6 research outputs found

    On Anomaly Ranking and Excess-Mass Curves

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    Learning how to rank multivariate unlabeled observations depending on their degree of abnormality/novelty is a crucial problem in a wide range of applications. In practice, it generally consists in building a real valued "scoring" function on the feature space so as to quantify to which extent observations should be considered as abnormal. In the 1-d situation, measurements are generally considered as "abnormal" when they are remote from central measures such as the mean or the median. Anomaly detection then relies on tail analysis of the variable of interest. Extensions to the multivariate setting are far from straightforward and it is precisely the main purpose of this paper to introduce a novel and convenient (functional) criterion for measuring the performance of a scoring function regarding the anomaly ranking task, referred to as the Excess-Mass curve (EM curve). In addition, an adaptive algorithm for building a scoring function based on unlabeled data X1 , . . . , Xn with a nearly optimal EM is proposed and is analyzed from a statistical perspective

    How to Evaluate the Quality of Unsupervised Anomaly Detection Algorithms?

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    When sufficient labeled data are available, classical criteria based on Receiver Operating Characteristic (ROC) or Precision-Recall (PR) curves can be used to compare the performance of un-supervised anomaly detection algorithms. However , in many situations, few or no data are labeled. This calls for alternative criteria one can compute on non-labeled data. In this paper, two criteria that do not require labels are empirically shown to discriminate accurately (w.r.t. ROC or PR based criteria) between algorithms. These criteria are based on existing Excess-Mass (EM) and Mass-Volume (MV) curves, which generally cannot be well estimated in large dimension. A methodology based on feature sub-sampling and aggregating is also described and tested, extending the use of these criteria to high-dimensional datasets and solving major drawbacks inherent to standard EM and MV curves

    On Equivalence of Anomaly Detection Algorithms

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    In most domains anomaly detection is typically cast as an unsupervised learning problem because of the infeasability of labelling large datasets. In this setup, the evaluation and comparison of different anomaly detection algorithms is difficult. Although some work has been published in this field, they fail to account that different algorithms can detect different kinds of anomalies. More precisely, the literature on this topic has focused on defining criteria to determine which algorithm is better, while ignoring the fact that such criteria are meaningful only if the algorithms being compared are detecting the same kind of anomalies. Therefore, in this paper we propose an equivalence criterion for anomaly detection algorithms that measures to what degree two anomaly detection algorithms detect the same kind of anomalies. First, we lay out a set of desirable properties that such an equivalence criterion should have and why; second, we propose, Gaussian Equivalence Criterion (GEC) as equivalence criterion and show mathematically that it has the desirable properties previously mentioned. Finally, we empirically validate these properties using a simulated and a real-world dataset. For the real-world dataset, we show how GEC can provide insight about the anomaly detection algorithms as well as the dataset