6 research outputs found

    The Number of Ternary Words Avoiding Abelian Cubes Grows Exponentially

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    We show that the number of ternary words of length n avoiding abelian cubes grows faster than r^n, where r = 2^{1/24}NSERCcs.uwaterloo.ca/journals/JIS/VOL7/Currie/currie18.pd

    Pattern avoidance: themes and variations

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    AbstractWe review results concerning words avoiding powers, abelian powers or patterns. In addition we collect/pose a large number of open problems

    Fixed points avoiding Abelian kk-powers

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    We show that the problem of whether the fixed point of a morphism avoids Abelian kk-powers is decidable under rather general condition

    A powerful abelian square-free substitution over 4 letters

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    AbstractIn 1961, Paul Erdös posed the question whether abelian squares can be avoided in arbitrarily long words over a finite alphabet. An abelian square is a non-empty word uv, where u and v are permutations (anagrams) of each other. The case of the four letter alphabet Σ4={a,b,c,d} turned out to be the most challenging and remained open until 1992 when the author presented an abelian square-free (a-2-free) endomorphism g85 of Σ4∗. The size of this g85, i.e., |g85(abcd)|, is equal to 4×85 (uniform modulus). Until recently, all known methods for constructing arbitrarily long a-2-free words on Σ4 have been based on the structure of g85 and on the endomorphism g98 of Σ4∗ found in 2002.In this paper, a great many new a-2-free endomorphisms of Σ4∗ are reported. The sizes of these endomorphisms range from 4×102 to 4×115. Importantly, twelve of the new a-2-free endomorphisms, of modulus m=109, can be used to construct an a-2-free (commutatively functional) substitution σ109 of Σ4∗ with 12 image words for each letter.The properties of σ109 lead to a considerable improvement for the lower bound of the exponential growth of cn, i.e., of the number of a-2-free words over 4 letters of length n. It is obtained that cn>β−50βn with β=121/m≃1.02306. Originally, in 1998, Carpi established the exponential growth of cn by showing that cn>β−tβn with β=219/t=219/(853−85)≃1.000021, where t=853−85 is the modulus of the substitution that he constructs starting from g85

    Avoiding Patterns in the Abelian Sense

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    We classify all 3 letter patterns that are avoidable in the abelian sense. A short list of four letter patterns for which abelian avoidance is undecided is given. Using a generalization of Zimin words we deduce some properties of ω-words avoiding these patterns.Research of both authors supported by NSERC Operating Grants.https://www.cambridge.org/core/journals/canadian-journal-of-mathematics/article/avoiding-patterns-in-the-abelian-sense/42148B0781A38A6618A537AAD7D39B8

    Abelian repetitions in partial words

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    AbstractWe study abelian repetitions in partial words, or sequences that may contain some unknown positions or holes. First, we look at the avoidance of abelian pth powers in infinite partial words, where p>2, extending recent results regarding the case where p=2. We investigate, for a given p, the smallest alphabet size needed to construct an infinite partial word with finitely or infinitely many holes that avoids abelian pth powers. We construct in particular an infinite binary partial word with infinitely many holes that avoids 6th powers. Then we show, in a number of cases, that the number of abelian p-free partial words of length n with h holes over a given alphabet grows exponentially as n increases. Finally, we prove that we cannot avoid abelian pth powers under arbitrary insertion of holes in an infinite word