree vertex

    Efficient Sampling Algorithms for Approximate Motif Counting in Temporal Graph Streams

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    A great variety of complex systems, from user interactions in communication networks to transactions in financial markets, can be modeled as temporal graphs consisting of a set of vertices and a series of timestamped and directed edges. Temporal motifs are generalized from subgraph patterns in static graphs which consider edge orderings and durations in addition to topologies. Counting the number of occurrences of temporal motifs is a fundamental problem for temporal network analysis. However, existing methods either cannot support temporal motifs or suffer from performance issues. Moreover, they cannot work in the streaming model where edges are observed incrementally over time. In this paper, we focus on approximate temporal motif counting via random sampling. We first propose two sampling algorithms for temporal motif counting in the offline setting. The first is an edge sampling (ES) algorithm for estimating the number of instances of any temporal motif. The second is an improved edge-wedge sampling (EWS) algorithm that hybridizes edge sampling with wedge sampling for counting temporal motifs with 33 vertices and 33 edges. Furthermore, we propose two algorithms to count temporal motifs incrementally in temporal graph streams by extending the ES and EWS algorithms referred to as SES and SEWS. We provide comprehensive analyses of the theoretical bounds and complexities of our proposed algorithms. Finally, we perform extensive experimental evaluations of our proposed algorithms on several real-world temporal graphs. The results show that ES and EWS have higher efficiency, better accuracy, and greater scalability than state-of-the-art sampling methods for temporal motif counting in the offline setting. Moreover, SES and SEWS achieve up to three orders of magnitude speedups over ES and EWS while having comparable estimation errors for temporal motif counting in the streaming setting.Comment: 27 pages, 11 figures; overlapped with arXiv:2007.1402

    Quantum Chebyshev's Inequality and Applications

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    In this paper we provide new quantum algorithms with polynomial speed-up for a range of problems for which no such results were known, or we improve previous algorithms. First, we consider the approximation of the frequency moments FkF_k of order k3k \geq 3 in the multi-pass streaming model with updates (turnstile model). We design a PP-pass quantum streaming algorithm with memory MM satisfying a tradeoff of P2M=O~(n12/k)P^2 M = \tilde{O}(n^{1-2/k}), whereas the best classical algorithm requires PM=Θ(n12/k)P M = \Theta(n^{1-2/k}). Then, we study the problem of estimating the number mm of edges and the number tt of triangles given query access to an nn-vertex graph. We describe optimal quantum algorithms that perform O~(n/m1/4)\tilde{O}(\sqrt{n}/m^{1/4}) and O~(n/t1/6+m3/4/t)\tilde{O}(\sqrt{n}/t^{1/6} + m^{3/4}/\sqrt{t}) queries respectively. This is a quadratic speed-up compared to the classical complexity of these problems. For this purpose we develop a new quantum paradigm that we call Quantum Chebyshev's inequality. Namely we demonstrate that, in a certain model of quantum sampling, one can approximate with relative error the mean of any random variable with a number of quantum samples that is linear in the ratio of the square root of the variance to the mean. Classically the dependency is quadratic. Our algorithm subsumes a previous result of Montanaro [Mon15]. This new paradigm is based on a refinement of the Amplitude Estimation algorithm of Brassard et al. [BHMT02] and of previous quantum algorithms for the mean estimation problem. We show that this speed-up is optimal, and we identify another common model of quantum sampling where it cannot be obtained. For our applications, we also adapt the variable-time amplitude amplification technique of Ambainis [Amb10] into a variable-time amplitude estimation algorithm.Comment: 27 pages; v3: better presentation, lower bound in Theorem 4.3 is ne