17 research outputs found

    Fuzzy C-Mean And Genetic Algorithms Based Scheduling For Independent Jobs In Computational Grid

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    The concept of Grid computing is becoming the most important research area in the high performance computing. Under this concept, the jobs scheduling in Grid computing has more complicated problems to discover a diversity of available resources, select the appropriate applications and map to suitable resources. However, the major problem is the optimal job scheduling, which Grid nodes need to allocate the appropriate resources for each job. In this paper, we combine Fuzzy C-Mean and Genetic Algorithms which are popular algorithms, the Grid can be used for scheduling. Our model presents the method of the jobs classifications based mainly on Fuzzy C-Mean algorithm and mapping the jobs to the appropriate resources based mainly on Genetic algorithm. In the experiments, we used the workload historical information and put it into our simulator. We get the better result when compared to the traditional algorithms for scheduling policies. Finally, the paper also discusses approach of the jobs classifications and the optimization engine in Grid scheduling

    Ambientes de Clusters e Grids Computacionais: Características, Facilidades e Desafios

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    Muitos pesquisadores e organizações têm visto a utilização de clusters e grids computacionais como soluções viáveis para um maior desempenho de suas aplicações. Desta forma, é importante que as características diferenciadas desses ambientes sejam conhecidas. Este artigo tem como objetivo apresentar uma pesquisa destes dois ambientes, especificando suas peculiaridades, seus desafios e suascomplexidades. O conteúdo explorado neste trabalho permite uma visão ampla e objetiva sobre o uso destes dois paradigmas. Deste modo, serão mostradas as diferençasmais significativas destas configurações, em qual espaço podem ser utilizada e como estas formas de processamento podem ser consideradas complementares.

    Ambientes de Clusters e Grids Computacionais: Características, Facilidades e Desafios

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    Muitos pesquisadores e organizações têm visto a utilização de clusters e grids computacionais como soluções viáveis para um maior desempenho de suas aplicações. Desta forma, é importante que as características diferenciadas desses ambientes sejam conhecidas. Este artigo tem como objetivo apresentar uma pesquisa destes dois ambientes, especificando suas peculiaridades, seus desafios e suascomplexidades. O conteúdo explorado neste trabalho permite uma visão ampla e objetiva sobre o uso destes dois paradigmas. Deste modo, serão mostradas as diferençasmais significativas destas configurações, em qual espaço podem ser utilizada e como estas formas de processamento podem ser consideradas complementares.&nbsp

    A Novel Decentralized Fuzzy Based Approach for Grid Job

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    In this paper with the aid of fuzzy theory we present a new method for scheduling on Grid system. Grid computing is a technology to meet the growing computational requires. In fact grid computing is one of the most popular types of distributed system. Its aim is to produce an enormous, autonomous and effective virtual machine, and it is produced by collecting different nodes with the aim of sharing their data and computational power. This paper follows the identification of grid scheduling with the help of fuzzy theory and seeking to present a new method for grid scheduling with respect to exiting obstacles. In our method we use the intermediate load of nodes of each clusters, the average of computing power which determines the node premiership and job premiership as the input parameters of fuzzy system, and regarding to the output value of fuzzy system the suitable nodes determines. We evaluate the performance of our method with some grid scheduling methods. The results of the experiments show the efficiency of the proposed method in term of makespan and Standard deviation of the load of cluster

    Towards ServMark, an Architecture for Testing Grid Services

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    Technical University of Delft - Technical Report ServMark-2006-002, July 2006Grid computing provides a natural way to aggregate resources from different administrative domains for building large scale distributed environments. The Web Services paradigm proposes a way by which virtual services can be seamlessly integrated into global-scale solutions to complex problems. While the usage of Grid technology ranges from academia and research to business world and production, two issues must be considered: that the promised functionality can be accurately quantified and that the performance can be evaluated based on well defined means. Without adequate functionality demonstrators, systems cannot be tuned or adequately configured, and Web services cannot be stressed adequately in production environment. Without performance evaluation systems, the system design and procurement processes are limp, and the performance of Web Services in production cannot be assessed. In this paper, we present ServMark, a carefully researched tool for Grid performance evaluation. While we acknowledge that a lot of ground must be covered to fulfill the requirements of a system for testing Grid environments, and Web (and Grid) Services, we believe that ServMark addresses the minimal set of critical issues

    Workload Schedulers - Genesis, Algorithms and Comparisons

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    In this article we provide brief descriptions of three classes of schedulers: Operating Systems Process Schedulers, Cluster Systems, Jobs Schedulers and Big Data Schedulers. We describe their evolution from early adoptions to modern implementations, considering both the use and features of algorithms. In summary, we discuss differences between all presented classes of schedulers and discuss their chronological development. In conclusion, we highlight similarities in the focus of scheduling strategies design, applicable to both local and distributed systems

    Experiences with the KOALA co-allocating scheduler in multiclusters

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    An enhanced application model for scheduling in grid environments

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    Application scheduling in Grid computing requires information about tasks in each application, as well as a description of the available resources that the scheduler needs, to find an efficient assignment of tasks to resources. In this context, information about applications is provided by the application model. Most current models are restricted to only a few features, but in some cases, such as simulations, which are an important example of Grid applications, more detailed information is available. In this paper, we propose an enhanced application model based on the concept of task refinements, which provide the scheduler with fine-grained information and allow it to determine more efficient schedules than traditional approaches. We backup and show the feasibility of our model by means of experimental evaluations

    Job scheduling in a heterogenous grid environment

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    Strategic negotiation models for grid scheduling

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    One of the key requirements for Grid infrastructures is the ability to share resources with nontrivial qualities of service. However, resource management in a decentralized infrastructure is a complex task as it has to cope with di erent policies and objectives of the di erent resource providers and the resource users. This problem is further complicated due to the diversity of the resource types and the heterogeneity of their local resource management systems. Agreement-based resource management can be used to address these issues because in the negotiation process of creating such bilateral service level agreements (SLAs) between Grid parties, the di erent polices of the resource providers and the users will be abstracted and observed. Such negotiation processes should be automated with no or minimal human interaction, considering the potential scale of Grid systems and the amount of necessary transactions. Therefore, strategic negotiation models play important roles. In this thesis, we have made several novel research contributions which are as follows: - An agreement based resource management approach is analyzed. Requirements for the automatic negotiation problems in Grid computing are introduced. Furthermore, related work in the areas of economics and agent communities are investigated. - Several negotiation models and negotiation strategies are proposed and examined. Simulation results demonstrate that these proposed negotiation models are suitable and e ective for Grid environments. - Firstly, a strategic negotiation model using time-based negotiation strategies is proposed and evaluated using discrete event based simulation techniques. - Secondly, time-based negotiation strategies are quite limited in the dynamically changing Grid environment because they are quite simple and static; so learning based negotiation strategies are investigated and evaluated, which are quite exible and e ective in the dynamically changing Grid environment. Also we adopted negotiation strategies considering opportunistic functions for Grid scheduling. - Thirdly, it is usually necessary that resources from di erent resource providers are co-allocated to satisfy the complex requirements of the users, so a strategic negotiation model supporting co-allocation and the tradeo between "first" and "best" agreements in the Grid computing is also proposed and evaluated. - Finally, the contributions of the current research work to the WSNegotiation protocol are analyzed